
Sunday 29 March 2015

AJK Public Agency seeks

- 32 public agents

- 1 from each tehsil (sub-division) of AJK


For him or her to be

1) Non-political 
- In terms of party affiliation or interest beyond those of a citizen of AJK desiring the State of AJK to be in control of its public affairs.

2) Business-free 
- Beyond or except being a recipient of subsistence rent or performing necessary duty as part of family network.

3) State Agencies-free
- To not be operating as an agent of any sovereign nation-state or similar entity beyond the borders figured at 84,471 sq. miles.

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024

0653hrs: Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli....