
Thursday 31 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 243 of 2023


The word milestone will become a cliche and thus we may refrain from using it in future.

Muzaffarabad has achieved the impossible, or so it seemed until very recently.


Wednesday 30 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 242 of 2023


We live in unprecedented times and thus must perform in an unprecedented manner.


We had the opportunity of visiting our border town of Holaar in Sehnsa where the local public have also set up a daily camp to notify the Pakistani State and their satraps in AJK that 'enough is enough'. This visit also coincided with Commander Farooq of Mong's visit to the area to sensitise the local conformist politician Pehlwan Bashir about the direction of the current rights movement in AJK:

We put 3 questions to Commander Farooq in reference to the Poonch Uprising in 1947; which culminated in the declaration of a provisional government in Junjaal Hill, Palandri on the 24th of October 1947: 

1) This declaration by Sardar Ibrahim (Available at this hyperlink) referenced the people of this territory as the reason why they rebelled against the Maharajah of Kashmir. Why has the people's reference been bypassed from that date in 1947 to this date in 2023, to the extent that we are on the cusp of another rebellion?

2) This declaration assured that all (religious) minorities in the State would be included in governance, yet far from being included they were ruthlessly driven out of what became AJK. His thoughts on that?

3) This declaration made it clear that they wanted to enjoy equally peaceful and fruitful relations with their neighbours India and Pakistan. Yet, this government was and continues to remain biased towards Pakistan. Indeed, the latter expects the people here to remain blindly faithful to this territory's accession to Pakistan. How did such a 'switch' occur?


Tuesday 29 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 241 of 2023


A much needed letter for the United Nations Secretary General will be delivered today.


Monday 28 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 240 of 2023


There is a time for everything and such time has arrived for many a pending action.


Sunday 27 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 239 of 2023


The 3 day gap in blogging has been for purely logistical reasons. Our daily record - for the year - has been dented further but we have made a lot of progress on many other fronts.


Wednesday 23 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 235 of 2023


We have reached yet another milestone. 

After much travelling from south (Dadyaal - Mirpur) to north (Keran - Neelam Valley) and then back south to Kotli, we have commenced our work on another public activity.

We focus our attention now on the Pakistani State's centre of 'intelligence' in the city, near Dharang Chowk.

It is obvious that they know that they are operating in our territory without a legal reference and they know that we know too. 

A country that claims to exist for the protection of Muslim welfare in the Indian subcontinent has worked as hard as India to ensure the fundamental rights of all humans (Muslims and non-Muslims) in the divided territory of JKA are kept in denial indefinitely.

Incarcerating aspiring local citizens like Lala Sarfaraz of this territory for seeking the withdrawal of Indian & Pakistani troops from here is obviously considered an unforgiveable crime. We visited Lala this morning and gave him much needed medicine which he had been deprived of and assured him that he would be released as soon as our message is felt by the aforementioned State agencies of Pakistan.    

The barefoot walk I undertook on the 14th of August ended prematurely on the 16th of August after covering 18 kilometres from Dadyaal to Rajdhani, as the blisters on my feet had made it impossible for me to stand, let alone walk. The discussions that ensued on the 17th of August 2023 at Naar police station ended with a promise that Lala Sarfaraz's matter would be resolved in a week. I shortened it to 4 4 days despite my conscience and mind not being convinced of any of the reasons for the delay.

Not 4 but 7 days have now elapsed and we have made it clear as a public policy prescription that political prisoners in AJK would now be confronted with zero tolerance. It makes a mockery of the provisional government declaration on October 24 1947 which referenced the people's misery under autocracy as the reason for rebellion. How can a government born out of a rebellion create political prisoners? With what face do we tell the world that we demand the release of our political prisoners in Jammu and Srinagar?

I will continue waiting under the shade of a tree on the roadside, almost equidistant from Pakistan's clandestine agencies - who ordered Lala Sarfaraz's arrest and detention - and the main road at Dharang Chowk.    


Tuesday 22 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 234 of 2023


Reached Muzaffarabad in the early hours of the morning. There is always a lot to do here and many a people to meet in a very short time frame. Endemic corruption combined with rising ecological concerns shape our image of the city.


Monday 21 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 233 of 2023


Still in Neelam while the 4 day deadline for Pakistan's clandestine agencies to release all our political prisoners (ref. Lala Sarfaraz) and to ensure there are no such arrests in future.

We will release a video statement shortly to let them know that at any moment in any part of AJK daily life will come to a standstill and there is no more scope for negotiations with the middle man viz. the local AJK administration.


Sunday 20 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 232 of 2023


Waking up in Athmaqam, after a 10 hour journey that began when we left Dadyaal at c. 1130hrs yesterday. 


Saturday 19 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 231 of 2023


Shooting northwards despite incomplete feet recovery to attend a wedding in Athmaqam. If I don't attend, the invitee may not speak to me for another year and I don't want to lose anybody.


Friday 18 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 230 of 2023


Feet recovery is going well...I should be able to walk properly by the 20th, in my estimation. 


Thursday 17 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 229 of 2023


Recuperating from my feet injuries reluctantly.

We gave an ultimatum of 4 days to the Pakistani State to release all political prisoners in AJK and to refrain from manipulating our administration to keep public opinion in check:


Wednesday 16 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 228 of 2023


By late evening yesterday, my feet had swollen to the extent that I couldn't even stand, let alone walk. I knew that I had to carry on rather than return back home to rest and recuperate. Political prisoners in our territory are increasing by the day and we could reach Indian-administered or occupied Jammu Kashmir proportions - at some point - if it continues so.

Thus, with a heavy heart and knowing that I cannot walk for the foresee-able future, I took to driving the vehicle at my disposal with the parts of my right foot that are still intact. My left foot has taken the brunt of barefoot walking and will take some time to recover. I have reached Naar - passing through Rajhdani without being able to engage the people there - and will proceed to Gulpur at some point today.

In total, I walked barefoot for about 18 kilometres in total. 15 kilometres on the day before yesterday and about 3 kilometres yesterday.

Gulpur will be a make or break destination for public interest in AJK, of that I am certain.


Tuesday 15 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 227 of 2023


My feet have swelled overnight and there are blisters to tend to too. Nevertheless, determination remains at optimum levels. Hosts on my barefoot journey are aplenty and thus our people are well on track for world-class governance.

I will proceed towards Naar from Jarai soon after the sun moves in a downward direction viz. at c. 1400hrs which is about the same time as yesterday.


By the day's end, the condition of my feet have become critical:


Monday 14 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 226 of 2023


Another black day in the history of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas, the 77th in fact.

Plenty of cheating on the part of Pakistan on display in Dadyaal too. Watch the following video for a detailed explanation:


I'm also preparing for my barefoot walk from Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square to Gulpur, which should commence by about 1300hrs.


I eventually left at about 1400hrs. Here is some further footage:

Some co-citizens joined me in solidarity up to Amb:

The walk lasted about 6 hours and I covered about 15 kilometres - taking breaks at intervals of about every 3-4 kilometres.....the asphalt on the road was hot, the cemented sides were less hot and walking on grass where possible was almost akin to walking with shoes. It wasn't easy though and I had to tread each step carefully to ensure I didn't land on any glass, sharp stone or poisonous creature.

It is amazing how nature always intervenes when the going gets tough. My burning feet were given respite by a blizzard of rain after just an hour of walking!

Upon reaching Jarai, I released a final video:

To top off the day - which in many senses was a victory for public interest - the following short video should give our enemies some food for thought:

As it can't be embedded, here's a link


Saturday 12 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 224 of 2023


What I'm witnessing in Mirpur since arriving in the city yesterday evening is as hilarious as it is diabolical.

The Pakistanis have gone all out to try and give the impression that the people of AJK want to be a part of Pakistan. They've set out stalls throughout the city selling their flags and other paraphernalia, including children's clothes.


Friday 11 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 223 of 2023


Our dear friend and serious activist Lala Sarfaraz was abducted from his home city of Kotli on the day before yesterday (09 August 2023) while we were conducting #AJKReferendum2023 on the LOC in Smaahni. We understand that the local police are denying any knowledge of the abduction. Lala Sarfaraz is outspoken, straightforward and sincere in his approach to the occupiers of his motherland. We are waiting for the reaction of his party JKLF (T) before we take appropriate steps for resolution.

The following footage is from Kotli city a few hours after Lala Sarfaraz's abduction:


Thursday 10 August 2023

Wednesday 9 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 221 of 2023


Life on the LOC....understanding the many steps in the sequence of migration. From the Indian-administered side of JKA to this side. Then migrating further west to district Mirpur before emigrating to the lands of Europe.


Tuesday 8 August 2023

Monday 7 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 219 of 2023


Putting everything in the right place prepares one for all eventualities.


Sunday 6 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 218 of 2023


Chugging along like a steam engine and trying to ensure the coal does not run out.

Such is the metaphor for the life of an activist in AJK.


Saturday 5 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 217 of 2023


Time is like a capsule and everyone receives their own dosage. What we individually make of the dosage we receive is what matters ultimately. 


Friday 4 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 216 of 2023


It is a heated battle at times and one should always be ready to overcome whatever comes in the way. 


Thursday 3 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 215 of 2023


This is a lot closer to the time that I should log our daily entry. The optimum time according to an optimum daily routine would be at 0600hrs.


Wednesday 2 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 214 of 2023


This is a lot better. The timing of logging this daily entry needs to improve by roughly 6 hours at least. 

We are working on it and we will get there.


At close of day:

Tuesday 1 August 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 213 of 2023


It is one's own responsibility and power to use their time as productively as possible. 

The nature of a public activist's work is that they have to commit time to an increasing number of their own people, irrespective of the individual productivity of each response.

It is alas a number's game, like any other idea or initiative floated amongst mankind.


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 295 of 2024

1600hrs: Getting smarter and as time-conscious as ever.  ....beware the skilled deviation artist, who serpentines others away from public in...