
Saturday, 31 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 365 of 2022


Day 209 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
141 days on time or early of 209
Punctuality surplus = 25 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: The last day of the year should not have been late but the morning fog delayed us from arriving back from Plaigalla in Sehnsa, in time. A long story but no excuses offered. This photo was taken of the eastern gate, directly opposite the main gate where we usually take our daily photo upon entry.

Friday, 30 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 364 of 2022


Day 208 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
141 days on time or early of 208
Punctuality surplus = 46 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 7 days


Thursday, 29 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 363 of 2022


Day 207 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
140 days on time or early of 207
Punctuality surplus = 46 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 6 days


Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 362 of 2022


Day 206 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
139 days on time or early of 206
Punctuality surplus = 46 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 5 days


Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 361 of 2022


Day 205 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 67%

138 days on time or early of 205

Punctuality surplus = 46 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Monday, 26 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 360 of 2022


Day 204 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
137 days on time or early of 204
Punctuality surplus = 46 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


Sunday, 25 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 359 of 2022


Day 203 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 67%

136 days on time or early of 203

Punctuality surplus = 44 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


Today was the day that I had to scrub human waste off the pathway in Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Chowk:


The following is an acute example of the absence of health facilities in AJK. For how much longer do we have to endure such despicable governance?


Saturday, 24 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 358 of 2022


Day 202 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
135 days on time or early of 202
Punctuality surplus = 44 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day


Friday, 23 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 357 of 2022


Day 201 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
134 days on time or early of 201
Punctuality surplus = 44 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: Today was easily the coldest day of this year's onset of winter so far. Despite a marked gradual improvement in our punctuality over 201 days, we are still vulnerable to lapses - on average - once every 10 days. Having said that, there is still no reason why we cannot improve it to 100% of what is left of the year.

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 356 of 2022


Day 200 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
134 days on time or early of 200
Punctuality surplus = 49 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 8 days


Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 355 of 2022


Day 199 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
133 days on time or early of 199
Punctuality surplus = 48 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 7 days


Facebook makes a point of sharing old memories. This was a time when our 'rights struggle' was perceived as utter stupidity and sheer madness:


Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 354 of 2022


Day 198 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 67%

132 days on time or early of 198

Punctuality surplus = 48 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 6 days


Monday, 19 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 353 of 2022


Day 197 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
131 days on time or early of 197
Punctuality surplus = 47 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 5 days


Sunday, 18 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 352 of 2022


Day 196 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
130 days on time or early of 196
Punctuality surplus = 47 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Regularity is of the essence:


We've had to unnecessarily endure a lot, despite being the most precious territory in the world:


Saturday, 17 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 351 of 2022


Day 195 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
129 days on time or early of 195
Punctuality surplus = 43 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


Friday, 16 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 350 of 2022


Day 194 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
128 days on time or early of 194
Punctuality surplus = 43 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


As part of my daily reading on Quora I came across the following notes, which may be very telling about our water dilemma, even though it discusses the water relationship between 2 of our neighbours and not us in JKA:

What is the water conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan?

Its a matter of greed. 

Pakistan is drowning in water and Afghanistan is facing extreme drought. Pakistan is against Afghanistan diverting excess water that leaves Afghanistan, goes into Pakistan, then ends up in the Indian ocean. Pakistan insists on Afghanistan sending all its water to Pakistan so that it may be wasted by ending up in the ocean rather than Afghanistan using that water to green itself.

Afghanistan has tremendous hydro-power potential. Pakistan wants Afghanistan to be dependant on ridiculously inflated foreign electricity rates rather than generate its own and to benefit its people.

End of Quora reference (reference is in hyperlink 'Quora' at the beginning of this post. 


Thursday, 15 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 349 of 2022


Day 193 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 66%

127 days on time or early of 193

Punctuality surplus = 42 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day


Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 348 of 2022


Day 192 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
126 days on time or early of 192
Punctuality surplus = 40 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: The same Square but a different angle. It was a late night due to the 1st semi-final of FIFA's World Cup in Qatar. However, one must always take responsibility for their own punctuality lapse, even if it just constituted 32 seconds of error. The margins can be thin. We begin a new punctuality consistency quest tomorrow.


Tuesday, 13 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 347 of 2022


Day 191 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
126 days on time or early of 191
Punctuality surplus = 41 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 7 days


It wold be more prudent to log all my engagement with academic sources, rather than leave these discussions to be accounted for in my downtime work:

Responding to:

'Participatory Deliberative Democracy Mechanisms for Peacebuilding'

by Marcia D. Mundt Ph.D.


I think the concept is great and in the context of conflict zones, there is no better or more genuinely sustainable methodology than to transfer the responsibility of peace to those most affected by conflict. I have been such a practitioner in a conflict zone for the past 18 years. 

I wrote a well referenced article on this subject about 11 years ago:

I would be keen to read about other such examples of 'Participatory Deliberative Democracy Mechanisms for Peacebuilding' in other parts of the world.



Monday, 12 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 346 of 2022


Day 190 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
125 days on time or early of 190
Punctuality surplus = 37 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 6 days


Sunday, 11 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 345 of 2022


Day 189 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 66%
124 days on time or early of 189
Punctuality surplus = 33 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 5 days

Note: Today's photo was taken inches away from the Square, to avoid any disruption to our punctuality. As intimated in earlier posts, for the past few weeks I have been meaning to walk to the Square from home, rather than hitch a pillion ride on a motorcycle or a lift in a car. In that I have succeeded, thereby improving the qualitative aspect of my punctuality at the Square.


The following report was published by Dr Nazir Gilani - renowned jurist of UN template on Jammu Kashmir & Allied (areas) - about a week ago. Such is my 18 hour day that I have just today pounced on the opportunity to reference it, despite its more immediate merit:

There are many relevant points for all those interested in JKA but the following extract is relevant for our Twitter Space today:

Dr Nazir Gilani has referenced the Maghar Singh Case (J & K High Court May 1953) on Pages 24, 25 and 26 of his December 2022 Report 'Indian Action of 5 August 2019: Jurisprudence of Kashmir Case'

Here's the exact text he has written:

(Page 24 below)

Residuary Sovereignty of the State

Locally the leadership of Indian Administered (now occupied) Jammu and Kashmir (and even the leadership of Azad Kashmir and GB) could challenge the Indian action as a breach of the terms of ‘provisional accession’. These terms of accession have been fully examined in the Maghar Singh case by Janki Nath Wazir CJ and Shahmiri J of the J & K High Court in May 1953. Commenting on the status of the Accession the judgement reads:

[(c) While the Maharajah of Kashmir was under the Paramountcy of the British Crown before the partition of India from 15.8.1947 under Section 7, Indian Independence Act (10 & 11 Geo VI Ch.30) passed by the British Parliament suzerainty of His Majesty over the Indian States lapsed and all functions exercisable by His Majesty at that date with respect to the State of

(Page 25 below)

Jammu and Kashmir, all obligations of His Majesty towards the Jammu and Kashmir State or the ruler thereof and all powers, rights, authority or jurisdiction exercisable by His Majesty at that date in relation to the State of Jammu and Kashmir by treaty or otherwise lapsed and the State became an independent and sovereign State in the full sense of the International Law. Thus whatever limits to the sovereignty of His Highness in relation to matters coming within the sphere of paramountcy existed before 15.8.1947, these ceased to exist and His Highness became an uncontrolled and absolute sovereign even in relation to such spheres from that. 

Now let us examine what was the effect of the execution of the Instrument of Accession by his Highness on 26.10.1947. This Instrument of Accession which was executed by the Ruler of the independent and sovereign State of Jammu and Kashmir was executed by him under Section 6, Government of India Act 1935, as adapted by the Indian (Provisional Constitution) Order 1947. By executing this Instrument of Accession the Ruler on behalf of the State acceded to the Dominion of India with the object that certain authorities specified in Section 6 (1) (a) shall by virtue of the Instrument of Accession, but subject always to the terms thereof; and for the purposes only of the Dominion, exercise in relation to the State such functions as would be vested in them by or under the Act. 

It is clear that, even if the Instrument of Accession had not made any specific reservations therein, the Instrument read with Section 6, Government of India Act would leave the residuary sovereignty of the State entirely unaffected. But the Instrument of Accession does not leave this important matter to be determined by implication alone. 

Clause 8 of the Instrument of Accession runs as follows:

“Nothing in this Instrument affects the continuance of my sovereignty in and over the State, or, save as provided by or under this Instrument, the exercise of any powers, authority & rights, now enjoyed by me as Ruler of this State or validity of any law at present in force in this State.”

“In view of this clear and express reservation we see that no change whatsoever was affected in the residuary sovereignty of the State or the power of the Ruler so far as the succession of the State to the Dominion of India was concerned.”

The division bench in Magher Singh v Principal Secretary J&K Government case has examined the status of Article 370 and said “A careful examination of this article would show that it in no way altered the basis of relationship between the State and the Union of India. The residuary sovereignty of the State and the powers of its Ruler in matters other than those specified in the Instrument of Accession remained unaffected. The purpose for which Article 370 was incorporated in the Indian Constitution is clear from the language of the article itself. This is also apparent from the speeches made by the prominent members of the Government of India who were responsible for drafting this article and piloting it thorough the Constituent

(Page 26 below)

Assembly. On 12.10.1949 this is what the late Sardar Patel, Deputy Leader of the Congress Party, Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for States said in the Constituent Assembly on this Subject:-

“In view of the special problem with which the Jammu and Kashmir Government is faced, we have made special provision for the continuance of the relationship of the State with the Union on the existing basis.”

The most recent examination of the terms of a relationship with India has been carried out in The State Autonomy Committee report published in July 2000. On 29 November 1996, the State Government had set up a Committee to examine the question of restoration of autonomy to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The 9-member Committee was chaired by Dr. Karan Singh. It has made clear that Jammu and Kashmir had agreed to a limited relationship on three subjects and the State has never merged with the union of India. This report was adopted by both houses of the J&K Assembly.

End of excerpts in relation to Maghar Singh Case (J & K High Court May 1953)


As an aspiring citizen of a neutral Jammu Kashmir & Allied (areas) - JKA I tend not to commentate on the internal affairs of any of my neighbouring countries, partly in a bid to set them an example to stop interfering in what are essentially our matters.

However, since I've been repeatedly invited to comment on this paper I would just highlight the following:

1) The whole idea of Pakistan's creation (to supposedly defend Global Islam in the shape of a fortress after the idea of defending Indian Muslims wasn't found appealing enough to Indian Muslim voters) was and continues to be a hoax. 

2) The Pakistani State has almost carte blanche to do whatever it wants to its citizens and even its neighbours as long as it doesn't interfere with the larger scheme of global geopolitics, which Pakistan has been designed to be subservient to. Likewise, it can spend whatever it receives from foreign donors or benefactors in whatever way it likes, subject to any conditions set by these donors and benefactors.

The list of countries that Pakistan has been created and designed to benefit at the cost of all humanity living in its neighbourhood has increased over the decades. While the moral compass of all those of its citizens oblivious to all above factors, continues to sink. 

The example that you have given in this paper is a mere symptom of this figment of British colonial imagination called Pakistan.



We must never forget, even if we wish to forgive:


Saturday, 10 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 344 of 2022


Day 188 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 65%
123 days on time or early of 188
Punctuality surplus = 33 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Friday, 9 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 343 of 2022


Day 187 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 65%
122 days on time or early of 187
Punctuality surplus = 31 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


Learning from another Quora note:

US-Pakistan relationship is highly one-sided. 

Pissing off Pakistani leadership is not such as big deal for the US. Pakistan is not a major trade partner nor has a big geopolitical lever (allies of Pakistan are also allies of US for the most part). US-India relationship is a little more important for the US in terms of trade, technology and diplomacy.

There will be political trouble in the UN if US enters Indian space. In the Osama case, not many have sympathies for Pakistan. No other country protested. Everyone kind of believed that Pakistan was actively aiding Al-Qaeda. 


Thursday, 8 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 342 of 2022


Day 186 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 65%
121 days on time or early of 186
Punctuality surplus = 31 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


Coming across a tweet from yesteryear:

I would like to add a note about his son Omar Asghar Khan who was a multi talented politician and development expert, who gave much to Pakistan and its citizens but as per norm in that ill fated country, he was allegedly killed for his efforts, aged 48. 


Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 341 of 2022


Day 185 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 65%
120 days on time or early of 185
Punctuality surplus = 24 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day

Note: Back to normal almost. The walk nearly delayed me, hence the photo a few metres before the Square. 


Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 340 of 2022


Day 184 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 65%

119 days on time or early of 184

Punctuality surplus = 24 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: Despite beating the punctuality trap for 15 days in a row, it broke once again today. Back to square 1. 


Monday, 5 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 339 of 2022


Day 183 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 65%
119 days on time or early of 183
Punctuality surplus = 35 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 15 days


Sunday, 4 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 338 of 2022


Day 182 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 65%

118 days on time or early of 182

Punctuality surplus = 30 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 14 days

Note: We've hopefully overcome the risk of losing punctuality by walking from home to the Square, as opposed to hitching a pillion ride. The previous 2 days were touch and go with this new experiment but today we managed to reach the Square with 2 minutes to spare. These minute qualitative improvements are what give us strength for the more difficult tasks ahead.


Here's a deeply insightful interview of Munir Ali, father of the now almost infamous cricketer Moeen Ali of England & Dadyaal:

One amongst many telling points in the interview was that Munir Ali had originally wanted his sons and nephews to represent Pakistan in cricket but the Pakistanis wanted bribes in order to facilitate them. This is what I describe as the death of human capital, which the Pakistanis have mastered the art of. To their own detriment of course but not that they understand that.


Regularity is strength:


Saturday, 3 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 337 of 2022


Day 181 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 65%

117 days on time or early of 181

Punctuality surplus = 28 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 13 days

Note: As yesterday, the photo was taken on approach to the Square, primarily in order to maintain the habit of walking from home rather than hitching a pillion ride, as I have done on many occasions before. In a sense, I'm now also trying to improve the qualitative aspects of being punctual and not just the quantitative aspect which hopefully has been tamed now. For example, the punctuality metrics for the month of November was 90% compared to the overall metric of 65% over 181 days. It should also be noted that the picture above was taken 12 seconds late but that was on account of the sun dominating the photo for about 30 seconds before it was taken. 


The following video affects our dilemma almost as much as the video posted yesterday, in reference to British colonialism. Except that this may be described as the inner layer of the much broader phenomenon of British colonialism:

As customary, I left a comment here too:

This video gives great insight into why Pakistan is designed to be a mess. It also gives clues to why there is a 'Kashmir' problem. Geographic revision is indispensable. What the British did wrong must be put right.

Taking cue from the video above, the following note subscribes to the famous English line: "Not a lot of people know that!"

83 kms from Sehr Kakuta to Islamabad

Indian soldiers are only 83 kms away from Pakistan's capital (Kakuta to Islamabad)..and have been for 76 years..Pakistan has a weak defence all the way from the Arabian Sea to Siachen, certainly in conventional military terms.

Thus, JKA of massive strategic value to Pakistan....not least because it provides a vast human and natural shield from India, practically all the way north of Sialkot to Siachen.

Siachen Glacier is 6,000 metres or 19,685.04 feet high from sea level.


Friday, 2 December 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 336 of 2022


Day 180 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 64%

116 days on time or early of 180

Punctuality surplus = 28 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 12 days

Note: Today's photo was taken a few metres before reaching the Square, solely to ensure that I didn't break my punctuality performance by a few seconds, as has happened on some previous occasions. I did have the option of hitching a pillion ride to arrive at the Square a few minutes before 0800hrs but I wanted to maintain the habit of walking the distance from home.


A snapshot history lesson that still directly affects us today in Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas (JKA):

The comment that I left there:

A very sharp and concise analysis. Should be part of the history curriculum in the United Kingdom and throughout all those territories that it ever controlled, including those where it still holds influence.

I also felt the following part of the commentary in the video was important too:


"Britain went and ruled territories through proclamation rather than treaties...with the usual narrative that they came to civilise the locals..."


The following is an acute example of the legacy of British colonialism:

The article above can be accessed here.


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 19 of 2025

0500hrs: 3 days in a row is good going.  ....