
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Solidarity with Kashmir from a concerned Pakistani Citizen

Assalaam o Alaikum

Hopefully you will be fine and enjoying the struggle of Kashmir Independence. 

Its nice to see you struggling and striving for the independence of Kashmir which is the paradise on earth.

In my view the only solution of the Kashmir issue is the combine Kashmir and the indian occupied and Azad Kashmir both should be combined to make it a new country. Algamation with Pakistan or India is not possible and that is not the solution.

It is in the supreme interest of Kashmir, Pakistan and India to make Kashmir an independent country and to make is a democratic state.

Infact Pakistani and Indian politicians are using Kashmir as Political weapon and its their vote bank and playing fool with their fellow men.

Every Pakistani and Indian Government has deepen the problems of the Kashmiris and believe me the world powers such as USA< Great brittian and other forces dont want Kashmir's independence and with the solution of this issue there will be no military importance of the area.

Pakistan and Indian governments are using Kashmir to take AID from different countries and NGOs.

I appreciate your sincere efforts and wish you all the best for your struggle.

May! Allah bless you with success. Ameen Sum Ameen.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Married to the Devil

I'm really angry, disappointed and dismayed with AJK journalism's implicit liasion with the forces that block our progress...Here's one good reason why...

As I get ready to sleep after a gruelling day that followed a night of working on our national cause (hence no sleep for over 40 hours), I'm still coming to terms with a request cum veiled threat from an AJK Journalist earlier this evening; asking me and then insisting that I delete a Youtube video interview that I done with him. If a journalist in this age of social media wishes to censor his most precious tool (his voice) and restrict his right to freely express his opinion on a public issue, less his coveted job comes into question: then he must change his profession. 

For how much longer are we going to sacrifice our national question (cause), surrender our right to control and own our destiny for fear of personal progress being jeopardised? My final answer to him was a resounding NO. (Details of SMS to him will be up on shortly) 

A neutral Kashmir 

Post Updated (09/11/2018):

Ref. ZABMUN : From Kashmir to Palestine, students talk about diplomacy

This is an article published on the 11th of this month and needed to be added, as it has a rare example of a Swiss diplomat talking at a public gathering, in the most unusual of countries: Pakistan.

The news item hyper-linked above begins with, 

“It is all about neutrality,” said Elizabeth Bucher, the Consulate General of Switzerland and chief guest at the annual Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Model United Nations (ZABMUN) that opened on Thursday. “This helps Switzerland evade war and internal conflict.”


At the time, I couldn't help writing this in a prominent news group:


Tanveer Ahmed


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Awami Raj in early years (1947) was a complete travesty! (Guest Post)

Professor Manohar Nath Tikoo (Narrator)

The State was under dual control; Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah an emergency Head and Mehar Chand Mahajan the Prime Minister of J&K State, headed by Mahraja Hari Singh Bahadur, Mahraja Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Gilgat ve Tibetha.


Anantnag - Kashmir

(i)    Omkar Nath Kachroo from Rainawari - Srinagar
(ii)   Mirza Mohammad Afzal Beig (Emergency Head from National Conference.
(iii)  Pundit Rugh Nath Matoo, Dy. Commissioner, Anantnagh 1947 in the Government of the   then Mahraja Hari Singh Bahadur, Mahraja Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh ve Tibet ha.

(iv)  Soom Nath Koul, Office Superintendent to DC Anantnagh - Kashmir : he was from Srinagar and living in close neighbourhood of Prof. M N Tikoo.

(v)   SHO, Ram Chand Kishtwari, a good looking, tall, fair complexioned personality.
(vi)  Nand Lal Reshi who accompanied handcuffed Prof. M N Tikoo to give him moral support.

Prof. M N Tikoo: 

“I chanced to see Omkar Nath Kachroo from Rainawari, one of my classmates (DAV College, Srinagar) in one of the lanes near bus stand Anantnagh. We exchanged pleasantries and parted. I told my father that I met one of my friends and classmate at the bus stand. My father directed me to rush back and invite my friend on morning meal the next day. Next day, I went to some neighbour’s to call one of the family on the morning meal. To my surprise, in the neighbour’s yard, I was surrounded by a team of Policemen. Knowing that I am Manohar Nath Tikoo, they handcuffed me with a grass rope as the iron ones were out of stock. I could understand that I was being shadowed by CID people for the last 24 hours. They asked me if I knew Omkar Nath Kachroo and if he was at my place. I replied that he was my classmate and he was expected any time to have lunch at my place. My father and Nand Lal Reshi accompanied me for moral support. I was taken for interrogation to the hostel of Hanfia School. Many like me had to wait in the courtyard of the hostel for their call by the authorities upstairs. 

Late in the evening, darkness all around as those days Anantnagh had no electricity, someone called Manohar Nath is called to present himself before the authorities upstairs. I, handcuffed in a grass rope responded and went to the hall in dim light of some gas lamp. In the hall Mirza Afzal Beig was surrounded by DC Rugh Nath Matoo, his office Superintendent Soom Nath Koul, Advocate Damoodar Bhat, Manohar Nath Karihaloo(Koul), SHO Ram Ji Kishtwari. Beigh Sahib questioned my connections with Onkar nath Kachroo, who was alleged to be affiliated with RSS. I humbly said that my articles published in Hamdard and Navyug will speak for  my innocence and without any link with RSS. If Nehru and Ali Mohammad Jinah can share the same dining table what wrong have I done if I invited a friend of mine from the city for a meal as per the age-old tradition of villagers? Beigh Sahib said that I ought to have been a lawyer. I said: “Sir, if will let me go, I will go for LLb. 

Beigh Sahib turned to the SHO and asked him to go through my articles and proceed accordingly. For four days I had to go to the Police station to get myself marked….."

First appeared courtesy of B K Dass (Kashnet Yahoogroups)
- (Video talk of Professor Manohar Nath Tikoo is on his facebook page)

Monday, 7 November 2011


Paraphrasing Slavoj Zizek
"We need good old-fashioned Utilitarian egotism to combat greedy capitalism, not Christian morality."


Blind pursuit of profit drives evolution.....

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 40 of 2025

1253hrs: 7 hours and 53 minutes later than intended. Poor or absent connectivity is a given in our territory, until we restore the 'Righ...