
Saturday, 30 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 334 of 2019


Another day in court where arguments for the defence and prosecution were to be heard. However, the Qazi (judge in Islamic terminology) despite giving a date yesterday - for today - was absent. We will now return to his court on the 3rd of December (this coming Tuesday).

As reiterated on Facebook:


We are continuing to receive coverage in the local Urdu press. In more than one publication now:

Daily Kashmir Uzma - Muzaffarabad (Urdu)

Back Page (1 of 2)

Back Page (2 of 2)

Page 3 Section 19

The Daily Siyasat also gave us coverage:

Daily Siyasat - Muzaffarabad (Urdu)

Front Page

These are positive indications from a public interest point of view. One, most local newspapers concentrate on acting as commercial advertising space for the Pakistani narrative, local politicians and for overall bolstering of perceptions for the imposed governance set-up, laced with rhetoric. Secondly, they charge people for publicity as advertising revenue doesn't quite fulfil the needs of the employees or the owners of the newspapers. The structure is such that media is sucked into the black hole of power and corruption. 

Giving coverage to public interest and on their own initiative - without payment or enticement - can be considered to be a positive step for civil society in AJK. Especially, if it remains consistent and sustains itself.


With the deluge of information and analysis on virtually every topic of consequence available via social media on a daily basis, one has to fend off the temptation to delve into matters that have no direct impact on the State of Jammu & Kashmir's (re)formation project. However, the following is one such video that I felt compelled to watch for its bold initiative in examining China's role in East Turkistan or what China insists on calling 'Xinjiang'. What our people in the various parts of J & K endure is still on a scale a few notches below what China is evidently doing there but the pattern of repression is very similar:

Now, I would like to point out that we (the aspiring citizens of J & K) have bones to pick with each of the 5 following countries that are preventing us from naturally progressing as a nation State viz. China, India, Pakistan, UK and USA. We maintain our aspiration to remain neutral in principle. We are not highlighting China's crimes against humanity because we want to show USA in a good light etc. 

We are concerned that the country with which we share our longest border; remains engaged in forcibly integrating those areas which are geographically on its periphery and are not part of the mainstream Han Chinese population viz. Tibet and Xinjiang. As these areas are conterminous with us and thus have huge stakes for China especially given their keenness to expand their OBOR (One Belt One Road) project through our territory (via GB in particular), compounded by the fact that China has no democratic tradition puts a very serious dilemma in front of us. 

While we are engaged in avenues of activating global civil society in mature democracies such as UK and USA and while India and Pakistan are still struggling with nationhood in their own realms we see no such avenue to address China's stance on Jammu & Kashmir.


Friday, 29 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 333 of 2019


Waking up early has to become the norm from now on, despite the onset of winter.

Winter didn't prevent us from the following either:

This was an angle too. A few hours of walking and sitting from Bank Road to the Courts followed by walking to the police station where my sandals - missing since the early hours of October the 26th - were returned to me. 

My ancestral home had been raided, only 2 days earlier (on the 24th of October):

Who owns Jammu & Kashmir (and Allied)? 

Is dharti ke waaris kaun?

Who will protect it?

Is ke tahaffuz ka zimmidaar kaun?

Here's the application to the court for my 7 missing items:


This theme of this tweet cannot be ignored either:


Thursday, 28 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 332 of 2019


It is getting more interesting by the day in Muzaffarabad. It is also getting easier to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Take this as a reference of what's to come:


Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 331 of 2019


Have recovered about 95% of movement in the right side of my body. I'm still making use of a fire that has been burning since yesterday evening and we are into the afternoon today.

Here's our video for Day 7 as we exit from Maakri:

It was an emotional farewell, although we will be meeting on a regular basis:

At Maakri with Parvez Maagrey (to my right) and his assistant (to my left)

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 330 of 2019


Sometimes, we come across certain speed breakers in life which are totally unexpected:


Monday, 25 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 329 of 2019


Rolling along.......


I was getting ready to go to sleep when I came across this video. The presider was none other than an old friend of mine - James Astill - who was with me in Iraq in 2005. How the world has progressed in my absence while I'm........didn't allow me to sleep for a while:

One will notice that throughout this conversation there was very little mention of the internal narratives in Jammu & Kashmir. There was a lot about what India, Pakistan and the international community may or may not do. This is the missing part of the conversation which will actually help all of us navigate our way towards a solution.


We've been encountering some problems with my assistant Saddam Sheikh's Facebook account. Our daily videos since the 21st (of November) were being uploaded to his Facebook account which has been suspended for 30 days. He has created another account to circumvent this issue but of course Facebook isn't handling billions of accounts using rudimentary technology. I'm not sure why his account was suspended except that a post of his that had a portrait of Yasin Malik was deemed - by Facebook - to be against community guidelines. We asked them to review their decision and I've also asked Saddam to refrain from creating further accounts as he will not be able to avoid detection. As a result of this dilemma, I am unable to embed a couple of posts related to today's activity at AJK University.

Thus, I am providing links for those of you who wish to watch them:

At the Main Campus of AJK University in Muzaffarabad after discussing a proposed lecture, pending since December the 21st 2018.

A Welcoming Gesture for Fresh Students by Law Student Saleem Wani

Today was Day 5 of our current journey in Muzaffarabad.


Opening Bal. 0

86 - Easypaisa fees
34 - Towards SS2 easypaisa debt.
500 - Diesel
470 - Breakfast/lunch for 3 - (Rice and Pothi dhaal for 2 and Chicken Haleem with roti for 1 and kahwa x 2
39,720 - Spouse
70 - Printouts
20 - Tyre pressure
20 - 7 photocopies
250 - B & H cig
20 - Dry dates
100 - Paperwork
100 - Capstan and sweets
500 - Diesel
500 - Hotel room
230 - Dinner (with eggs and dhaal/roti/kahwa x 2)

5,000 - Spouse 
39,720 - (200 pounds incl. 70 pounds from MR in UK and the rest viz. 130 pounds from family KSA UK)

Material/in kind support:
Kahwa x 2 - AM 
Bakarkhaani - at AJK University - Main Campus - MD
Kahwa - MD
Kahwa x 3 and Kulchas x aplenty - MD
300 - Paid towards hotel room - AM
Dry dates - KA

SDF (Self Determination Fund - in other words 'public funding' requests):
MD - ?


Bal. - Balance
X - Outgoing
cig. - cigarettes
Y - Incoming
MR - Mirpur
UK - United Kingdom
KSA - Sehnsa
AM - Athmaqam
MD - Muzaffarabad
KA - Khuiratta

Closing Bal. 2,100

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 328 of 2019


A difficult night was followed by a night of ease. Such is the combined pattern of apathy and love that our public donates us.

Today was also a rest from ground work and public activity. Sitting inside and categorising/organising/producing data was our only concern. Apart from thinking about how to make our time useful in the given resources we are able to source.

In the afternoon, another former student has invited us to stay with him tonight.

I also realise my assistant needs a lot of training and he even needs to sharpen up his Urdu reading and writing skills. Every worthwhile task requires investment, especially in human capital.

We spent a lot of the day without cigarettes as we didn't have money and didn't want to utilise our hosts more than we were already doing. We also learned that our host this evening is also adjusting his regular pattern of living to accommodate us.

We are also getting used to eating just once a day.

Sunday is also our rest day from a daily video update point of view.


Opening Bal. 3

3 (actually 5 as I found a 2rs coin deep in my wallet) - 1 Capstan cig
12 - Easypaisa fees
8 - Towards Easypaisa debt of Assistant
230 - B & H cig.
80 - Capstan cigs. for assistant
170 - Burgers x 2 and Kashmiri tea x 2
(50D plus 80D from 23/11/19)

500 - KA

Material/in kind support:
470 - breakfast: haleem, ghosht, dhaal, roti, tea and kahwa - all for 4 - KSA
Dry dates - KA


Bal. - Balance
X - Outgoing
rs - Pakistani rupees
cig. - cigarettes
D - Debt (incurred)
Y - Incoming
KA - Khuiratta
KSA - Sehnsa

Closing Bal. 0

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 327 of 2019


A challenging night spent in our vehicle.....what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Chela - Muzaffarabad
Now, it is important that we make our activities in public interest as transparent and as accessible as possible. Even more than we have done thus far. The resources (mental, physical, financial and in terms of time) are always there in the society in question. They just have to be identified and activated according to each co-citizen's capacity.

We had to use cardboard to stave off the wind and rain as the 2 front windows in my vehicle do not close, on account of the electric motor being jammed. 

We put out a message for financial assistance - what I've described as our self determination fund (SDF) since 2014 - to 64 co-citizens at home and abroad. 2 responded immediately to intimate that they would contribute as soon as possible while 1 other said he would contribute when he returned to the Middle East. He was currently on holiday at home and hence his current resources were limited.

It is Important to go through a lot in order to achieve success for public interest, otherwise everybody would be queuing up to do this work. We got through the night unscathed. Meanwhile, a student in Muzaffarabad from my home tehsil of Sehnsa has invited us to stay with him tonight. My assistant has decided to make use of the time at hand and work on cleaning the vehicle and begin addressing its faults. Of course, over the years I have had to neglect a lot of what the vehicle needs as I'm so absorbed in my work. It definitely needed manpower to devote attention to it and thus I feel my prayers are answered somewhat.

We also put out the word to many co-citizens that we are in search of accommodation on a long term basis. By right as citizens and inheritors of this territory, we should have access to one of many government buildings that are not in use. A prime example is the old concrete building at the Red Fort in Plate. It has been disused for years.  

Our night tonight is a lot less challenging than last night, as we are in comfortable surroundings around students, most of whom hail from my ancestral tehsil (subdivision).

We use this opportunity to begin discussion on the concept of a People's Assembly to make up for the legislative lacunae that exists in AJK's Assembly. If possible, we want to organise this assembly for a Sunday in December, whereby we invite 100 co-citizens divided by representatives of each tehsil according to their population ratio, to the grounds of the Assembly Secretariat for a session on public policy. What is the criteria for these 100 representatives? That they are capable of speaking consistently for public interest and are able to protect what they say. 

How do we get through the logistics of this novel exercise in public interest?

We will work that out in due course but proceed one step at a time. The discussion has just begun and it will take shape over the coming days.


Meanwhile, we decided to make full use of the sun's appearance - after a few days of incessant rain - by revisiting an important heritage site in Muzaffarabad:


Day 3 - Back at Laal Qila (Red Fort) in Muzaffarabad...Owning our heritage.....

Discussing water management, soil management and waste management. This formula is our key to world class governance:

We also discussed what happened in Norway at Laal Qila (Red Fort) in Muzaffarabad today:

Urdu (Roman)

Teesri din (mojooda safar par) Laal Qila Muzaffarabad me hum ne Norway ke waqaye par bhi guftagoo ki.


Our time at the Red Fort didn't end yet. We had to interview this young child, enforced by circumstances to earn a daily wage for his family:


In the late afternoon, I was invited to a civil society forum here. It is comforting to know that we have made some progress in our efforts to develop civil society here, since our first forum in December 2009. At that time, we had difficulty in explaining the concept and couldn't mobilise many people. Today, many activists in Muzaffarabad have taken the initiative and have also succeeded in engaging the AJK government too. Now, I can analyse and assist in developing this relationship, without which we cannot address any of our problems, let alone our enduring national question, which is firmly within the grip of the following 5 countries: China, India, Pakistan, UK and USA.

Here are my notes at Civil Society Forum - Muzaffarabad:

- Policy making needed    
- For industry/entrepreneurship 
- Police corruption incl traffic police
- Medical corruption
- Water corruption
- Electricity corruption       
- Waste issues              
- Frustration over lack of economic opportunities
- Parking issues  
- Over abundance of Rickshaws in the city                       
- Food quality control                     
- Blood donor fees     
- Organising public interest
- Take one issue at a time
- Solutions not analysis      
- Public/civil society and relationship with Government
- Urban development issues         
- Unenforceable reforms because of collective habits or political connections?

Is accountability possible?

The above notes were expressed in words in the following video:

In the evening, as we drove to our resting place, the vehicle's diesel tank also gave heavy indications that it needed urgent replenishment.


Opening Bal. 3

80D - Kashmir tea x 2
(150 spent by assistant on multiple tea and kahwa from 500 he received on 20/11/19)
250 - B & H cig.
100 - Assorted dry fruit, Capstan cig and nimko assistant

200 - MD
150 - KA

Material/in kind support:
250 - breakfast, channa, half-fried egg, bakarkhaani x 2, dry paratha, kahwa x 2, tea x 2 - KSA
Kahwa x 2 - MD
Pakoras (quite a few, I eat more than anybody else) at Civil Society meeting
Guavas and warm fire - MD
Kahwa x 4 - KSA

SDF (Self Determination Fund - in other words 'public funding' requests):

MD - The gentleman I asked laughed it off although he does contribute in kind from time to time.
MD - This gentleman also shrugged off the request despite contributing in the past.


Bal. - Balance
X - Outgoing
D - Debt (incurred)
cig. - cigarettes
Y - Incoming
KSA - Sehnsa
MD - Muzaffarabad

Closing Bal. 3

Friday, 22 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 326 of 2019


Stayed and paid for a night in a hotel in Muzaffarabad last night after many years of visiting our capital city. I was so tired after a hectic few days and.....

Here's our update from Muzaffarabad courts yesterday:


Our first engagement of the day was with a group of advocate friends. It was already clear that agitating for a local IG cannot be done through the judiciary. Article 31.3(b) of the imposed constitutional framework in AJK clearly identifies the Pakistani State as responsible for security in this territory. The fact that the whole basis of Pakistan's presence here is merely assumed - and wrongly so - from UNCIP resolutions.

While enroute towards the lawyers, a certain old man wearing multi-coloured beads around his neck and a waistcoat adorned with photos of various spiritual figures tried to hail me down in the rain. I had met him or come across him many a time in this past year. I can't make any sense of what he wants but I do know that he has been tasked to waste my time. I ignore him for the umpteenth time. 

When returning from the lawyer's circle I find this old gentleman once again. He talked of an interest free, nudity free and corruption free society with Pakistan as the centre of the universe! He added that he wants a committee formed and even suggested that we discuss these very serious issues with Pakistan's army/agencies etc.

Later in the day I briefly met a prominent journalist, who is renowned for abstaining from the lures of the powerful. He explained that by habit he refrains from praising people but he assessed that I am making history. However, he felt that the Laal Chowk Tower event (ref. 25th October) could make me controversial. We decided to continue the discussion in due course.

In the evening while discussing Pakistan's relationship with AJK around a fire with friends, an amusing story from yesteryear surfaced. The late Sardar Rehmat Ullah of Liberation League while in a local hotel many years ago had exclaimed: 

"Jhanda hamaara hay lekin dhanda Pakistan ka hay"

(This flag is ours but the stick belongs to Pakistan) 

Even later in the evening we met some students at the University of AJK, or rather in its periphery. A particular student was concerned that I had yet to publish the extended academic version of the Citizen Public Opinion Survey whose summary was published in 2017. It was now the end of 2019 he pursued. I explained that activism on the ground was absorbing a lot of our time. I further explained that there are many voids here which all need attention and action-oriented research needs institutional-building/cilvil rights activism on a constant basis, to fill those voids in society which are taken for granted in developed societies.

The dilemma of accommodation remains and we don't want to upset the living quarters of the students in our midst. We don't have money to put ourselves up in a hotel either.


We also gained mention in a local newspaper today. All that has been written is not entirely correct. For example, the demand for a local IG was not in reaction to the raid on my ancestral home in Sehnsa on the 24th of October. Our demand has been in public discussion since soon after August the 5th. Also, I am keen on taking on one task at a time and I am not calling for the withdrawal of all lent officers from Pakistan just yet. Just the IG for the moment:

Daily Kashmir Uzma - Muzaffarabad (Urdu)

Front Page 

Page 3 Section 26


Day 2 - Back at Laal Chowk in Muzaffarabad...Just less than a month later.


Opening Bal. 543


250 - B & H cig.
100 - kahwa and kulchas x 2 at Hotel
190 - Pakoras, fried eggs and kahwa x 4

(Expenditure by assistant from 500 given on 20/11/19)

10 - Kashmir Uzma Newspaper 
50 - Chips
40 - Kahwa

Material/in kind support:

Peanuts, kahwa, dhaal, roti, kebabs - MD

SDF (Self Determination Fund - in other words 'public funding' requests):
HA in SA - He said that he would tell a local guy from his region living in Muzaffarabad to help us with accommodation. He also said he would tell his friends (from his region) working in the bureaucracy to also assist us.


Bal. - Balance

X - Outgoing
cig. - cigarettes
MD - Muzaffarabad
HA - Hajeera
SA - Saudi Arabia

Closing Bal. 3

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 325 of 2019


Absent mindedness denied me posting an entry for Day 324 even though the following - in brackets - had been written according to the timeline indicated:

n.b. diary for today viz. 21/11/19 - Day 325 of 2019 can be read below yesterday's diary

(1805hrs - 20/11/19 - Day 324 of 2019):

Agar Hindustaan soney ki chirya hay to Jammu Kashmir heeray, moti ki kaan hay......aur bahut kuch

English translation: 

If Hindustaan (India + Pakistan + Bangladesh + Myanmar etc.) is a golden sparrow then Jammu Kashmir is a mine of diamonds and pearls.....and much more)

So, the day started with me waking up at home in Kokoi for the first time in a long while, which is across the road from Gurutta where I was born, in my Naani's home. All my possessions are still scattered everywhere from the raid on the 24th of October.

Whenever I do visit my ancestral village I make a point of visiting my Naani's grave, reading Surah Yasin from the Quran while also plucking out the weeds that seem to grow more around her grave than anyone else's. 

My local mechanic was kind enough to bring my - now fixed - vehicle home so that I could then pay him before proceeding northwards to where I've been expected 2 days ago. My destination for the day was Dheerkot where some of our co-citizens had been waiting for me all day. I couldn't get there before 2000hrs. I had to pick up a co-citizen from Rawalakot too while yet another co-citizen had travelled especially for this court case from Dadyaal via Pakistan to Dheerkot.

I had announced soon after being released from jail on the 31st of October that I needed security as well as research assistants to take our public interest work forward. I could no longer afford to visit Muzaffarabad alone. Preparations and contingencies needed to be set-up. Hence, taking a dozen or so people with me to our court hearing in Muzaffarabad tomorrow.


Meanwhile, a heap of crimes committed by the Pakistani army and its agencies are surfacing in AJK. This is just one ghastly example:

Here's an English translation of the letter in the FB image above:

For the attention of Esquire - Tanveer Ahmed Researcher

Subject: Redress, action against terrorism 

Your Excellency

I wish to bring to your attention that this petitioner is a resident of the LOC at Bandli. I am in the line of Indian fire on a daily basis. There is a Pakistani army artillery camp near our home. It was from this camp that on the 7th of November (2019) at the dead of night our under-aged daughter Samiya Anwar daughter of Muhammad Anwar resident of Hamlet Maanpura was kidnapped by soldier Raashid Ali, with the assistance of other soldiers.

When we found out after a while, we immediately notified the army camp nearby. They investigated and it was discovered that our daughter was at an individual named Raashid Ali's house in Hassan Abdaal Rawalpindi Pakistan. In reference to this, the Major of (Army) Camp Bandli and this unit's Colonel promised us that they would return our daughter within 2 days in all circumstances. Further, that even if a nikaah (marriage according to Islam) had been conducted they would obtain a divorce and return her forthwith. They also said that the Pakistani army is the guardian of Kashmiri dignity, unlike the Indian army which which acts as brigands where women are concerned.  

Many days have passed however. All we are witnessing are deceptive maneuvers. On the basis of humanity we implore your excellency to return our daughter to us. That the brigand of our dignity soldier Raashid Ali be punished for terrorism and for taking unconstitutional steps.

Thank you

Copy to copy


1) For the attention of esquire Chief of Army Staff GHQ Rawalpindi

2) For the attention of esquire DG ISI GHQ Rawalpindi
3) For the attention of esquire Corp Commander GHQ Rawalpindi
4) GOC Jhelum Pakistan


Raja Muhammad Anwar son of Baaqir Ali - Signature

Identity Card Number: 81202-7921723-7

Resident of Bandli Mohalla Maanpura near Pakistan artillery camp Bandli P.O. and tehsil: Khuiratta district: Kotli - AJK

Brother Arshad - Phone Number - 03495476052

Brother Manzoor - Phone Number - 03474311897

End of English translation of letter......

For those of you who want to read it in Urdu but can't make it out properly can read the Roman transliteration below:

Bakhidmat janaab - Tanveer Ahmed Muhaqiq

Unwaan daad rassi, dehshat gardi ke khilaaf karwai

Janaab e Ali

Guzarish e khidmat hay sail LOC Bandli ka rihaishi hoo. Aye roz Indian army ki firing ki zad me hoo. Hamaarey gharo ke qareeb Pakistan army artillery ka camp hay. Pakistan army artillery camp se sipahi Raashid Ali aur deegar faujiyo ki madad se 7 November 2019 raat ki taareeqi me hamaari kam umar beti Samiya Anwar dukhtar Muhammad Anwar Saakin Mohalla Maanpura se uthaa kar le gaye.

Kuch der baad humey maloom huwa to hum ne foran qareebi fauji camp ko itilaa di to unho ne jaanch partaal ki maloom huwa ke Raashid Ali naami shaks ke ghar Hassan Abdaal Rawalpindi Pakistan beti ki mojoodgi paayi gayi jis par Major Camp Bandli aur is unit ke Colonel ne har soorat beti ko do din ke andar humey waapas deney ka waada kiya ke agar nikaah bhi huwa ho to talaaq ke saath beti aap ko dengey aur kaha ke Pakistan army Kashmiriyo ki izzato ki muhaafiz hay naakey Indian army ki tarah aurato ke lootere hain. Lekin kai din guzarney ke baawajood taal matol kar rahey hain. Janaab se insaani hamdardi guzaarish hay ke hamaari beti humey waapas di jaey. Aur izzat ke looterey sipahi Raashid Ali ko dehshat gardi ghair aini ikdaam ki saza di jaye. 


Copy to copy


1) Baakhidmat janaab chief of army staff GHQ Rawalpindi

2) Baakhidmat janaab DG ISI GHQ Rawalpindi
3) Baakhidmat janaab Corp Commander GHQ Rawalpindi
4) GOC Jhelum Pakistan

Darkhwaast guzaar 

Raja Muhammad Anwar wald Baaqir Ali - Signature

Shanaakhti Card Number: 81202-7921723-7

Saakin Bandli Mohalla Maanpura nazd Pakistan artillery camp Bandli P.O. aur tehsil Khuiratta zila Kotli AJK

Arshad Bhai - Phone Number - 03495476052

Manzoor Bhai - Phone Number - 03474311897

End of Roman transliteration......

Here's some analysis on the issue above. Many thanks to Dr. Shabir Choudhary for taking this up: 

(Update 11/02/20 at 1019hrs although the following video was made on the 11th of January i.e. 11/01/20):


Opening Bal. 48,940 (20/11/19 - i.e. Day 324 of 2019)

30,000 - Gave to uncle for rebuilding wall (from 50K received from mother in UK y'day)
11,000 - Paid up for engine repair (paid 1,000 yesterday - total 12K paid)
1,000 - DR - Mechanic (ref. from 2010 - bal. 3,000)
550 - USB lead & Samsung battery (with 50 rs discount)
30 - Scan, copy and email of documents
1,500 - Diesel
250 - B & H cig.
500 - Co-citizen for leaving his work to accompany us to Muzaffarabad
20 - Tyre pressure

(500 - for my full time assistant from BBH as he came to join me from home)

Breakdown of part 2 of Engine work:
Water Body - 2,500
Timing Belt - 1,600
Silicon - 200
Tappit Cover Jain - 350
Heater plug - 600
Engine Oil - Rimula D - 2,500
Cam Seal - 300
Cylinder Collar - 100
Paraffin oil + Cloth - 500
Labour - 4,000
Total - 12,650
discount - 650
Paid - 12,000

(Mechanic forgot to include 1,500 for head gasket, which I will pay for the next time I see him)

Other material/in kind support: 
20 - Tyre pressure - RT
Breakfast at uncle's - KSA
Lunch of meat/roti and kahwa - SBH
600 - For the evening meal of potha kaleji, tindey, keema, tea and kahwa for 5 late in the evening - DL


Bal. - Balance
X - Outgoing
K - 1,000
UK - United Kingdom
DR - Debt Repayment
rs. Pakistani rupees
cig. - cigarettes
Y - Incoming
BBH - Bagh (District & Tehsil)
RT - Rawalakot
KSA - Sehnsa 
SBH - Baloch 
DL - Dadyaal

Closing Bal. 4,090

(0700hrs - 21/11/19 - Day 325 of 2019):

I'm due in court today for my hearing in reference to an allegation of trying to commit suicide at Laal Chowk on the evening of the 25th of October this year (2019). Reference can be made to a similar court case invoked by Pakistan's clandestine agencies - forever in the dark shadows of public life in AJK - by using the local police in Leepa in August 2015. The learned judge then described in his verdict that the court's time had been wasted. Here's a reference to the decision made on the 18th of March 2016, at district courts Hattian Bala.

I didn't sleep much today as I had much work pending since running around my vehicle and its travails over the past few days. 4 hours I obtained in total. Over breakfast given by my hosts in Dheerkot there were some good searching questions over the local IG (Inspector General) issue. 

Diesel in vehicle finished about 8 kilometres short of Muzaffarabad and we were already getting late for the court hearing. It s just as well that I had a full-time assistant with me and it was an added bonus that the fuel station wasn't too far either. There are many things in my vehicle that do not work or need attention. The fuel gauge is just one of them. The vehicle had drank more diesel than I envisaged. A leaking exhaust or rain could be a factor in miscalculation.

A feeling of lethargy overtook me especially after lunch. It hadn't stopped raining since the morning either. My Dheerkot friends requested that I drop them at Kohalla. Despite my condition and an even worse condition of my vehicle (exhaust was leaking and wipers were not working) I was duty bound to obey them. 

In the interim, we all discussed how to proceed with our public interest activity. I explained that as long as we are all utilised according to our capacity we will get to our destination.

We returned to Muzaffarabad from Kohalla in fading light and intermittent rain. Only one headlight is working, the front windows do not close, the wipers weren't working but operating in such challenging conditions is almost routine and we take everything in our stride.

We needed a cosy fire to repel the weather and that was our next target in Muzaffarabad. Over discussion, our friend from the UK said we shouldn't antagonise the UK government over their role in J & K. I responded that we appreciate everything that society and system has done for us but we cannot take up arms against India and Pakistan. The UK would have take its fair share of responsibility if we were to succeed in a peaceful, ethical, democratic and legal fight against our neighbours. After all, it was the departing British Empire under a Labour government in the UK that facilitated India and Pakistan's entry into Jammu & Kashmir.

An amazing event happened this evening: 

I shared my remaining walnuts and a couple of packets of biscuits with my co-citizens around the fire. Without being aware of the contents in my bag, everybody got an equal share of walnuts and biscuits. On the third and final round, there was just one extra biscuit to spare. We all felt that was miraculous as there were about 10 of us.

We're staying in a hotel tonight. When I used to come to Muzaffarabad as a single activist, I could adjust pretty much anywhere. Now I have a full-time assistant to look after. Expenses will inevitably rise.


This is what I wrote for the court a few days ago:

This was a carefully considered event to wake up the public and government of AJK alike, on the subject of security in AJK. 

At no point in time did I put my life or anyone else's life in danger.

Contrary to the allegation of suicide put before a court in Muzaffarabad, everything I've done in this territory is pro-life. What I am struggling for and want to achieve needs years of further research and struggle. My only chance of succeeding is if I live to complete what I want to do. 

A public protest should always be to address an attention deficit, particularly in matters relating to the security of a territory, in our case AJK. 

We can no longer tolerate a system of governance run by shadows without a trace. Tomorrow, they will adopt even more brutal tactics to submerge us into Pakistan.

We - the inheritors of AJK - need to get a grip on the requisite criteria for accountability before it is too late.

A local IG will put us on the right road to OBMs (Ownership-Building Measures), future public protests will be more engaging and fulfill their purpose of building a functional bridge between the AJK public and its own government. 

I've been hitting the nail on the head with increasing velocity over the past month in particular. That is why my ancestral home in Sehnsa was raided on the 24th of October. If I can't bring the suspects before a court of law, I have to address the public at large somehow.

If the AJK government was serious in developing the dialogue on the subject of installing a local IG in public interest, I would have gladly climbed back down and there would have been no reason to activate the 'rescue services'. It was akin to making a calm situation potentially volatile.

As it became clear while sitting atop the tower at Laal Chowk for 6 hours, the AJK government made it clear that the subject of installing a local IG was out of the question.

The government or more pointedly the shadows running our government - without legal reference or any form of accountability - had to be pushed to the limit and I did that. 

We want to live life to the full but on terms with a local constitutional reference.

Our dignity is in our own hands.


Translated into Roman Urdu, it reads as:

Ye Muzaffarabad ki adaalat ke liye bil-khusoos aur AJK ki awaam ke liye bil-amoom paigham hay.

Ye aik sanjeedgi se soch kar amal tha AJK ki awaam aur hukumat dono ko jagaaney ke liye, AJK me tahaffuz ke mozoo par.

Kisi bhi waqt me ne apni ya kisi aur ki zindagi ko khatrey me nahi daala.

Us khudkashi ke ilzaam ke bar-aqs jo Muzaffarabad ki adaalat ke saamney rakha gaya, jo kuch bhi me ne kiya is dharti me wo zindagi ke haq me kiya. Jin ahdaaf ke liye me jad o jehd kar raha hoo aur haasil karna chahta hoo, un ko mazeed kai saal darkaar hain tehqeeq aur jad o jehd me. Kamyabi ka moqa usi soorat me hay ke me zinda rahoo is kaam ko mukammal karney ke liye.

Awaami ihtijaaj hamesha adam tawajo ka saamna karney ke liye hona chahiye, bil khusoos un maamalaat par jo aik dharti ke tahaffuz ke mutallaq ho, jo hamaarey tanaazur me AJK ki dharti hay.

Ab hum mazeed aisey nizaam ko bardaasht nahi kar saktey jo saaye chalayen jin ki khoj lagaana bhi namumkin ho. Aaney waaley kal ko ye is se bhi zyaada bathar hikmat amli ikhtyaar karengey humey Pakistan me zam karney ke liye.

Hum - jo AJK ke waaris hain - ko ashad zaroorat hay ke hum qaaboo paaye un qwaif par jo darkaar hain ehtesaab ke liye, is se qabl ke bahut der hojaye.

Aik maqaami IG humey us sadaq pe daal ne me madad karega jo humey malkiyat saazi ki taraf le jaye, is ke baad awaami ehtejaaj zyaada maaney khez hongey aur aik amli pull tameer hojayega AJK ki awaam aur us ki apni hukumat ke darmiyan.

Is pichley maheeney se bilkhusos me barthi huwi shidat se qeel ko teek sar pe maar raha hoo (mahaawaratan). Isi liye mera abaahi ghar Sehnsa me daaka para 24 October ko. Agar me mulzimaan ko court ke saamne haazir nahi karwa sakta, phir mujhe kissi na kissi zariye se awaam ke saamney baat rakhni padegi.

Agar awaami mufaad me AJK ki hukumat sanjeeda hoti maqaami IG ko tainaat karney ke mozoo par, phir me khushi khushi (tower se) neechay aajaata aur rescue sevices ko muttahariq karney ki koi zaroorat na hoti. Ye goya aisa tha ke aik puraman mahol ko mumkina taur par ishtyaal diya jaey.

Laal Chowk ke tower par 6 ghantey se baitey huwey ye baat waazey huwi ke AJK ki hukumat ke liye muqaami IG ko tainaat karney ke mozoo ko cherney ka sawaal hi nahi paida hota.

Hukumat ya dar-asal jo saaye hamaari hukumat ko chala rahey hay - beghair qanooni hawaaley se ya kissi qism ke ehtesaab ke dairey me aatey huwey - ko un ki hudood tak keenchna zaroori tha aur wo me ne kiya.

Hum zindagi jee bhar ke guzaarna chahtey hain lekin aik maqaami aini hawaaley ke saath.

Hamaara waqaar hamaarey hi haath me hay.

End of statement...


Opening Bal. 4,090

60 - Kahwa x 3
500 (plus 20 by Assistant from 500 he received y'day) - Diesel
100 - Rickshaw fare for getting diesel
250 - B & H cig.
70 - Kahwa and tea x 3
1,000 - Diesel
410 - RT co-citizens return fare & expenses
130 - 13 print-outs
27 - 9 copies
1,000 - Hotel room

Other material/in kind support: 
200 - Breakfast - channey. roghni naan and half-fry eggs - DT
1,000 - Lunch - assorted....dhaal, gosht, sazi and tea for 9 people - DL
100 - Kulchas - DL 


Bal. - Balance
X - Outgoing
cig. - cigarettes
RT - Rawalakot
DT - Dheerkot
DL - Dadyaal
rs. Pakistani rupees

Closing Bal. 543

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 39 of 2025

1848hrs: 13 hours and 48 minutes later than scheduled. However, the way the day emerged and the resources at hand, it just wasn't possib...