
Friday 26 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024


Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli.


Thursday 25 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 207 of 2024


Have managed to delay my son's circumcision by a few days, so that by the time I reach Kotli, arrangements will have been made. 

So, I will be moving forward in 1st gear tomorrow morning from Gurutta (my janam bhoomi) to Thriya, soon after dawn. 


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 206 of 2024


Still in 1st gear but duties related to the circumcision of my 18 day old child need to be carried out before I can leave. 

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 205 of 2024


The vehicle is finally in gear. It will stop in Sharda. That is the civilisational marker. 


Monday 22 July 2024

Saturday 20 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 202 of 2024


My mental focus has been on Sharda for the past few days. It has been over 9 months since my last visit. 

It is the venue from where a well designed programme to impose perpetual ignorance will be defeated. 

It is the venue from where a new knowledge & wisdom based civilisation will emerge. 

It is the venue where I need to be. 

Thus, I will depart from Sehnsa tomorrow for Sharda come what may. 


Friday 19 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 201 of 2024


Have to get myself into the best groove yet. One that is sustainable till the very end. 

Thursday 18 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 200 of 2024


I want to leave Sehnsa, I need to leave Sehnsa. However, the condition of my wife and the status of my new born child is preventing me from doing so. 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Saturday 13 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 195 of 2024


Making final preparations to leave Sehnsa. I'm just slightly stunted by my wife's health.


Friday 12 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 194 of 2024


Every day is a day of decisions but today even more so. I never wanted to make this decision but circumstances have forced me to. I have decided to leave my home tehsil Sehnsa for good.

Here's a photo marking my farewell to Sehnsa:

I shall paste the English portion below of the Facebook post above for the reader's ease:


Aah! Re-founding the University of Sharda on this date last year:


Thursday 11 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 193 of 2024


Battling through the heat. It is absolutely necessary. It is also a time to make people aware of the demerit of concrete and the merits of stone, mud & wood.

We are needlessly suffering on so many counts.


Wednesday 10 July 2024

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 191 of 2024


The people should own up to their weaknesses. Otherwise, it will be too late. 

Monday 8 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 190 of 2024


Enticing leaps in imagination of the public is difficult work but nature supports us despite the seeming odds stacked against us. 

We can feel the power. 

Saturday 6 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 188 of 2024


It's been a long day, as it started at about 0800hrs yesterday morning. Although I did get a few hours sleep this morning between 0900hrs and midday.

There's been an addition to my family in the early hours of this morning. I've been blessed with another son.

Immense joy is seldom achieved without great pain. There's a lot that my wife has gone through for this delivery, which it turns out was 2 days overdue. 


Friday 5 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 187 of 2024


Walked on an empty stomach today after almost 2 months of recovering from the kicks I received in my left ribs at Sehnsa police station on the morning of the 9th of May (2024).


I made a point of going to sleep soon after our X Space ended last night at 2300hrs. I woke up at 0800hrs to the joyful sound of lashing rain and soon after proceeded for that elusive morning walk.


Thursday 4 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 186 of 2024


I have mentioned before - perhaps on more than one occasion - that what happens during the course of any given day is not adequately portrayed in this daily diary.

Yes, most if not all significant happenings in public interest are logged in some shape or form but despite about 7 years of practice, I am yet to publish my day in adequate detail.

My sleeping pattern is improving though I'm still striving for that 0400hrs start and a maximum rest of 6 hours per 24 hour cycle.


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 185 of 2024


A slightly more effective day today despite the stifling heat, exacerbated by concrete and deforestation.

It was early morning, around 0700hrs that we heard the news that a well known relative of ours - Raja Qabil Khan of Gurutta - had succumbed to terminal cancer. A good part of the morning was spent with the bereaved and then funeral proceedings in the late afternoon kept us occupied.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 184 of 2024


Another lax day today. Did try and sleep just beyond midnight. Took time in sleeping and did get up at 0800hrs but fell back asleep at 1000hrs, only to wake up at 1400hrs again. Another 12 hour stint of sleep today. Again, unacceptable!


Monday 1 July 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 183 of 2024


A bit of a lax day today. Slept at c. 0100hrs and did get up at 0800hrs but fell back asleep until 1300hrs. That amounts to almost 12 hours of rest in a 24 hour cycle. Unacceptable!


Sunday 30 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 182 of 2024


One should never blame their tools but at critical points in one's day if something isn't working, it can be the difference between success & failure. 

Earlier, this morning I got up at 0800hrs - 2 hours later than yesterday morning - yet I had slept at 0200hrs this morning, having reached home late from our day trip to Mirpur yesterday. 


Thursday 27 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 179 of 2024


Dealing with everything from its source, particularly in relation to the system of 'governance' which appears to be designed by the devil no less.


Sleeping just beyond midnight but getting up at 1000hrs is simply not good enough on my part.


Monday 24 June 2024

Sunday 23 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 175 of 2024


Another 0800hrs start although I did wake at 0630hrs. I am getting to sleep now soon after 2300hrs.


in the midst of everything else, I almost forgot before I was reminded of this appointment this evening. Many thanks to Progressive Voices on Facebook for giving us this opportunity:


Saturday 22 June 2024

Friday 21 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 173 of 2024


Caught up on a lack of sleep over the past couple of days by going to sleep soon after our daily X Space ended at 2300hrs yesterday. Was able to get up at 0700hrs.

Dealing with land ownership distribution issues over the past couple of weeks or so, along with the constantly evolving matters of public interest at hand.


Our 21st presentation of the Public Court (Awaami Adaalat) at Jammu Chowk Sehnsa:


Thursday 20 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 172 of 2024


Slept at 0400hrs and got up at 0800hrs. Lack of sleep always catches up at some point and ill-timing has its effect too. A lot of work remains to be done in this area.


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 171 of 2024


Trudging along at a reasonably good pace. Sleeping pattern is still very suspect. Slept at beyond 0400hrs and got up at c. 1100hrs.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 170 of 2024


Yesterday was perhaps the most relaxing day in the year, given it was Eid. The forest fires are not only consuming our environment, they are also consuming our souls. A friend mentioned yesterday evening that he witnessed a line of peacocks perched on the grill of a masjid on the main road in a nearby village crying. He came closer to them and could see their tears gushing out from their eyes. It appears that they had nestled some eggs in the forest and now that the forest was burned out, they were crying over losing their children.

We humans (living in the territory of AJK) are transgressors of the highest order as we remain inactive while seeing our forests ruined on a daily basis.


Monday 17 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 169 of 2024


Brought myself down to a 0600hrs start. Eid prayer was at 0700hrs and the masjid is barely 100 feet from my home.


Sunday 16 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 168 of 2024


So much to do and everything is possible. It just involves putting everything in the right place at the right time by the right people.


Saturday 15 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 167 of 2024


It was almost too late and it can happen. We have missed the midnight deadline a few times before, at times by a matter of seconds.


Friday 14 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 166 of 2024


A lot of commotion in the past 36 hours or so. The public is running after the police who have 6 of our co-citizens captive, currently at Bhimber jail. I didn't sleep until beyond 0400hrs because of constant communication but did get up at 0900hrs. Again, the quantum of sleep is not bad but the timing is.


Before the storm in Kotli was a contemplative calm in moza Kraitort, taken there for Day 8 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 :


Chor (AJK Police) vs. Police (Public of AJK):


Kotli coming of age in 2024:


Thursday 13 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 165 of 2024


Another 0800hrs start even though I couldn't get to sleep before 0400hrs, despite trying since 0100hrs.


Day 7 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Dagaala:


Wednesday 12 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 164 of 2024


Today I woke at 0900hrs, an hour earlier than yesterday while going to sleep at the same time as yesterday viz. 0100hrs.

My performance has to get better and it will get better.


Day 6 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Plait Sayeddan:


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 163 of 2024


I managed to resume my normal sleeping pattern at night, although I did wake up at 1000hrs after falling asleep at c. 0100hrs. The battle for daily efficiency continues....


A few hours ago, we learned of yet another example of abduction of our citizens living or working in Pakistan:

Here's the text of what's written in the Facebook post above:

Another Abduction - Another Provocation 

(Allegedly by the Pakistani State's security agencies who have created needless instability in AJK, especially over the past few weeks in reaction to the surrender of - some - basic rights back to the people of our territory. Our citizens living or working in Pakistan are not safe either and the following is one such example): 

Khawaja Khursheed of Khawaja Seri village in tehsil Sharda of Neelam Valley was abducted allegedly by Pakistan's roving clandestine agencies from his paint shop near Adiala (Road) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on the 7th of June. 

We understand that his family has been re-assured of his recovery by the local MLA Shah Ghulam Qadir and his associates. 

We also understand that Khursheed was quite vocal in the recent #RightsMovementAJK sequence of events leading up to the 11th of May, in conjunction with the Joint Awaami Action Committee (JAAC). He is also a party member of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation League (JKLL) and has also fought an assembly election in the past.

As with the Kashmiri poet of Bagh Ahmed Farhad, Khawaja Khursheed's family have also been advised to not raise his issue in public and that he would be returned if they comply.

His family is also under tremendous pressure to not co-operate with any form of media that may highlight his abduction and disappearance. 


JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Note: #E151711062024

Day 5 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Potha:


Monday 10 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 162 of 2024


Last night was an aberration in that I couldn't sleep until about 0600hrs.....waking up at c. 1300hrs....


Day 4 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Parandha:


Sunday 9 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 161 of 2024


Woke at 0643hrs....incrementally better than yesterday....


Day 3 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Channi:


Saturday 8 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 160 of 2024


Woke at 0645hrs....getting better.


Day 2 of our village to village campaign reference #AJKReferendum2023 took us to moza Narnaa:



As the evening drew to a close, my heart also burned at this sight:


Friday 7 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 159 of 2024


Another 0800hrs start....a good habit to improve on....


Our Friday event at Jammu Chowk, Sehnsa is back to its regular weekly groove:


Later in the afternoon/early evening we initiated our village to village campaign to reach each and every citizen of our tehsil (subdivision) of Sehnsa. This campaign will visit 1 moza (administrative village) every evening between 1700hrs and 1900hrs. Today, we were in moza Budli, union council Sehnsa:


Thursday 6 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 158 of 2024


Got up at 0800hrs this morning....still struggling almost half way through the year but I remain supremely confident that I will perfect the art of a completely productive day sooner rather than later.


There was high demand for this report, in the wake of the security crisis that has emerged here in AJK:


Wednesday 5 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 157 of 2024


They had no ideas for peace so we built them ideas. We then implemented them. They recognised in good time otherwise we could have remained tolerating a 'conflict economy' for a 1,000 years.


Tuesday 4 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 156 of 2024


Getting back into a calm groove after some hectic overload yesterday. 0500hrs is a good time to get up all year round.


Monday 3 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 155 of 2024


Managed to sleep just before 2330hrs last night and was able to easily get up at 0500hrs. A storm of pending work is staring me in my face and I better get used to it.


Here are some excerpts of an article that touched a raw nerve in me:

The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI

Joan Westenberg

Sep 22, 2023

We have witnessed a multi-generational decline in reading comprehension. We read less, retain less of what we read, and struggle to engage in critical analysis. And if this trend continues, we risk undermining the very foundations of our society.

In the bite-sized content and viral media age, too many of us have lost — or are losing — the focus and patience for lengthy, complex texts. We skim and scan instead of closely reading. Our attention spans have shrunk to mere seconds. While technology has enabled the wide dissemination of information, it has also fragmented our thinking. We are overwhelmed by noise and sensationalism.

Clickbait headlines and social media posts appeal to our emotions rather than intellect, making us susceptible to misinformation. We share articles without reading them, simply reacting to provocative titles and abstracts. The context, nuance, and accuracy no longer matter. Objective truth has become secondary to subjective feelings and base impulses.

Without reading comprehension, we cannot thoughtfully process information and make reasoned decisions. We lose the ability to thoroughly analyse issues, think critically, understand different perspectives, spot logical fallacies, and weigh evidence. Our opinions get shaped by alarmist rhetoric and confirmation bias rather than facts. We consume information, but we do not truly digest it. This erodes the very foundations of a healthy democracy — an educated populace.

A society that cannot patiently read long-form texts struggles to make sense of the world in ways that enable wise judgment, empathy across differences, effective policies, technological progress, economic justice, scientific reason, and fact-based truth to prevail over misguided beliefs. Reviving reading comprehension may be among the most urgent priorities for the future of civilisation.



Sunday 2 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 154 of 2024


Now, this is much better! The sort of time at which writers should be sitting down to write the thoughts gestating in their minds.

Let's all hope this practice can be added to the rising list of daily deeds that one has to perform, to ensure that a sustainable peace strategy in this territory succeeds.


Saturday 1 June 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 153 of 2024


Sailing along but can't beat the 1000hrs trap in the morning. Apart from our daily Space on X (formerly Twitter) which has just completed its 627th episode - in 628 days - 


We also joined a diverse seminar on Zoom today, which included participation from Gilgit Baltistan, the Kashmir Valley and our AJK diaspora under the aegis of Jammu Kashmir National Independence Alliance (JKNIA):


Friday 31 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 152 of 2024


Settling in but still many an hour in the day can be spent better. I couldn't sleep till c. 0500hrs and thus waking before 1100hrs was difficult.

A significant positive today was that we were able to revive our weekly 'Awaami Adaalat' or 'Court of the Public' at Jammu Chowk, Sehnsa after an enforced absence of 3 weeks:


Thursday 30 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 151 of 2024


After a false start on the day before yesterday, I'm now firmly back in my groove 21 days after that epoch-changing dawn raid at my home by AJK police in the early hours of the 9th of May (2024).


I've been waking up at c. 1000hrs almost every morning since that day but this morning, I've managed to bring it down to 0800hrs. Obviously, I need to work harder to bring it down to the optimum of 0500hrs.


Wednesday 29 May 2024

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 149 of 2024


It has been precisely 20 days since I last sat at my desk. 7 of those days were spent in Kotli jail. 

The point is, when a rhythm breaks, it takes time to re-establish it.


We received our first and only response to date in reference to the alert to the 'international community' sent out on the 5th of May:


Monday 27 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 148 of 2024


Another day of protest. 2 hours at the mercy of the sun but the dedication of the public of Sehnsa is unwavering. 

Here's our Facebook offering for the day:


Sunday 26 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 147 of 2024


Back in Sehnsa, preparing to sleep for the first time in my bed since that ridiculously ill-fated morning of the 9th of May, when my bed was surrounding by more than a dozen policemen, without notice or due legal procedure.

Thankfully, it is not only my world that has changed. 

Saturday 25 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 146 of 2024


Encountering very weak connectivity today. Putting up with a lot as it is. Change is driven by such conditions precisely.


Friday 24 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 145 of 2024


Out and about. To and fro from Dadyaal to Mirpur. A lot is brewing and it all needs to be consumed, then digested before one can lay solid public policy prescriptions for such unprecedented conditions in AJK.


Our online petition has finally reached its first milestone of a thousand signatures. We still have a long way to go:


Tuesday 21 May 2024

Monday 20 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 141 of 2024


Pursuing our political prisoner's release today. Of more immediate concern is the plight of our sole female prisoner Nasrin Farooq, who is in urgent need of medical attention after the brutal torture meted out to her by male police officers since her arrest on the 11th of May.

We cover her plight in our Facebook post today:


Sunday 19 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 140 of 2024


Our 7 political prisoners in Mangla are on my mind foremost. It could be criminal if I return to Sehnsa without securing their release.


Saturday 18 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 139 of 2024


A lot of the day spent out and about in Mirpur. Leaving little time for documentation.


Thursday 16 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 137 of 2024


I can welcome myself back after an enforced hiatus of 8 days. 7 days of incarceration from 0500hrs on Day 130 of 2024 to 1200hrs (midday) on Day 137 of 2024 and 1 day due to an enforced AJK wide blockage of internet connectivity, which was unblocked at about midday today.


Wednesday 8 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 129 of 2024


Momentum took me all the way to 0700hrs this morning before I finally fell asleep. I even almost got up for my morning walk at c. 0600hrs but thought better of it as it could have exhausted me for the rest of the day. Instead, I opted to sleep and got up at 1300hrs. It was 6 hours of sleep, an optimum amount but at totally the wrong time of day. Nevertheless, 129 days into the year and we battle on.


This should be self-explanatory:


An Urdu video explanation of the 'Averting a Security Crisis in AJK':


An example of how Pakistan's clandestine agencies try and threaten our people for peacefully protesting for their rights:

(The number of the person making the call is also included):


1981, Margaret Thatcher and the Mujahideen:


Tuesday 7 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 128 of 2024


Fared today similar to yesterday viz. midnight to 1000hrs....thus I need to work out what is preventing me from waking at 0500hrs as I was doing not long ago.


Worth knowing:


The first sign of solidarity for #RightsMovementAJK from across the LOC and from a Kashmiri Pandit no less:


Monday 6 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 127 of 2024


Fared a bit better today, waking at 1000hrs after sleeping close to midnight. A lot to do and for that I need to be active for 17 hours a day.


Sunday 5 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 126 of 2024


Another lapse this morning despite sleeping close to midnight and waking up fresh at 0700hrs. Nevertheless, I drifted back to sleep until about 1100hrs when some guests arrived.

Today, I'm about to write possibly the most important letter in my life yet, given the onset of a security crisis in AJK. 

Here it is:

Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2


Initially published on Facebook on the 25th of February at Mirpur, here's an X (platform) update on our direct application to the public for the absent role of public policy administrator in AJK:



Saturday 4 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 125 of 2024


I spent the early hours of this morning (0000hrs to 0300hrs) following Luton Town's progress at the tail-end of their first campaign back in the Premier league after over 3 decades. They pushed hard for a win but remain in a very precarious position, needing the other 2 contenders (Nottingham Forest & Burnley) for the 2 remaining relegation spots to falter in their 3 remaining games.

Luton Town's passion on the field and the spirit of their fans are the talk of the country and it would be safe to say that most 'neutrals' would like Luton to stay up.

On the bright side. the BBC have finally quoted AJK along with my comment for the first time:

Meanwhile, having slept at 0300hrs I managed to wake up an hour earlier than yesterday viz. 1100hrs, thus much improvement needed. One of the positives over the past few days is that I'm maintaining a gruelling 1.5 hour walk soon after waking up and have also begun using light weights later in the day during this period.


Friday 3 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 124 of 2024


Despite sleeping close to midnight, I couldn't wake at 0500hrs or even 0900hrs, rather I got up just beyond midday. 'Enjoying' almost 12 hours of sleep. This is a move in the wrong direction despite the fact that I'm maintaining the new dietary pattern of eating well in the morning and then just having a cereal in the evening while missing lunch. In fact, I even missed out on eating my evening cereal yesterday.

Obviously, we throttle on despite everything.


The security situation in AJK is at its most perilous post 1947 given the AJK government and it's sponsor Pakistan's inability to contain a year long peaceful resistance to:

1) Unwarranted hikes on the price of electricity in a territory producing much more than its own needs.
2) Inaccessibility to subsidised flour for the affected masses at large.
3) Unnecessary privileges & perks enjoyed by the bureaucracy & politicians of AJK  

With a nationwide 'Long March' announced by the Joint Awaami Action Committee AJK for the 11th of May (2024), the following government circular looks ominous and it has been followed up with a drastic increase in Pakistani troops throughout the rural & urban landscape of AJK to crush this peaceful & persistent resistance:


Thursday 2 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 123 of 2024


Faring better today than yesterday. Woke at 0830hrs after sleeping at around midnight. Resumed my 1.5 hour morning walk after an unnecessary break of 2 days.


Wednesday 1 May 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 122 of 2024


A slack day today after making some progress over the past week. Got up at 0900hrs today despite sleeping at around midnight. Slept an additional couple of hours between 1300hrs and 1500hrs.


The People's Mandate! Isn't that such a relevant subject for us in JKA?


Tuesday 30 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 121 of 2024


Continuing on the journey of taking the camel laden with precious wisdom through the eye of a needle, we immerse ourselves further in human/data management so that we can manage the most strategically contested water, soil & waste in the world.

The financial resources needed to do so are modest but must fairly & equitably apply to each and every citizen of the territory of AJK. 

Indigenous Public to Public Interaction:
1) Generate Ideas >
2) Struggle for those Ideas >
3) Recognition of those Ideas >
4) Investment in those Ideas >

Laying conditions & possibilities for achieving genuine public policy goals in AJK.


This is the latest example of incendiary rhetoric committed by a 'loyalist'* politician in #AJK 



1) You should no longer use #India as a scare-mongering tactic to divert attention away from your ineligibility & incapability to govern this territory.

Do not hide behind India.

2) 'Aini haath' (constitutional fist) 
There was a lot of aggression in that expression and you have spun a constitutional trap for yourself. You cannot claim the mandate of the people if you have 'procured' your mantle as 'prime minister of AJK' #PMAJK through the assistance of another country. You have 'democratically disqualified' yourself from claiming that title. 

Your arguments against India are the arguments of #Pakistan 

We - the people/public - have our own arguments against India. It would be foolish of us to club our arguments with yours.

You are threatening to deprive us (the people/public) of our democratic rights through aggression and fairy tales about forefather's commitments etc.

You are threatening the geo-political neutrality of this territory and thus you are threatening the peace of this territory.

You will have to answer the 4 questions wanting of examination in reference to your 'foundational document' #24Oct1947 **

1) What happened to the people's reference ("the right of free self-government" as written in the declaration) post that date?
2) What happened to "entertain(ing) sentiments of the utmost friendliness and goodwill towards" our neighbouring dominions (now countries) of India and Pakistan?
3) What happened to "...securing to the people, including Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs" that "right of free self-government"?
4) When are you going to surrender to the 'Will of the People' as indicatively measured by 'Citizen Public Opinion Survey AJK - Report 2017' *** and currently being clinically measured by #AJKReferendum2023 **** ?

You can no longer enforce #IdeologicalApartheid in this territory from the barrel of a neighbour's gun.

You cannot use the licence 'of the people' against 'the people'.



* - 

** -

*** -

**** -

JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Note: #E181830042024


Monday 29 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 120 of 2024


Similar to yesterday, I got up at 0630hrs despite sleeping closer to midnight last night. I also managed to avoid sleeping at any point during the day.


Sunday 28 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 119 of 2024


Got up at 0630hrs this morning even though I woke just before 0500hrs. I had gone to sleep at c. 0100hrs.


I'm really worried about Luton Town Football Club's prospects for staying in the English Premier League beyond this season. A few weeks ago when they had 6 games to go (a possible 18 points) I assessed that they needed a minimum of 10 points to survive. With 3 games to go after yesterday they have accumulated zero points from those 3 games so far while damaging their goal difference by a further 9 goals. They now have a possible 9 points to get and their flaws in defence are being pounced on by other teams, almost at will. Their midfield is also not performing as it has been doing for most of the season, which puts extra pressure on their defence. Most of the players seem exhausted from the season so far and there is much to reflect on in retrospect. What could they have done differently over the season in terms of tactics as well as management of manpower (bringing in other players during all available transfer windows over the past year).

After that win against Bournemouth AFC at home a few weeks ago they were competing with 4 other teams to avoid relegation (namely Crystal Palace, Brentford, Everton & Nottingham Forest). Since then, bar Nottingham Forest all the other teams have had a winning streak and even Burnley - below Luton - have made a late dash to avoid relegation. While there were 5 teams competing to avoid 1 relegation spot a few weeks ago, now it seems there are just 3 teams trying to avoid 2 relegation spots. A lot has changed and Luton have a real uphill task. Something that they are not unfamiliar with, which they could still use to their advantage, at this very late stage of the season.

It's a pity that the local Asian community (with tens of thousands of 'Kashmiris' & 'Bengalis') have not made any inroads into the club despite over 4 decades of living in the club's midst. I suspect that would be more of a fault to be attributed to the local Asian community rather than the club itself, which doesn't discriminate with anybody from anywhere in the world. The local Asian community's participation could have provided much needed finance as well as manpower to a team that deserves to remain in the top flight; for its grit, determination and guile if not anything else.    


Saturday 27 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 118 of 2024


Got up instinctively at 0400hrs, an hour before my designated time of 0500hrs. I had more or less slept through from about 1900hrs yesterday evening.

I'm still taking in hours of rest during the day (or the evening as in yesterday's case) and need to work harder still to create that perfect daily routine. I will get there sooner rather than later I'm sure.


Thursday 25 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 116 of 2024


Even though I didn't sleep until 0100hrs I did get up at 0500hrs, just like clockwork. Returned to Sehnsa yesterday after a lazy bout of 4 days with the family in Dadyaal.

After struggling to control my sleep pattern since even before the 1st of January this year, I can now safely say that I've 'hacked' the problem from its roots. The change of diet pattern did the trick. I now have a large breakfast in the morning after my walk which lasts c. 1.5 hours...then do a bit of light weights once my breakfast is fully digested after about 3 hours. Then apart from the odd little snack of dry fruit or something similar, I don't really eat anything substantial until early evening before 2000hrs, when I enjoy a milk cereal as dinner. Therefore, no lunch and a light dinner are my 'hack' for daily productivity. I no longer feel the urge to sleep in between or at any point during the day either.


Wednesday 24 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 115 of 2024


My real examination begins tomorrow, as so many stars seem to be aligned - I use that cliche metaphorically - as it is easier or even lazier than explaining how many variables in my life seem to be converging.

Yes, I woke up automatically at 0500hrs. In fact, my first instinctive awakening moment every morning begins at about 0300hrs.


Tuesday 23 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 114 of 2024


As if by instinct I am getting up near that 0500hrs target every morning. In fact, this morning I actually got up at 0300hrs, did some work and then fell back asleep to wake at 0615hrs. I have also relieved myself from having to sleep during the day to make up for shortcomings at night.

I feel like I'm raring to go on matters of efficiency. I just need to get back to base in Sehnsa and work on all those pending issues in reference to waste management & soil management in particular.


Despite not obtaining any income or incurring any expense today our balance has slightly dwindled on account of a c. 2 rupee appreciation of the UK pound cf. the Pakistani rupee:


Monday 22 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 113 of 2024


Still in Dadyaal though I should have moved on today, back to Sehnsa. My routine has gone haywire. Although I still woke up at around 0500hrs I drifted back to sleep after a few hours, waking up at some point in the afternoon. An additional 6 hours on top of the 5 at night.


Today's income/expenditure account:


Sunday 21 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 112 of 2024


It is now routine that I automatically wake at around 0500hrs. Even an alarm clock is no longer necessary. Today I got up at 0515hrs.

Began my walk not soon after as I have been doing for the past few days. 

Waking up in Dadyaal rather than Sehnsa this morning has made no difference.


Today's income/expenditure status remains static:


Saturday 20 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 111 of 2024


Despite getting up at 0630hrs rather than the 'stipulated' 0500hrs I feel that I have broken some barriers or decimated some cobwebs of lethargy that have been present for the past 4 months or so. It so happened that work compelled me to work through until 0300hrs and I didn't eventually get to sleep till 0400hrs, yet still got up 2.5 hours later. My quota of sleep at the time of writing amounts to just that 2.5 hours at the time of writing.

I have also phased in other aspects into my life which will build my daily efficiency. More details in due course.


Today's budget details:


Friday 19 April 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 110 of 2024


I have managed to get up at 0500hrs sharp for the past 4 days in a row, like a bolt almost. That isn't where the problem lies. It's how I manage the rest of the day that is crucial.

It seems rain is forecast for the foreseeable future and that does affect our outdoor work - even though it shouldn't - strictly speaking. It also affects our supply of electricity which incidentally has been absent since about midnight. This is going to affect our indoor work too, as I am taking the support of an external monitor to use my laptop. 

Nevertheless, one motors on regardless and there are plenty of things to do at home, even in the absence of electricity. Piles of paperwork for a start!


It is heartening & solidifying that I managed to work through the day without drifting back to sleep. I hadn't really got much sleep during the night, which probably amounted to 2 hours at best. Nevertheless, by 1700hrs I needed to sleep and did so until c. 2030hrs. Thus, 2 + 3.5 = c. 5 and a half hours of sleep today. A big improvement on the 17 hours yesterday.  


Today's effort towards implementing transparency in AJK:


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024

0653hrs: Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli....