
Sunday, 30 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 181 of 2019


I'm really happy for the English cricket I've predicted as well as want them to win the cricket world cup for the first time ever.

Here's a status report by :

England's win tonight has put them on ten points with one game in hand. In turn, this has made the other semi-final contenders' task tougher. Here's what they need to do and hope in order to qualify for the knockouts:

Pakistan: Currently on nine points, they need to beat Bangladesh and hope England lose to New Zealand.

Bangladesh: They have seven points with two games in hand. But even beating India and Pakistan may not be enough. They will be rooting for NZ to beat England.

Sri Lanka: They are now out of the race for the top four

End of cricinfo text...


This following piece of news refers to the faction of JKLF headed by Sardar Sagheer Khan of Rawalakot:


Saturday, 29 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 180 of 2019


Watching this video reminded me of those tortuous and tormenting years that I spent in Pakistan between 2005 and 2007 - in particular - trying to make sense of this superimposed divide between Hindu and Muslim, between India and Pakistan. I felt this video to be very concise in its presentation:

I've even decided to extract some commentary and paraphrased it for those of you short for time in watching the video:

How this border transformed a subcontinent | India & Pakistan

At 6:00 minutes:
What the British described as needing 5 years to power transfer took 4 months...

Cyril Radcliffe who had never been to India - a lawyer - brought in one month before..with no idea of Indian politics or geography...yet drew lines affecting millions of lives (almost) perpetually.

He used maps and census data to look at religious identities of people and found that people of all religions lived amongst each other all over the region.

He only had 5 weeks to do this and said it would take years to draw a proper boundary.

Cyril Radcliffe had to conceal the fact that there were size-able communities of all religions e.g. the district below Amritsar and Shekhupura viz. Lahore:

Composition in Percentages:

61% - Muslims
18% - Sikh
17% - Hindu
4%  - Christian

These people had lived side by side for centuries.

The British lawyer left on Aug the 15th.

The borders (of a partitioned India) were made public 2 days later, prompting 14 million people to leave their homes/lives (in a panic) with ensuing chaos that led to unspeakable violence.

All this was fueled by the reckless mismanagement of an imperial power.

Despite that, Sikhs are still looking after a pre-47 Muslim community village (with shrines) in a place which Radcliffe decided would be in India viz. Massanian which proves that there is a common identity despite border.

If you take away the geopolitical bluster today, you can still see how much both sides have in common.

A school in Pakistan:
"Before partition, we Pakistanis and Indians used to live together in the same place."

At 12:37 minutes:
These kids (Skype calling between Indian & Pakistani schools) are speaking a similar language and it takes them just minutes to dive into the common roots of their culture.

It is the politician who poisons people's minds.

The divide is created, nurtured, fostered because it suits a certain politics.

Over the years politicians on either side have exploited tension to stoke feelings of nationalism.

The reason for hatred of the other are politicians.

Over 70 years later, in many ways the divide is getting thicker; to divide families, halt trade, cut connection, stop cooperation, instill fear, promote hatred and prolong a division that's superimposed upon their history of deep connection.

End of documentary text notes.....


Friday, 28 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 179 of 2019


The way the wind blows.....can be deceptive at times.....

Whenever we are in a dilemma, let's resort to nature for answers:


Now, I was totally unaware of this fascinating piece of information:


There is a growing list of such cases and I would suggest that readers should go through the whole thread to obtain a more thorough understanding of this phenomenon:


Source: Whatsapp
Translation of above text in image:

SHO Kotli Choudhary Meherban along with 7 others arrested!

Some of you may be aware of the phenomenon of precious relic looting and smuggling in AJK. It has been ongoing since the change of governance in 1947 and has invariably involved the local administration or agents of the Pakistani State in conducting the act of excavation, extraction and export from AJK.

Now with the heightened awareness of our public here - primarily on account of the proliferated use of social media - the level of tolerance in us for such looting practices has sharply declined.

Such an example occurred yesterday at Manjaari near Hussainkot in tehsil Rawalakot (district Poonch), at an old graveyard near the remains of an old Hindu mandir (temple). It is reported that the excavation team involved 2 pathans equipped with metal detectors and other technical equipment. They were accompanied (supported) by members of the AJK administration including a senior local government employee and a serving SHO (station House Officer) from Kotli. 

The local public gathered at the scene in large numbers and inquired as to what was being done by the 'excavation team'. They were deflected by being informed that some mere research of an archeological nature was being conducted. However, the locals were not convinced and there are reports that some members of the 'excavation team' were thrashed for their deceit.

It should also be understood that when the Hindus and Sikhs of this territory that became AJK were expelled for belonging to the wrong religion, most had to leave in a hurry. Many of these hapless souls knew that if they carried anything precious with them, they were likely to be robbed on their journey and probably killed too for 'good' measure. They also understood that Muslims tend not to disturb their own graveyards and thus various precious artefacts including murtis (statues) made of precious metal or stone etc. were hastily but securely buried in such graveyards.

This was one such graveyard and this 'excavation team' - we learn - managed to excavate a murti despite all the commotion. As they returned later under the cover of darkness to complete their 'mission'. Under intense public pressure, an FIR (First Information Report) by local police has been lodged against members of the team and even the serving SHO of Kotli has been arrested:

Here's the FIR:


The following news emerging from the LOC in Khuiratta is as disturbing as it is regular and unreported:

It is reported that in the dark hours of last night, members of the Pakistani army stationed at Janjhot Bahadur (a village divided by the LOC in Khuiratta sector) broke into a house and began violently beating all members of the household, including women and children. Apparently, they were accusing all family members of working for the Indian State. They are pleading their innocence whilst also pleading for action to be taken against the members of the Pakistani army allegedly involved.


This could be understood to be a 'nail in the coffin' of Pakistan's self-assumed responsibility for diplomacy on Jammu & Kashmir:

I feel it could be a blessing in disguise as the following sentence from the news report amply indicates:

"According to a report that emanated from Geneva headquarters of the World Body, The News reported that it is being delayed due to ‘intense pressures’ and international politics, the UN officials and international diplomats at the headquarters contented."

So, it should be clear that Pakistan is incapable of representing us. Not just because it has a vested interest and is doing so by muffling the indigenous voices of the territory. No country in the world is willing to disturb its relationship with India for the sake of Pakistan. 

Pakistan is in a deep state of disorientation like never before in its history. This is an opportunity for us - in AJK in particular - to develop ownership building measures (OBMs) that safeguard our narrative and drive us towards making AJK a truly representative territory of Jammu & Kashmir, through gradual institution-building without external interference.


Thursday, 27 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 178 of 2019


The past 4 days have been among the most interesting since 2005. It was always inevitable that there would be convergence or rather a venue of crossroads between the British, Indian, Pakistani and the internal narratives of Jammu & Kashmir. 

It is these internal narratives that have motivated and mobilised activists to put all personal interest at stake to promote public interest over the decades, despite structurally 'enjoying' subaltern status since 1947. 

The venue is Sharda.

Ramesh Kumar of PTI and on presumed deputation from the Pakistani prime minister, headed a 5 member delegation of Pakistan Hindu Council (PHC) to AJK (Muzaffarabad and Sharda) on Monday afternoon (24/06/19 - Day 175 of 2019). His visit was kept out of public reach and the news of the delegation's arrival didn't even break the social media barrier till almost 10pm that day:

I just happened to be in the AJK Department of Tourism's Secretary's office that afternoon. At first instance, it was felt important to arrange a meeting of AJK civil society with Dr. Ramesh and the rest of his delegation. 

This couldn't happen on that very day in Muzaffarabad, partly because the AJK PM has a knack of only meeting me when in opposition. He had invited the delegation to dinner in the evening and I wasn't 'privileged' enough to be among the 'guests'.

Through multiple levels of communication, it was agreed that a meeting be scheduled between the visiting delegation of PHC headed by Dr. Ramesh and civil society in Sharda at 1pm on the following day. 

Here's a summary of the meeting on Tuesday (25/06/19) at Army Camp Sharda, which eventually took place at around 4pm, though we didn't notify them of our arrival until about 2.45pm:


Here are a series of embeds which cover the 3 day visit of the 5 member PHC delegation to AJK: 

A summary of proceedings by Ravinder Pandita - Head of 'Save Sharda Committee' (Regd.) and most actively persistent in opening Sharda from across the LOC:

Silent footage of the PHC delegation's visit to Sharda on Tuesday (Day 176 of 2019), remotely secured by prominent AJK journalist Amirudeen Mughal:

Leading AJK Archaeologist Dr. Rukhsana Khan's notes on the visit:

For those of you who can't read the text of the embed above, here it is:

Expert urges ‘broader and inclusive approach’ for opening Sharda Peeth

Assistant Professor University of Azad Jammu and Kasmir, Dr. Rukhsana Khan has said that Prime Minster of Pakistan Imran Khan has conferred a huge task of cross-LoC heritage tourism initiative to PTI MNA Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani who recently visited Sharda to check the feasibility of the initiative. The initiative includes opening Sharda Peeth and other spiritual sites for Kashmiri origin Hindu Pandits and Muslims on both sides of LoC who want to visit shrines and their Holy places on either side of LoC, Dr. Khan told this correspondent after meeting with Dr. Vankwani and his delegation in before their departure for Sharda. According to Dr Khan, she was approached by the delegation of Pakistan Hindu Council and Evacuee Trust Property Board Government of Pakistan to take her input on various aspects of Sharda Peeth and other archaeological sites in AJK.

Delegation headed by Dr. Vankwani, who is also Patron in Chief of Pakistan Hindu Council, wanted to know the historical background, state of preservation, and aspects effecting the opening of Sharda and associated sites for heritage tourism. It is pertinent to mention here that Dr. Khan has extensively worked on heritage in conflict areas in Kashmir and its utilization for peace building. Moreover, Dr. Khan emphasized that earlier initiatives of trade and travel across the LoC have been suspended, and in these circumstances the prospects for cross LoC heritage tourism will remain fragile until the earlier peace initiatives are resumed and further strengthened. She said Sharda Peeth opening initiative must include broader and inclusive approach. PM AJK, and other stake holders must be taken on board and all communities, Pundits and Muslims across the LoC must be allowed to visit their respective revered sites in such heritage tourism initiatives.

End of embedded text...

The possibility of Sharda being discussed at the following meeting is possible, though I am trying to verify it from the British foreign office:

Finally, here are some thoughts shared by the incomparable AJK journalist Arif Urfi:


Elsewhere, this is really positive:


Whilst our attention is on Sharda, something else is happening under our noses:

Translated thus:

Source: Whatsapp Group Apna Poonchi Parivaar

AJK Government's lethal planning for tree felling (deforestation) in Neelam Valley

The AJK government has issued a tender to extract wood from 1 million square feet of forest in the Neelam Valley. Through lethal planning, at least 100,000 exquisite and expensive trees are being felled, which can only be described as a despicable act by the current government. In Neelam Valley, the status of tree felling is already in a shambles whereby the local people have been using the wood from trees for fuel (for cooking) or for construction. Meanwhile, the Department of Forestry has been relentlessly occupied in delivering these trees to their masters everywhere from Muzaffarabad to Karachi (in Pakistan).

Neelam Valley's Deodar - a very rare and valuable species of wood - is found here which is highly expensive (in the international market). Prior to this, a department by the name of AKLAS (Azad Kashmir Logs and Saw Mills Association) had been (officially) responsible for extracting this wood but it was abolished (as a department) last year. It so happens that this government department's former employees - despite promises and assurances - have not been issued with pensions. 

Some people object (to environmental activism) by posing the question as to where will the government generate its budget and cover its deficit? It should be said in this regard that just the annual revenue from Mangla dam is 450 arb (billion rupees) whilst at this moment Neelam-Jhelum (hydro project) is also running at full capacity.

Acting as an enemy of the forests of Neelam Valley is nothing new for the AJK government but is in fact a tradition (policy) maintained since decades. Whether its the civil bureaucracy of Pakistan or the (wood) mafia at large - all their houses are adorned with wood extracted from trees in the forests of Neelam - they are being used in the housing schemes of Bahria and DHA (Defence Housing Authority) in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Last year I was in shock when a friend informed me that in Upper Neelam, 5,000 trees had been felled in just one night and when some journalists tried to raise their voice on this issue, they were forcibly silenced.

The forests of Neelam Valley have already been almost laid bare. The department of forestry is a powerful and influential institution, to the extent that the department's range officer is at times more powerful than a secretary of the AJK government. Despite that, there is no real effort being made to re-plant trees throughout the valley. On one hand, tree felling is hurting local industry and on the other hand the environment is at high risk. Wildlife is becoming extinct and landsliding has also become a more imminent danger.

At a local level, it is just the wood industry that has some functional status while the government gives scant attention to it. Indeed, instead of promoting this industry, the government extracts wood in abundance and then sells it at an inferior price in Pakistan. Some of it is even presented as gifts to their masters there. These activities are threatening the sole functioning industry within the State of AJK. The act of mass tree felling, has in the past few years not only diminished the availability of water in the region, the temperature is also gradually rising, which in turn is affecting the growth of local crops. 

The forests of Neelam Valley do not merely belong to the Neelam Valley, they act as a guarantor of the future of downstream areas including the rest of AJK, Punjab and Sindh (in Pakistan). This lethal planning of deforestation must be prevented at all costs, otherwise in just a few years time the forests will remain just in name (and not substance).        


The following is important for the record:


Monday, 24 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 175 of 2019


A very wet day in Muzaffarabad today. It almost feels like a fantastic gift from the Almighty, in what is usually a sweltering summer day in June.

Somehow, I've developed a knack of being present in or nearby the heart of public activity. On this occasion, it wasn't at the scene of public protests on the streets but within a hectic government department, which are normally anything but hectic. It so happens that a Hindu member of Pakistan's national assembly, namely PTI's Ramesh Kumar Vankwani has arrived in Muzaffarabad and will be proceeding to Sharda tomorrow morning.


As such visits engage much of the government machinery who are normally not used to efficiently putting things together in good time, a huge panic has ensued among relevant government servants.


A co-citizen of ours based in Canada, was kind enough to write a short bio (in Urdu) in reference to my impending meeting with Dr. Ramesh at Sharda tomorrow:


Sunday, 23 June 2019

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 173 of 2019


Forts were built to defend warrior/kings and their conquered territories from the enemy. We have our own Red Fort in Muzaffarabad which was built centuries ago but has endured decades of neglect since 1947. 

Here's a video of it that I made almost 8 years ago:

Can it be restored? More pointedly, can its use be transformed to better suit contemporary public interest?  


I usually translate any content embedded here. However, on this occasion I will confine the privilege of understanding the following to my Urdu readers. Most certainly, they need to understand the message more than anyone else:


Friday, 21 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 172 of 2019


The slogan "Tu Abaad Me Abaad - Muzaffarabad,,Muzaffarabad" (Dear Muzaffarabad: If you're populated/settled/prosperous then so am I) has been ringing in my ears for the past few months, gradually as if it is proceeding towards a crescendo. 

The concepts of rule of law and freedom of assembly are also constantly 'playing' in the background.

After all, my current address is Azaadi Chowk.


The following should be self-explanatory for my co-citizens but alas....

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 171 of 2019


Muzaffarabad can be really hard work at times.......our people fear change as much as they aspire for it. Claiming ownership of a territory isn't possible when your actions belie even being classified as a tenant. There is an inverse relationship between fear and opportunity in the context of fundamental rights. If you don't embolden yourself, you are emboldening your adversary.

Change is the only constant in history. One can even take inspiration whilst sitting in a room with a view, by noticing how the weather has changed in a matter of minutes:

Reasonably sunny
Torrential rain
I wanted to translate the following Facebook post from a couple of days ago for its insightful comparative analysis between how water and power generation issues are dealt with in Pakistan compared to the 'imposed sacrifices' we have to put up with in AJK and GB:

Translated thus:

Last year in June, the then Chief Justice (of Pakistan's Supreme Court) Saaqib Nisaar said that whosoever opposes the construction of Kalabagh Dam will be prosecuted under article 16. Precisely 15 minutes later, Sayed Nasir Shah, a minister in Sindh (Pakistan's Southern province) adroitly responded to the Chief Justice's statement thus, "Whosoever will support the construction of Kalabagh Dam will be prosecuted under article 16!" 

I dare any bold soul in Punjab, Kashmir (AJK) or Gilgit (GB) to respond to a serving Chief Justice in such a manner!

(Meanwhile) After this stern response (from the Sindhi minister) the Cheif Justice never again as much as mentioned Kalabagh dam (in public) but rather promptly began collecting funds for (hydropower projects in) Diamer Basha (in GB) and Mohmand (KPK).

In our Azad Kashmir, our ultra-nationalist, extremely abrupt, facetious yet honourable prime minister Raja Farooq Haider Sahab says that I don't even know who ordered the action (of dismantling the sit-in protest camp) and arresting members of the 'Save Rivers Movement'. He went on to say (when pursued to explain) that the Chief Secretary whilst obeying orders from 'above', in turn directed the Commissioner (of Muzaffarabad) to take the action (required and thus bypassing the PM). 

Anyhow, about 2 years ago in a similar situation when an IG (Inspector General of Police) in Sindh began harassing the (provincial) government in Sindh, the latter utilised the power of the provincial assembly to make an infant out of the IG (as in belittled and humiliated him). To such an extent that apart from drawing his salary from the bank every month, he had no other power whatsoever.

4 or 5 years ago when (the then) prime minister of Azad Kashmir (Choudhary Majeed) tried to expel the Chief Secretary and IG (lent officers in AJK) from AJK, Farooq Haider was seen defending and standing in solidarity with both lent officers. 

The political career of Farooq Haider Sahab began after the death of the late Ishaq Zafar whereby he flourished in the name of protecting the rights of Muzaffarabad. However, his political career now seems to be floundering, in its final stages towards an exit from the political landscape. 

End of translation...


I couldn't even get round to visiting Azaadi Chowk during the day today, thus I can't show you the latest photo of it. Tomorrow definitely.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 170 of 2019


A lot to consequence to a lot to think about at Azaadi Chowk, Muzaffarabad.

This might be a good beginning:

For those of you interested in government notices (Section 144)...check this out hanging in the vicinity of Azaadi Chowk:

A Warning of Intent

Translated thus:

Notice of Awareness for the Public at Large

The public at large (in general) is informed that under section 144 all forms of public congregation/marches/agitation/protests in the areas around the vicinity of Burhan Wani Chowk (Azaadi Chowk) and the (Central) Press Club are banned, (Irrespective) of whether they are individual or collective and including all forms of public protest. If this notice is contravened (disobeyed) the perpetrators will face proceedings under APC 188.

On the Order of District Magistrate Muzaffarabad 

end of translation....

The following is an ominous depiction of how peaceful protests for fundamental rights on either side of J & K are treated:

The picture on the left of your screen is of Azaadi Chowk in Muzaffarabad and on the right of Laal Chowk in Srinagar.


The 'deep State' is prompt in preempting future congregation at Azaadi Chowk:

Here are some photos of how these changes emerged over the hours:
1 of 10
2 of 10
3 of 10
4 of 10
5 of 10
6 of 10
7 of 10
8 of 10
9 of 10
10 of 10

This article that I am responding to is from April the 10th and given my work schedule I only got around to responding to it this morning:


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 169 of 2019


JIT (As in 'Just In Time')


Earlier in London, it was a busy day of public activity for our diaspora, just like the day before throughout AJK:

A 3rd memorandum (2 earlier versions had been handed to the Pakistani Embassy in London at previous protests) was presented without forgetting to remind the embassy official of the absence of a response to the earlier ones:


Monday, 17 June 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 168 of 2019


The attention span in our little corner in this global village oscillated between Muzaffarabad at home and Manchester in the UK, all throughout the previous 24 hours. 

The diary entry for Day 167 of 2019 became a casualty in the process, though it needn't have.

Let's begin with the less serious of the 2 venues:

Old Trafford cricket ground in Manchester captured much attention of our co-citizens throughout the day. Certainly as long as the Pakistani cricket team still had a remote outside chance of beating their Indian counterparts.

As I've intimated on this blog and elsewhere in the past, Pakistani cricket is an apt metaphor for how the Pakistani State and society in general approach life. Most of the world has moved on with the times but Pakistan - almost insistently but perhaps more through habit - lags behind in most fields of life.

The importance of merit, transparency, discipline and responsibility are still mentally driven away by the Pakistani mind as 'foreign/enemy agents'. This puts us in AJK and GB in an unenviable dilemma. We want to keep pace with the world and adopt the quality of approach visible elsewhere but the Pakistani State is adamant on dragging us down with it.

The following issue is a prime example of how we suffer at their hands. They want us to tirelessly advocate the freedom of the Kashmir Valley (for assumed propaganda brownie points against India) while ignoring our own right to freedom.  

As opposed to Manchester, more pertinent to our future was what happened in the early hours of yesterday in Muzaffarabad. The peaceful sit-in protest at Azaadi Chowk (Freedom Square) to save our rivers had barely entered its 84th day, when the local police pounced on the 2 activists on duty, at about 0230hrs yesterday morning (Sunday 16/06/19), before taking them and all the camp equipment into custody.

Later, as news spread throughout the morning to all corners of the globe where our diaspora reside, many of the local activists committed to save their environment and part of the 'Save Rivers - Save Muzaffarabad' Movement converged on Azaadi Chowk to protest their outrage. At about 1000hrs (10am) a further 21 members of the movement were arrested.

Here is a list of the 23 detainees:

1) Raja Amjad Ali Khan Advocate (Movement Spokesman)
2) Shaukat Nawaz Mir (President of Trader's Association - Muzaffarabad)
3) Mir Afzaal Suleria
4) Raja Umar
5) Imran Pandit
6) Zulfiqar Baig
7) Gohar Kashmiri
8) Raja Farrukh Mumtaz
9) Chaudhary Murad
10) Aamir Yusuf Zargar
11) Zain Kokher
12) Zulqarnain Jaafri
13) Mirza Akhter
14) Waqar Hussain Kazmi Advocate
15) Noor Hussain
16) Raja Saeed
17) Shahid Awan
18) Zaheer Mir
19) Basit Qureshi
20) Kamran Baig Advocate
21) Mustafa Nazir
22) Daaniyaal Chishti
23) Suhail Mughal

The detainees almost proportionately represent the different clans, tribes, sects, schools of thought, political parties and other diversities existing in the Muzaffarabad region. Not to forget that women have also acted in solidarity with their male brethren. This aspect along with their consistent line in respect to their simple demands and mobilisation of the AJK diaspora have given this movement a certain potency, arguably hitherto absent in public protests throughout AJK. 

Meanwhile, a multitude of protests throughout the city of Muzaffarabad ensued throughout the day. Here's an example:

The timing of this 'crackdown' is interesting because a scheduled protest in London for the 18th of June had already been announced when the sit-in protest in Azaadi Chowk, Muzaffarabad began on the 25th of March. The powers-that-be are always confident of diluting public interest here but are traditionally fearful of protests abroad:

Let me remind you of the simple demands of the 'Save Rivers - Save Muzaffarabad' Movement:

1) - (Alternative) Water bodies to be made (to mitigate effects of River Neelam diversion) between Nausehri and Chattar Klas.

2) - Sewerage treatment plants to be constructed at 16 points along the River Neelam, along with associated infrastructure in full.

3) - A water supply scheme should be initiated between Nausehri and Muzaffarabad.

4) - A solid waste management project should be initiated to recycle garbage.

5) - Both banks of the River Neelam should be cleaned and plantation erected there.

6) - Genuine participation of the people of AJK in electricity projects (here) should be realised.

Instead of fulfilling these demands, the Pakistani State - through its proxies including WAPDA (Pakistan's federal Water and Power Development Authority) and the AJK Government - is digging deeper problems for itself by trying to crush genuine dissent rather than face responsibility for its deeds. Charging into a territory under the guise of development without legal and constitutional authority, as if humans do not even exist there is an approach our Western neighbour will have to answer for.    
Sardar Shamim and I spent about 10 of these 84 days at Azaadi Chowk last month. I have gathered much technical details about the motives behind why the Pakistani State is adamant on destroying our environment for the sake of (relatively expensive) power generation for itself and without agreement with us; the stakeholders of this territory. I should've published this comprehensive report sooner but will do so in due course as soon as possible.
The heat coupled with Ramadhan stalled me somewhat but I am not offering that as an excuse.


Meanwhile, the AJK PM Raja Farooq Haider has denied instructing the police to uproot the camp at Azaadi Chowk. He claims Pakistan's lent officer in chief in AJK (Chief Secretary) gave the orders without his knowledge. 

Here at Gilani Chowk, Raja Amjad Ali Khan (Spokesman for 'Save Rivers - Save Muzaffarabad' movement) urges the PM - in no uncertain terms - to either stand up for his right to govern as 'chief executive' or resign from office forthwith:


Returning to the cricket world cup on a very hopeful note:


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 39 of 2025

1848hrs: 13 hours and 48 minutes later than scheduled. However, the way the day emerged and the resources at hand, it just wasn't possib...