
Tuesday, 31 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 31 of 2023


Day 240 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
163 days on time or early of 240
Punctuality deficit = 59 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 5 days 

Note: 120hrs completed at Square this morning, at precisely 0805hrs. A welcome contrast in the weather today. The sun is almost always welcome (For about 320 days of 365 in a year if we attempt to be precise, while 45 days of rain sprinkled throughout the year is necessary too).


Monday, 30 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 30 of 2023


Day 239 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
162 days on time or early of 239
Punctuality deficit = 128 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days 

Note: 96hrs completed at Square this morning, at precisely 0805hrs. It rained ferociously and incessantly since yesterday evening. Contingencies were activated but it was still a challenge.

I did get up earlier than 0744hrs but the phone battery was dead. Rain was lashing down and it took time to reactivate.


I will endeavour to begin writing down my thoughts publicly, on a more regular basis. Of course I do write daily and copiously but as the level of interaction with my co-citizens is intensifying and we have reached a critical stage of our journey, our people need to be kept informed in real time of developments as they emerge.

There remains misunderstanding over the critical importance of population census data in 21st century governance. We are making inroads though, via our Sunday 'Legal Experts Q & A' Twitter Space @jkapublicagency.

I think it is high time that I repeat the importance, which I have been highlighting gradually since 2012.


Sunday, 29 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 29 of 2023


Day 238 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
161 days on time or early of 238
Punctuality deficit = 144 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days 

Note: 72hrs completed at Square this morning, at precisely 0805hrs.


Saturday, 28 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 28 of 2023


Day 237 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
160 days on time or early of 237
Punctuality deficit = 205 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days 

Note: We completed almost 48 hours at the Chowk this morning and a visible difference can be seen in the impact generated, on many counts.


Friday, 27 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 27 of 2023


Day 236 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
159 days on time or early of 236
Punctuality deficit = 261 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day 

Note: 24hrs completed at Square this morning, at precisely 0805hrs. The photo was taken soon after getting up viz. at 0654hrs. 

It did get cold at night but it was taken on the chin, as usual.


Thursday, 26 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 26 of 2023


Day 235 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
158 days on time or early of 235
Punctuality deficit = 327 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = -5 days

Note: We still haven't broken this belated spell but we did decide yesterday to stay put in the Square 24/7, as from today. Continuing to use 0800hrs as the baseline, we will subtract or add the number of minutes to our punctuality status, according to the time we get up in the morning. Let's see what each coming day delivers.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 25 of 2023


Day 234 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

158 days on time or early of 234

Punctuality deficit = 322 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = -4 days

Note: When you drift away from your punctuality target for 4 days in a row, you know it is a slippery slope. Can we redeem ourselves from this point onwards?


Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 24 of 2023


Day 233 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
158 days on time or early of 233
Punctuality deficit = 241 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = -3 days

Note: We've now been late for 3 days in a row, hence the -3 denoted in the last row viz. Punctuality Consistency Status. The positive aspect is that the time of arrival is gradually making its way back to the 0800hrs watershed.


Monday, 23 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 23 of 2023


Day 232 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
158 days on time or early of 232
Punctuality deficit = 215 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: We seem to be spiralling downwards in our pursuit of punctuality. Something needs to be done to overturn this impending disaster.


Sunday, 22 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 22 of 2023


Day 231 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
158 days on time or early of 231
Punctuality deficit = 139 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: No justification but we had our longest Twitter Space on record in 130 days last night. It almost reached 6 hours! I couldn't wind down before 0400hrs. 


Week 11 already of our regular Sunday live broadcast on JKTV. We continue from where we left off last night - in our almost impromptu interview on the 'Maa Boli' programme on JKTV - in reference to the impending population census, to be carried out by Pakistan in AJK and Gilgit Baltistan:


Saturday, 21 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 21 of 2023


Day 230 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 69%
158 days on time or early of 230
Punctuality deficit = 56 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day


Somewhat impromptu but necessary nonetheless:

Impending Population Census in #AJK & #GB

This is an administrative matter and who has the right to execute it?

October 24 1947 - A rebellion was conducted in my name, administered merely a tehsil away 76 years ago.....I deserve answers in 2023....I am JKA PUBLIC AGENCY

I participate in this interview from about 30 minutes onwards....


Friday, 20 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 20 of 2023


Day 229 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 69%
157 days on time or early of 229
Punctuality deficit = 56 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: Severely late but cathartic somehow? Time will tell.


Thursday, 19 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 19 of 2023


Day 228 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 69%
157 days on time or early of 228
Punctuality deficit = 2 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 8 days


Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 18 of 2023


Day 227 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 69%

156 days on time or early of 227

Punctuality deficit = 2 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 7 days


Tuesday, 17 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 17 of 2023


Day 226 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 69%
155 days on time or early of 226
Punctuality deficit = 2 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 6 days


We spent almost 10 hours on the following document today:


Monday, 16 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 16 of 2023


Day 225 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
154 days on time or early of 225
Punctuality deficit = 2 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 5 days


Sunday, 15 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 15 of 2023


Day 224 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
153 days on time or early of 224
Punctuality deficit = 3 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Saturday, 14 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 14 of 2023


Day 223 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

152 days on time or early of 223

Punctuality deficit = 3 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


Friday, 13 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 13 of 2023


Day 222 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

151 days on time or early of 222

Punctuality deficit = 5 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


Thursday, 12 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 12 of 2023


Day 221 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
150 days on time or early of 221
Punctuality deficit = 17 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day

Note: The earliest for many a day. A relief too.


Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 11 of 2023


Day 220 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
149 days on time or early of 220
Punctuality deficit = 31 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: Yesterday's visit to the LOC in Smaahni was exhausting and resulted - this morning - in our worst punctuality performance for a long time. This has also converted our punctuality surplus into a deficit once again. 


Tuesday, 10 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 10 of 2023


Day 219 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

149 days on time or early of 219

Punctuality surplus = 17 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Monday, 9 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 9 of 2023


Day 218 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

148 days on time or early of 218

Punctuality surplus = 17 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


Sunday, 8 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 8 of 2023


Day 217 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%

Punctuality = 68%

147 days on time or early of 217

Punctuality surplus = 17 minutes 

Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


Our weekly live video transmission from the Square is into its 9th consecutive week:


Saturday, 7 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 7 of 2023


Day 216 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
146 days on time or early of 216
Punctuality surplus = 17 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day


I have been meaning to attend this monthly event for many months now:


The following video is an example of daylight robbery in Gilgit Baltistan. Namely, of how resources are extracted mercilessly from the most precious territory in the world:


Friday, 6 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 6 of 2023


Day 215 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
145 days on time or early of 215
Punctuality surplus = 17 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: All deficiencies in punctuality are avoidable. Today's was even more so.


Thursday, 5 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 5 of 2023


Day 214 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
145 days on time or early of 214
Punctuality surplus = 30 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 4 days


Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 4 of 2023


Day 213 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
144 days on time or early of 213
Punctuality surplus = 30 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 3 days


We have streamlined the proposed snapshot Citizen's Charter in the following manner:


Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 3 of 2023


Day 212 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 68%
143 days on time or early of 212
Punctuality surplus = 29 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 2 days


Monday, 2 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 2 of 2023


Day 211 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
142 days on time or early of 211
Punctuality surplus = 29 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 1 day


Looking back on the first day of last year viz. 2022 but a day late in 2023:


Sunday, 1 January 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 1 of 2023


Day 210 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Attendance = 100%
Punctuality = 67%
141 days on time or early of 210
Punctuality surplus = 20 minutes 
Punctuality Consistency Status = 0 days

Note: Today's photo was taken from an angle never taken before. It can be described as the southern entrance of the Square. It should be remembered that the daily photo taken at the Square is usually the western entrance, which is the only entrance that remains open.  

Meanwhile, our punctuality percentage has dropped a point for the first time in a long time, on account of being late for 2 consecutive days in a row. Our daily diversion towards Sehnsa for the past week and the past 2 days in particular created challenges which we were unable to fully rise to.


Financial Year 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023

Public Finance Source:

All citizens of AJK (excluding all other parts of JKA) whose assets/annual income is > 1 crore PK rupees or c. £37,000 (UK pound sterling) 

Should pay: 

60,000 for the year or 5,000 a month or 164 PK rupees a day

Global economies that matter most to us at this stage of our evolution as a State (Currency Conversion Rates - CCR - against the PK Rupee, provided by Google at c. midday):

(Figures quoted are to the nearest whole number) 

1) United Kingdom (UK)
CCR: £1 pound sterling = 272.99
£220 a year = £18 a month = 60 pence a day 

2) United States of America (USA)
CCR: $1 = 226.16
$265 a year = $22 a month = 73 cents a day

3) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
CCR: Saudi Riyal = 60.15
998 Riyals a year = 83 Riyals a month = 3 Riyals a day

4) United Arab Emirates (UAE)
CCR: UAE Dirham = 61.58
974 Dirhams a year = 81 Dirhams a month = 3 Dirhams a day

5) Republic of India
CCR: Indian Rupees = 2.74
22,000 Indian Rupees a year = 1,825 Indian Rupees a month = 60 Indian Rupees a day

6) People's Republic of China
CCR: Chinese Yuan = 32.78
1,830 Chinese Yuan a year = 153 Chinese Yuan a month = 5 Chinese Yuan a day

7) Republic of Singapore 
CCR: Singapore Dollar = 168.62
356 Singaporean Dollars a year = 30 Singaporean Dollars a month = 98 Singaporean cents a day

8) Swiss Confederation
CCR: Swiss Franc = 244.83
245 Swiss Francs a year = 20 Swiss Francs a month = 67 Rappen

9) State of Qatar
CCR: Qatari Rial = 62.12
966 Qatari Rial a year = 81 Qatari Rial a month = 3 Qatari Rial a day

10) Dominion of Canada
CCR: Canadian Dollar = 166.99
359 Canadian Dollars a year = 30 Canadian Dollars a month = 98 Cents a day

11) Kingdom of Norway
CCR: Norwegian Krone = 22.98
2,610 Norwegian Krone a year = 218 Norwegian Krone a month = 7 Norwegian Krone a day

12) Republic of Estonia
CCR: Euro = 241.60
248 Euros a year = 21 Euros a month = 68 Cents a day

13) Republic of Iceland
CCR: Icelandic Krona = 1.59
37,736 Icelandic Krona a year = 3,145 Icelandic Krona a month = 103 Icelandic Krona a day

14) Republic of Botswana
CCR: Botswanan Pula = 17.78
3,375 Botswanan Pula a year = 281 Botswanan Pula a month = 9 Botswanan Pula a day

15) Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
CCR: Afghan Afghani = 2.54
23,622 Afghan Afghani a year = 1,969 Afghan Afghani a month = 65 Afghan Afghani a day

16) Republic of Uzbekistan
CCR: Uzbekistani Som = 0.02
2,962,066 Uzbekistani Som a year = 246,839 Uzbekistani Som a month = 8,115 Uzbekistani Som a day

In total and ultimately there are 256 political entities we have to give consideration to in terms of security, governance, economy and culture; without affecting our geopolitical neutrality. They consist of nation States or State nations, significant multinational corporations and regional/global forums etc.

The next 16 in sequence - to be added to the 16 cited above will be as follows. We are adding entities according to our proximity to them or relevance to our economy in particular: 

17) Turkey
18) Iran
19) Bhutan
20) Russia
21) France
22) Germany
23) Bangladesh
24) Ireland
25) Tunisia
26) Sweden
27) Finland
28) Belgium
29) Holland
30) Brazil
31) Oman
32) Italy

In the 3rd tier would be:

33) Japan
34) South Africa
35) Israel-Palestine
36) Pakistan
37) Malaysia
38) Indonesia
39) South Korea
40) Nepal
41) Spain
42) Portugal
43) Morocco
44) Egypt
45) Argentina
46) Bahrain
47) Kuwait
48) Kyrgyzstan

Meanwhile, this year we also need to:

Map out roads to:



Meanwhile, it so happened that our weekly live video transmission every Sunday on JKTV, fell on the first day of the year:


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....