
Tuesday, 30 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 150 of 2023


Motoring on confidently and assuredly.


Here's our fifth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 8 - #30052023 - #Moil #Barnaala #Bhimber ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

Immediately followed by our sixth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 8 - #30052023 - #Moil #Barnaala #Bhimber ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


As mentioned yesterday, we will be replicating our TikTok uploads on YouTube shorts at our JKA PUBLIC AGENCY channel:

Quickly followed by our 3rd offering (on YouTube):


We provide an Urdu explanation for our global petition:


Our first roadblock emerged today when the building owner of the office we were renting received some oblique threats from Pakistan's clandestine agencies via the AJK police in Barnaala. The latter informed our landlord Faizan Subhani that we didn't have 'security clearance' for the work we were doing, which is essentially a euphemism for alerting our public that Pakistan's agencies are breathing down their neck. Nobody - and particularly those with assets - wish to get entangled with Pakistan's roving agencies.

After extensive deliberations with our well wishers in the vicinity of Moil and further afield, we decided that it would be imprudent if we put those very people that we are working for, in trouble. Yes, we are designing and implementing world class governance in our territory whose dividends should be received by our public at large, yet if these very people get agitated by our presence due to Pakistan's agencies creating havoc in their lives then our presence here would be counter productive.

It was agreed that we should complete #AJKReferendum2023 in the stronger parts of the territory and then use the momentum of that strength to complete our tasks in the weaker parts of AJK. Bhimber as a district has been traditionally weak - along with Haveli and Hattian - and thus we will venture north to Poonch division via Mirpur and Kotli:


Monday, 29 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 149 of 2023


Rolling on on Day 7 of #AJKReferendum2023 

All activists working on governance in AJK are having to pay for 76 years of negligence. We have to put in extra efforts to do all those tasks that over 110,000 governments servants in AJK have failed to do in all these years.

They've all been rewarded with wages, paid expenses and many have also benefitted from the many avenues of corruption. Meanwhile, activists have had to rely on their own sources or menial handouts from well wishers in the community. Government servants have accumulated assets over all these years, secured their children's future and enjoy pensions in retirement. Activists have to deal with extra oppression for struggling for people's rights, face immediate risks of poverty and also have to face criticism from their own families for putting the public's needs ahead of their own families.

Indeed, political activism in AJK has been guilty of bifurcating the freedom struggle from governance, hence this dichotomy mentioned above.

We are now deeply engaged in addressing this error of judgement.

#AJKReferendum2023 should prove to be the basis of modern day 21st century governance in AJK. Whereby the freedom struggle integrates itself with the day to day needs of governance.


So, it took less than 3 days for the Pakistani army to back down from its abduction policy in AJK. 

Israr Ahmed was released late in the afternoon today after activists had threatened to block the main highway between Mirpur & Kotli at Plaak, near Dadyaal. It is vivid that AJK is not Pakistan. It is also clear that if the people of AJK put their heads together, driving the Pakistani army out of this territory is not as difficult as many of us envisage:


We considered it apt on this day to give a video briefing on #AJKReferendum2023 as conducted thus far:


Meanwhile, our evenings are becoming heavy engagements with the public. This evening was at Pir Jamaal:


Here's our fourth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023 - Day 7 - #29052023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


On popular demand, we will be replicating the videos uploaded on TikTok to JKA PUBLIC AGENCY's YouTube channel too. Not everybody likes to use or even has access to TikTok:


Sunday, 28 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 148 of 2023


In the early hours of this morning we witnessed a footballing miracle complete its 31 year journey, from downfall in 1992 to a return to the premier league in 2023. Luton Town is my home town in the UK and they have inspired confidence in us, or rather reminded us that miracles do happen; if your efforts are consistent despite all hurdles thrown in your direction:


Here's our third TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Saturday, 27 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 147 of 2023


A lot is cooking. One of our close aides and co-citizen extraordinaire Israr Ahmed s/o Muhammad Riyasat was picked up by 'some men' - accompanied by the local police - in the middle of the night (reported to be c. 0100hrs) from his home, while sleeping with his family.

It emerged that he was picked up for criticising or mocking the Pakistani army's attempts to generate public solidarity in Dadyaal yesterday.

Stiff reaction came in the morning from the public and from Israr Ahmed's political party - JKLF - in particular.

Consequently and post 'arrest' a document was circulated to the public via the district magistrate's office in Mirpur that Israr Ahmed had been arrested under 16 MPO (Maintenance of Public Order) and would be detained at Mirpur central jail for 30 days. Further, that the order could be judicially challenged.

It should be clear that - from past experience - if the public had not made a timely intervention on Israr's nocturnal abduction, he would probably be declared missing indefinitely. 

Public pressure ensured that the location of Israr's detention became clear and that legal remedy was available. 

The Pakistani military should not make the mistake of considering this territory to be like their own. They should also refrain from exporting Pakistan's political instability into this territory. It is ridiculous that they feel the need to force our public to come out onto the streets, in solidarity with them. 

The above are some of the concerns cited by our public.

The following is the public statement penned by myself in the morning, upon being notified about Israr Ahmed's abduction:

In any society of humans the rule of law and due course of legality is inescapable. 

Roman Urdu:
Insaano ke kisi bhi ma-asharey me qanoon ki baala dasti aur qanooni tarteeb (due course of legality) na guzeer hay. 

Abducting any citizen of AJK from his or her home in the middle of the night is akin to declaring war on the public of AJK...

Kisi AJK ke shehri ko raat ko us ke ghar se aghwa karna yaha ki awaam se ilaan e jang ke mutaraadif hay...

The Geneva Convention applies in a conflict zone and the Pakistani State has broken international law in this State.

Conflict zone me Geneva Convention apply karta hay aur Pakistan ki State ne international law ki khilaaf warzi ki hay is riyasat me. 

We make an ethical request that they immediately produce Israr in Dadyaal courts and explain to the judge details of what allegations have been made.

Un se akhlaaqi quzaarish hay ke wo Israr ko filfor Dadyaal ki adaalat me pesh karey aur judge ke saamney wazaahat karey ke Israr ke khilaaf kya kya ilzamaat hain.

Advice is being sought from international legal experts and diplomats.

Is case par bain ul aqwami qanooni maahireen aur sifaaratkaro se bhi mashaawarat jaari hay.

If Israr is not produced in Dadyaal courts then we will advocate for sanctions against Pakistan.

Agar Israr Dadyaal ki adaalat me pesh nahi kiya gaya to hum Pakistan ke khilaaf sanctions ke liye advocacy karengey.


Here are a couple of relevant posts:

Israr Ahmed's party leader Toqeer Gilani also gave a statement of condemnation over his arrest:

However, most notable of all was the roadblock in Dadyaal conducted by Israr's JKLF colleagues at the bypass junction in Amb:


Friday, 26 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 146 of 2023


Setting the most important precedent for 21st century governance, in Bhimber district of all places.


Thursday, 25 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 145 of 2023


Motoring along in the southernmost tehsil (subdivision) of AJK.


Some glimpses of public engagement today:


Wednesday, 24 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 144 of 2023


Day 2 of #AJKReferendum2023

We returned to Mirpur yesterday evening to drop off our 93 year old asset of the nation, Abdul Jabbar Butt.

Interest and attention on this #DirectDemocracy exercise is spreading almost like wildfire throughout the territory. Responsibility will also flow down to the Dhok (sub-village) level in due course. Our first data centre will be set up at Moil.


Some glimpses of today's activity enroute to Moil:


In Bhimber city:


Enroute from Bhimber to Moil:



We have more footage yet:

And more....


Here's our second TikTok offering:


Choudhary Fazal ur Rehman of Chaahi in the adjacent subdivision of Smaahni gives his point of view on the people's duty in AJK - Azad Jammu & Kashmir

♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 143 of 2023



We also kicked off our account on TikTok and thus are beginning to engage the Chinese in our own inimitable way:

@ajkpublicagency As the sun begins to rise over #Jammu city, a 93 year old freedom fighter of the old multicultural #Mirpur begins his day's duty in #Chamb ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Here's our paperwork for the referendum, which we have 'hashtagged' as #AJKReferendum2023

Exhibit 1 (Main Sheet):

Exhibit 2 (Supplementary Sheet):

Exhibit 3 (Background Notes Page 1 of 2 - English):

Exhibit 4 (Background Notes Page 2 of 2 - English):

Exhibit 5 (Background Notes Page 1 of 2 - Urdu):

Exhibit 6 (Background Notes Page 2 of 2 - Urdu):

While the above 6 exhibits are related to #AJKReferendum2023 and thus part of an internal political process, the following 2 exhibits are our proposed stance in relation to our neighbours India and Pakistan:

(They are also highly relevant for developing a political consensus between the divided parts of JKA viz. AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Ladakh, the Kashmir Valley and Jammu)
Exhibit 7 (JKA Citizen's Charter - Snapshot Version - English):

Exhibit 8 (JKA Citizen's Charter - Snapshot Version - Urdu):


The afternoon in Bhimber, whilst returning back to Mirpur to drop our veteran activist:


Sunday, 21 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 141 of 2023


There has to be a twist in approach. Otherwise, data will just drown us.


Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 136 of 2023


Edging closer to the destination aspired for, by generations of my co-citizens.


Monday, 15 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 135 of 2023


Floating along like a balloon. Flexible enough to harness the wind and steering generally in the right direction.


Sunday, 14 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 134 of 2023


Decisions are made everyday but some decisions on some days can affect a whole century and sometimes even a millennium.

#AJKReferendum2023 is one such decision.

It will begin on Thursday 18 May 2023 at our southern-most tip #Chamb .


Saturday, 13 May 2023

Friday, 12 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 132 of 2023


Today is the 4th day of us needlessly sacrificing our lives for the sake of Pakistan.

Apparently, the ego of the Pakistani military dictates that they want all embarrassing footage of theirs deleted from social media before they restore normal internet connectivity!

Make of that what you will.


Thursday, 11 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 131 of 2023


I didn't think I would be able to log a daily entry today, given the darkness present in our neighbourhood. We are paying heavily for Pakistan's crimes. The price is getting heavier by the day.

Our de jure status is that of an independent, neutral, sovereign State. We are needlessly dragged into every conflict in our midst, all of which are without merit.

The enslaved have the answers. 



The territory of AJK and Gilgit Baltistan are stuck in a different century through little fault of their own.

We have been plunged into an internet lockdown since 0500hrs yesterday (over 40 hours and still counting - I've just used an 'alternative' means) because there is a tussle between a politician and the army next door in Pakistan.  

As much as we have our own security policy in AJK, we also have solutions for the internet as well as all other aspects of governance. 


Wednesday, 10 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 130 of 2023


Once again, we the people of AJK are paying for the sins of Pakistan. Our internet connectivity has been restricted since soon after Imran Khan's arrest yesterday. 

The volatility and instability of that country is a permanent feature of its existence. We have a much clearer path to governance and public policy and Pakistan's occupation of our territory is an unwarranted hindrance.

They were born out of hatred for Hindus and thus a denial of their past. They have a very narrow outlook for the future. We want to embrace the world with all its diversity, while securing our own territory, which we believe to be the most precious in the world.

The time for change is nigh. 


Monday, 8 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 128 of 2023


Incremental improvements....even then our public has to be spoon fed to ensure public interest is maintained.


Sunday, 7 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 127 of 2023


Every improvement is a bonus and a step closer to where we want to reach.

Saturday, 6 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 126 of 2023


Getting sharper....



There are some notable points in your written analysis of JKA and there are very few who have worked in the AJK governing structure who can speak and write with such fluidity, as your good self.

Nevertheless, there are some parts of your argument that could be described as 'subjective assumptions' and which leave a lot of room for alternative interpretation. 


1) That this is a Kashmir Valley centric problem when it is far more complex than that. The fundamental rights of people throughout AJK, Gilgit Baltistan, Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh have been severely limited or compromised since the entry of Indian and Pakistani troops within the territory in October 1947.

2) Without being partial to any particular era it is clear that the level of parity in official documents between the Dogra State and the British Indian colonial set-up was objectively more visible under autocratic constitutionalism than the so-called democratic constitutionalism undertaken by India and Pakistan in JKA. Compare the 1904 Upper Jhelum Water Agreement and the 1935 Gilgit Lease Agreement with any post 1947 document e.g. Karachi Agreement 1949 or Delhi Agreement 1952....the lack of parity between parties became even more acute subsequently.

3) It would be presumptuous to argue that Gilgit had no historic link to the Valley, Jammu or what is today AJK when there are divided families and divided cultures criss-crossing each part of the geographic divide. It would be absurd to expect them to be totally in sync with each other, when they have been deliberately divided since 1947. One can also compare modern day India and Pakistan which are not internally divided like we are...yet how strong are the bonds between Quetta and Karachi or the latter with Peshawar or Lahore? What is the affinity between someone living in Simla with someone living in Chennai or between Trivandrum and Patna? 

4) Until India and Pakistan do not treat the people of JKA as equals in humanity, concerns and aspirations we will continue facing an uphill task and while India will continue to economically rise, Pakistan's economy will dwindle further below 0.4% share of global GDP.

Modern politics must be that of inclusivity of all political narratives in JKA rather than cruelly expecting the people here to adopt a singular Indian or Pakistani nationalist narrative.

Neither can the people's reference in JKA be wished away by India and Pakistan, under the cloak of IndoPak Bilateralism.

That is insulting, putrid and reminiscent of human slavery.





The above note was written in response to an Urdu article on Facebook by Former Chief Justice of the AJK Supreme Court Syed Manzoor Gilani


JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Note: #002006052023


Friday, 5 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 125 of 2023


Tortoise like but with bursts of hare energy has been our trajectory.


Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 123 of 2023


Plugging away, though mindful of the all the opportunity cost involved in developing genuine public interest.


Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 122 of 2023


Have left it late again today. So much so that I almost nearly forgot.


Monday, 1 May 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 121 of 2023


Reverting almost to the daily routine that will maximise my output once again. This is usually the case when adjusting after a month of fasting.


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 65 of 2025

1426hrs: The best feature of Ramadan is the daily practice of self-control.  Those who control themselves control their destiny and the worl...