
Friday 30 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 181 of 2023


It is amazing how much one can get done if they remain in one fixed location all day. 

For those of us who regularly conduct hectic field work in their normal course of existence, they would know exactly what I am talking about.

It is unfortunate that many of my co-citizens do not fully grasp the multi-tasking demands of a a modern day activist in AJK.


Wednesday 28 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 179 of 2023


Eid Mubarak to all those who are celebrating Eid today. 

We are celebrating tomorrow. 

We are behind schedule in both matters worldly and other worldly.


Tuesday 27 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 178 of 2023


....All the way....


Another needless set of tragedies on the LOC, this time in Poonch Sector:

I shall copy the text written within the video description here:

#LOC #CivilianKillings #Poonch 

Muhammad Qasim 61 year old son of Muhammad Deen and Muhammad Ubaid 22 year old son of Abdul Qayoom (both of Tithrinote) lost their lives to Indian sniper fire despite being well inside the Pakistani controlled zone of the LOC, resting under the shade of a tree while their livestock grazed the pastures.

This was the same tree that the Pakistani army used as a shade in the past, as recently as the day before this event.

Both Qasim & Ubaid had spent their lives in agriculture and looking after their livestock. While these two succumbed to Indian sniper fire, a third local Abdul Majeed (alias Bhutto) - 35 years of age - was injured and managed to drag himself to a Pakistani post where he was given a pain killer but detained for a few hours while the Pakistani army refused to tend to the other two civilians shot. In fact, they prevented others from going to retrieve them.
This land on which the 3 fellow villagers were sitting is locally known as the land of Professor Saidullah. According to Ubaid's father Qasim the LOC was more than 500 yards away from this location, while the nearest Indian army post was a further 100 yards away, from where these sniper shots were fired.

By around 2pm (over a couple of hours later) local villagers could not wait any longer for the Pakistani army to give them permission to retrieve the 2 fellow villagers lying injured or dead under the shade of the tree. The local villagers tore off their vests to use them as white flags to reach them. The 61 year old Qasim was already dead while the relatively younger 22 year old Ubaid was still breathing.

Local ambulances in the vicinity refused to come to their aid. Eventually, a local Mazda truck was used to take Ubaid to a local dispensary while the other villager Qasim's dead body was taken to his home. The local dispensary had nothing to treat Ubaid with and he was then rushed to Hajeera (tehsil headquarter - THQ) hospital, over 10 kilometres away.

At the THQ, there was little that the hospital staff could do either to prevent Ubaid's death.  

In the subsequent days, nobody from the Pakistani army came to condole the dead. However some people from the Rawalakot administration did come to enquire of what happened.

The overall scenario of the LOC in this region of Poonch - in particular - suggests that locals are being driven away from lands where their livestock grazes and where they would previously sow crops for livelihood, in preparation for what appears to be a back-door agreement between India and Pakistan to define the LOC as an international border, without the local people's reference.


Sunday 25 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 176 of 2023


Left it late again today, for justifiable reasons once again. 

Absence of net connectivity since yesterday evening, till at some point this afternoon was the major factor. Then, incessant public interaction till now.


Saturday 24 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 175 of 2023


Preparing our public for transparency in governance finally. We have discussed this threadbare for over a decade but our public was not prepared for it, given the opaqueness of our public institutions and the ambiguity of our governance.

Now is the moment to launch our budget sheet online. It will include 4 columns of data (income, expenditure, assets and liabilities) and it will be presented on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

We will launch it here on blogger as soon as possible.


Friday 23 June 2023

Thursday 22 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 173 of 2023


Plugging away at reducing the Referendum target deficit (at the outset) from over 3 million to 0.


Wednesday 21 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 172 of 2023


The public of #Poonch have made chickens out of their co-citizens in the administration. The 'Right To Rule' as an aspiration should now convert into an achievable goal.

Here's the public dialogue between the leaders of this strike and the local administration:


Tuesday 20 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 171 of 2023


In Rawalakot, the hub of public activism in AJK.


Late in the evening, a conversation took place at the sit-in protest camp of the Rawalakot Trader's Association outside the gate of the Flour Supply Depot, where they have been camped for the past 43 days. This is also the eve of a total shutdown (including wheel jams of all vehicles in the region - except emergency and essential services - and shops/markets throughout the administrative division).

I had the honour of being interviewed by Roznama Pearl View Rawalakot between 23:45 and 32:18 of the following video:


Monday 19 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 170 of 2023


Yes, one has to work this late at times, though I've limited such untimely activity with age.


Here's our third and perhaps the leading example of a consistent and co-ordinated sit-in protest throughout the administrative division of Poonch:


Sunday 18 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 169 of 2023


Making every aspiring citizen responsible for their opinion and data is a strategy that is essentially novel in our society. Nevertheless, there is a first time for everything.

Preparing our people for data driven governance.


Here's our second example of co-ordinated and synchronised public activism throughout the Poonch division in particular:


The above was followed up by an interview of myself by my hosts at this sit-in protest (dharna). Many thanks to Shaan Javed of Tain Dhalkot in particular:


Saturday 17 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 168 of 2023


Untangling the web that has been woven for 76 years. For those of us who have the ability to untangle it, the challenge is to make our co-citizens understand that this web can be untangled and is being untangled.


Thursday 15 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 166 of 2023


Waking up to a sweet cool breeze in Dathote, at over 6,000 feet above sea level.


We quickly move to our seventeenth TikTok video in 24 days of conducting #AJKReferendum2023 :

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 24 - #Dathote #Paachot #Rawalakot #Poonch #AJK - IS #15062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

Then to our eighteenth TikTok video:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 24 - #Dathote #Paachot #Rawalakot #Poonch #AJK - ZK #15062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Our fourteenth and fifteenth replica videos of the above on YouTube shorts are available as below:



Arriving in Thorar in Poonch today, we found that the public is already active via a sit-in protest that is into its 27th day:


Wednesday 14 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 165 of 2023


Higher up (in terms of altitude) than we have been at any point in time this summer.


We have now progressed to our fourteenth TikTok video in 23 days of conducting #AJKReferendum2023 :
@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 23 - #Dathote #Paachot #Rawalakot #Poonch #AJK - SA #14062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

This was quickly followed by our fifteenth TikTok video:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 23 - #Dathote #Paachot #Rawalakot #Poonch #AJK - YA #14062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

And our sixteenth:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 23 - #Dathote #Paachot #Rawalakot #Poonch #AJK - KKA #14062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


As explained hitherto, all TikTok videos are replicated on YouTube shorts and thus here are our eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth in this respect:




Tuesday 13 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 164 of 2023


Wherever and whenever progress is made in the territory of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas #JKA various thorns and diversions surface to break the flow. 

However, over the years we have become adept at navigating these genetic hurdles, which have been inculcated in our people from centuries of practice.


Our targeting of hypocrites who pretend to be freedom fighters while tacitly and sometimes openly supporting corrupt governance in AJK continues.

Hypocrite Number 1 = Wahid Kashar

We have documented his approach and strategy and will not let him rest till he retires from the public domain:


Monday 12 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 163 of 2023


Our 3rd day of mourning....the wounds of 1947 that still seem as fresh as if they were inflicted just a few hours ago.


Sunday 11 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 162 of 2023


Waves and curves in the pursuit of peace. A very difficult art though it gets easier with age.


We have progressed to our thirteenth TikTok video in 20 days of #AJKReferendum2023 already:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 20 - #Mirpur #AJK - QR #11062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


As per routine now, all Tiktok video uploads are replicated on YouTube Shorts. Here's our tenth in this respect:


Friday 9 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 160 of 2023


Day 18 of #AJKReferendum2023

Tough but that is how resilience is created.

I have always felt that my home/ancestral tehsil (subdivision) Sehnsa is the toughest of all 32 tehsils throughout AJK. Tougher than Haveli or Barnaala. 


Thursday 8 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 159 of 2023


Progress is discernible but not as yet overwhelming, as it is likely to become in the coming days, weeks and months.

We have now improved our daily routine to waking at 0730hrs, half an hour's improvement on yesterday (viz. 0800hrs) but still one and a half hour away from our optimal target of waking at 0600hrs. Nevertheless, we will get there.

Here's our daily morning walk video:

A productive day commenced with a lecture on productivity at Dhamol, Kotli:

We were then requested to give a brief lecture on #AJKReferendum2023 :


Later in the afternoon, we had our first TikTok interview of the day which also happens to be our eleventh TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 17 - #Kotli #AJK - DTG #08062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

Soon followed by our twelfth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 17 - #Sehnsa #Kotli #AJK - RHN #08062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Again, like yesterday the above clips were replicated on YouTube shorts viz. eighth and ninth: 

 Video short 9:


Wednesday 7 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 158 of 2023


Onwards and upwards....

We are posting very late in the day because of an absence of connectivity where we were this morning. It is encouraging that we have improved on our daily output routine by waking at 0800hrs today, as opposed to the customary 0900hrs we've been accustomed to over most of our #AJKReferendum2023 tour thus far. Remember that our optimal target is to wake up at 0600hrs.

Here's our daily morning walk video:


We took out time this afternoon to visit a bereaving family of Karela Majhaan in Nikyaal where one of them - Arshad Taj - was allegedly murdered in a nearby forest on Saturday the 3rd of June. The police have been reluctant to pursue investigation and the family have a barrister sister - Fauzia Taj - living in the UK, who has returned home to pursue justice for her brother. 

We were unable to meet Fauzia as she had proceeded to Kotli to further her campaign. However, we were able to meet Arshad Taj's other siblings Sadia Taj (who also happens to be a PTI politician) and Waseem Taj. The views of the latter two were captured in the following video:


Our ninth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 16 - #Nikyaal #Kotli #AJK - SNAS #07062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed

Quickly followed by our tenth: 

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 16 - #Nikyaal #Kotli #AJK - JA #07062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Followed by our replicas of the above on YouTube shorts viz. sixth and seventh: 

Video short 7:


Tuesday 6 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 157 of 2023


Still in those green pastures of Goi. A short video clip is presented today for our readers cum viewers:


Monday 5 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 156 of 2023


In green pastures near the LOC at Goi:


As anticipated, the Government of AJK and the Government of Pakistan are playing it sly, in reference to absorbing this territory into Pakistan without the all important people's reference. Here's a letter written to the prime minister of AJK, written by the founder of the Centre For Jammu Kashmir Public Diplomacy Qauyyum Raja, urging the former to make the content of the recent 15th amendment public. The fact that the AJK legislative assembly is not making this amendment public speaks volumes about the intent of both the Pakistani State and its political proxy in this territory:


Here's our eighth TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 14 - #Dhanwa #Goi #Kotli #AJK - ZK #05062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


And our fifth YouTube offering:


Sunday 4 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 155 of 2023


The words 'quantum', 'multiplier', 'compound' and other such come to mind as we crunch data with increasing intensity by the day.


Here's our seventh TikTok offering:

@ajkpublicagency #AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023#AJKReferendum2023 - Day 13 - #Naar #DauliyaJattan #Kotli #AJK - Vox Pop #04062023 ♬ original sound - Tanveer Ahmed


Likewise, our fourth YouTube Short offering:


Saturday 3 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 154 of 2023


If the foundation is peaceful and ethical, the democracy and legality will flow like a river and reach the ocean of humanity.


Friday 2 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 153 of 2023


We can keep communicating and looking forward, while introspecting on the past. 


Thursday 1 June 2023

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 302 of 2024

2147hrs: Churning away....but with definite purpose. ....