
Thursday 22 August 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 235 of 2024


2 days of daily weblogging were missed (Day 233 & 234 of 2024) due to the 'Red Zone' of almost absent internet connectivity in various parts of Poonch. 

There were avenues during the day where I could have borrowed internet connectivity from one of the various businesses using fixed connections. 

The quality of mobile internet provided by the Pakistani army's monopoly SCOM leaves a lot to be desired. 

I'm in Khursheedabad at the moment and just preparing to proceed to Soli via Kaala Mula. This will be my final destination in district Haveli before I backtrack to Ser Kakuta on vehicle, from where I will proceed to Dawarandi and then Hajeera on foot. 

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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 262 of 2024

2320hrs: Day 54 has almost passed too. Not much leeway left to play with.