
Sunday, 23 September 2018

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 266 of 2018


Yes, I did miss the midnight deadline yet again.

Meanwhile, here's something I wrote for some Whatsapp groups yesterday:

The following was an attempted explanation to a prominent but humble figure of the Valley of Kashmir as to the dangers of drowning the aspirations of AJK in order for Pakistan to advocate its self-fulfilling stance on the Kashmir Dispute:                             

 ..........What I am trying to explain is that we are practising a self-defeating exercise for decades, in the context of searching for a solution for the J & K national question.
......Pakistan hides behind the suffering of the Muslims in the Kashmir Valley.
.. India hides behind the interference in the Kashmir Valley by Pakistan.
........Britain hides behind both of them and says the J & K question is a matter that only India and Pakistan can resolve.
........Both countries have no such intention as the conflict is ingrained in their 'nationalist' psyche. If they resolve their differences, it would make the British created partition in 1947 look absurd.
.......By not allowing AJK to emerge as an independent entity, we are all complicit in this crime. Consciously or otherwise.
...........Without an independent political entity in the erstwhile J & K, there cannot be a genuine internal dialogue between state subjects which would also obstruct external interference.
.......That physical space has to be AJK. Even in its diaspora, it has a very significant block of votes that can influence over 50 MPs in the House of Commons. The very house that blessed the birth of India and Pakistan.
.....A solution cannot emerge from the Kashmir Valley as it is at the centre of contest. Cool and calm temperatures are needed for dialogue. We have even selected a precise physical location for it in AJK.


Having said all that, a mention of China's role and the rest of the International Community is worth adding too:

....the International Community has no inclination to rock the boat in the region while China is taking full advantage of the status quo-ism of the rest.

Despite all the above, many of our co-citizens are still forlornly waiting for decades, for somebody to help them.

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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 53 of 2025

1853hrs: Still trying to break free.  ....