
Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 264 of 2022


Day 108 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality is at an equilibrium today. Another first! Neither a surplus or a deficit. 

Not only was I late today but by a significant amount! I haven't been so late in arriving since Day 86 at MBS Square when I was 28 minutes late, 22 days ago. In this period, I had only been late once and that by 38 seconds!

I don't factor in excuses at this mature stage of my struggle but I did sleep at c. 0500hrs this morning after completing work on a significant human rights issue.

Punctuality percentage: 61 days on time or early of 108 = 57% punctual (just about!)


Day 9 on JKTV's daily Twitter Space at 9pm takes us to the 3rd major influencer of public policy - certainly in the context of AJK - namely 'Special Interest Groups':

Associated reference:

To understand the concept of 'Special Interest Groups' in AJK we can even cite the role of Pakistan in cultivating such groups here. They themselves are a domineering 'SIG' & this conversation with Raja Zafar ul Haq confirms that:  


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 56 (updated at 1645hrs on 24/09/2022) 

Average space count (9 days so far): 98

Thieves caught red-handed in the darkness of night, or we can call it the early hours of the morning:


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....