
Friday, 22 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 326 of 2019


Stayed and paid for a night in a hotel in Muzaffarabad last night after many years of visiting our capital city. I was so tired after a hectic few days and.....

Here's our update from Muzaffarabad courts yesterday:


Our first engagement of the day was with a group of advocate friends. It was already clear that agitating for a local IG cannot be done through the judiciary. Article 31.3(b) of the imposed constitutional framework in AJK clearly identifies the Pakistani State as responsible for security in this territory. The fact that the whole basis of Pakistan's presence here is merely assumed - and wrongly so - from UNCIP resolutions.

While enroute towards the lawyers, a certain old man wearing multi-coloured beads around his neck and a waistcoat adorned with photos of various spiritual figures tried to hail me down in the rain. I had met him or come across him many a time in this past year. I can't make any sense of what he wants but I do know that he has been tasked to waste my time. I ignore him for the umpteenth time. 

When returning from the lawyer's circle I find this old gentleman once again. He talked of an interest free, nudity free and corruption free society with Pakistan as the centre of the universe! He added that he wants a committee formed and even suggested that we discuss these very serious issues with Pakistan's army/agencies etc.

Later in the day I briefly met a prominent journalist, who is renowned for abstaining from the lures of the powerful. He explained that by habit he refrains from praising people but he assessed that I am making history. However, he felt that the Laal Chowk Tower event (ref. 25th October) could make me controversial. We decided to continue the discussion in due course.

In the evening while discussing Pakistan's relationship with AJK around a fire with friends, an amusing story from yesteryear surfaced. The late Sardar Rehmat Ullah of Liberation League while in a local hotel many years ago had exclaimed: 

"Jhanda hamaara hay lekin dhanda Pakistan ka hay"

(This flag is ours but the stick belongs to Pakistan) 

Even later in the evening we met some students at the University of AJK, or rather in its periphery. A particular student was concerned that I had yet to publish the extended academic version of the Citizen Public Opinion Survey whose summary was published in 2017. It was now the end of 2019 he pursued. I explained that activism on the ground was absorbing a lot of our time. I further explained that there are many voids here which all need attention and action-oriented research needs institutional-building/cilvil rights activism on a constant basis, to fill those voids in society which are taken for granted in developed societies.

The dilemma of accommodation remains and we don't want to upset the living quarters of the students in our midst. We don't have money to put ourselves up in a hotel either.


We also gained mention in a local newspaper today. All that has been written is not entirely correct. For example, the demand for a local IG was not in reaction to the raid on my ancestral home in Sehnsa on the 24th of October. Our demand has been in public discussion since soon after August the 5th. Also, I am keen on taking on one task at a time and I am not calling for the withdrawal of all lent officers from Pakistan just yet. Just the IG for the moment:

Daily Kashmir Uzma - Muzaffarabad (Urdu)

Front Page 

Page 3 Section 26


Day 2 - Back at Laal Chowk in Muzaffarabad...Just less than a month later.


Opening Bal. 543


250 - B & H cig.
100 - kahwa and kulchas x 2 at Hotel
190 - Pakoras, fried eggs and kahwa x 4

(Expenditure by assistant from 500 given on 20/11/19)

10 - Kashmir Uzma Newspaper 
50 - Chips
40 - Kahwa

Material/in kind support:

Peanuts, kahwa, dhaal, roti, kebabs - MD

SDF (Self Determination Fund - in other words 'public funding' requests):
HA in SA - He said that he would tell a local guy from his region living in Muzaffarabad to help us with accommodation. He also said he would tell his friends (from his region) working in the bureaucracy to also assist us.


Bal. - Balance

X - Outgoing
cig. - cigarettes
MD - Muzaffarabad
HA - Hajeera
SA - Saudi Arabia

Closing Bal. 3

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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

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