
Monday, 18 November 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 322 of 2019


So we're getting the vehicle looked at. The engine timing belt snapped yesterday. The cylinder head needs to be opened to check whether there may be any further damage to other component parts.

The head is being opened

As we proceed from hereon, our documentation of each passing day will have to become more detailed. I was expected in Poonch today but my vehicle's plight has prevented me from attending an important public gathering there. 

I had to spend a lot of effort on convincing my uncle to use his vehicle to tow my stranded vehicle to Budli. It took a lot of effort on my part but eventually I succeeded but not before listening to an earful - from him - of how I'm wasting my life here and abusing the opportunity to have a luxurious life in the 'West'.

I have yet to properly examine my home after it was raided by Pakistan's clandestine agencies on the 24th of October. Of course, one has to lose something to attain something else. There is an opportunity cost to everything in life. 

'Kuch paaney ke liye kuch khona partha hay'

As is usual, I am short of money when I realise the estimate that the mechanic has made to repair my vehicle's engine. I do come across a couple of acquaintances in Kotli who promptly contribute their share. I need more however and I have no option but to call my mother in the UK. I have to listen to an earful from her too: "You are killing yourself and sacrificing yourself for thieves etc etc....", she shouted.

She will send me some money tomorrow but I am still short of paying the mechanic's fee for today and thus I resort to phoning my wife, who also acts as my financier of last resort.

The mechanic not only gave me a discount of 2,000 after some well wishers intervened on my behalf, he very kindly dropped me at the Adda (bus station) on his motorbike before bringing the engine head there too. 

The bus which eventually makes its way to Lahore in Pakistan dropped me at Gulpur. Beyond 2300hrs it is unlikely to obtain public transport from here to my village. One has to rely on their ability to hail down a passing private vehicle. I did so and the young man who picked me up developed the conversation in an interesting manner. In short, he asked me why I wasn't giving academic lectures on my research throughout colleges and universities in AJK. I responded by describing the antics of the shadows from Pakistan that control our public narrative. We departed with an affirmation that we will assist each other in achieving this basic right. We need each other and will meet again.

After my very late meal at my neighbouring villager's hotel in Thriya, I have to put myself up for the night there too, as I don't have the keys to my home and don't want to wake up my uncle at this time of night at his home. There is no bed to sleep on here but I put a few chairs together and put my exhausted self to sleep.


This news item is ferociously doing the rounds in AJK as well as on social media:

Translated thus:

A young Kashmiri soldier who supported an independent Jammu Kashmir has been dismissed from service

Pakistan's despicable act, the enemy of freedom aspiring Kashmiris!

Young Choudhary Zahoor Ahmed of Goi (near the LOC) in district Kotli who had served for 13 years (in the Pakistan army) was detained for 4 months and then dismissed from service without any compensation. He was accused of being a supporter of an independent Jammu Kashmir.

If this is not slavery then what is it? 

End of translation....


The following will become a permanent feature of this daily diary. Previous records will also be itemised in due course, as will all the relevant public interest data that has been logged offline thus far:

Opening Bal: 1,500 (PK Rupees - this is the currency in use unless otherwise stated)

200 - (50 for Assistant to Gulpur) - Toyota fare from Sehnsa to Kotli
240 - B & H cig.
20 - Apple (Gift for friend)
11,000 - Part 1 Engine work
70 - Bus fare from Kotli to Gulpur
200 - Dinner at Thriya - Eggs/dhaal/roti/kahwa/cake

Further Notes:

Breakdown of Part 1 of engine work;

Cam - 6,000
3 x Tappit Cup 'tikkiya' - 1,150 (400 each)
Cam Cup - 150
Valve set STD supreme - 1,850
Valve seal set - 500
2 litre paraffin oil & cloth - 350
Cylinder head labour - 3, 000 
Total - 13,000 - (Gave discount of 2,000)
Paid - 11,000


40 UK pounds (my family sent from the UK) - Changed to PK Rs. 7,960 @ 199 per UK ....pound     
500 - KI
500 - KI
6,000 - Spouse SI

Material/in kind support:

150 - easypaisa fee waived by vendor - KI
4 packets of biscuits - Family in UK had sent - KSA UK 
Breakfast x 2 parathas/eggs and tea followed by tow work from Gurutta to Gulpur Pulley .....and then to Budli c. 20 kms altogether - KSA UK
200 - Shwarma, chips and chicken piece - KI
2,000 - Assistance in bringing down fee of engine cost - KSA / KI
Lift from Gulpur to Thriya - KI

Debt accrued thus far:

Immediate debt: 0

Historic Debt since 2005: c. 100,000 (not including accrued debt to family) 

Immediate/short term needs:

5,000 pounds - reference various items of communications technology needed from UK/US

SDF: (Self Determination fund - in other words 'public funding' requests):
KI x 2
Mother - KSA UK
Spouse - SI


Bal. - Balance
PK - Pakistan

X - Outgoing
cig(s). - cigarettes
Y - Incoming
UK - United Kingdom
RS (Rs) - Rupees
KI - Kotli 
KSA - Sehnsa 
c. - circa (about/approximate)
SI - Smaahni

Closing Bal. 4,730 (UK Bal. 0)


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....