
Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 345 of 2019


Despite sleeping at midnight last night, I couldn't get up in the morning till is a very cold room where we stay and one doesn't want to let go of the little bit of warmth that is generated over the night. We only have 34 rupees in our balance and thus we will have to forego breakfast yet again and make do with a few oranges (maltas) in the meantime.




We can't absorb these lies anymore:

She even had the cheek to claim that AJK has its own Assembly, knowing full well who controls it. Despicable behaviour I say.


We continue to roll in the capital:

It isn't easy retrieving missing/stolen items from AJK police custody or for that matter from Pakistani army/custody as I've experienced in the past. Most people waive their right and thus embolden these 'security' organisations to abuse citizens and their possessions at will. This is an attempt to stem the tide and of course it is time consuming. Here are our documents in pursuit of our 6 of 7 missing items:

Application to Qazi 291119

Written Response by City Thaana 291119 

2nd Application to Qazi 301119 1 of 2

2nd Application to Qazi 301119 2 of 2

Application to SSP 111219

Let me give you a summary of events rather than translate all these documents word for word:

When we were arrested and tortured on the 25th of October and into the early hours of the 26th the police (accompanied by Pakistan's clandestine agencies) didn't bother confirming our items which they were taking into separate custody from us. The next morning I did start looking and asking for my sandals but received a blank response from the police. In fact, I was physically beaten up once again! When we were taken from the police station to be presented in court, I enquired of my missing sandals once again and was hastily given somebody else's sandals while being assured that my sandals would be found and returned to me in due course. They weren't. 

When we were released - on bail - from Raara jail on he 31st of October, the police had been ordered to pick us up and deport us from our territory! (without legal reference). Here the PI (Police Inspector) returned 27 of our 34 witheld items. I explained to him that the following 7 items were missing and wrote them in the document he gave to me sign, to confirm that I had received my possessions:

1) Sandals (by Clarks of UK)
2) Glasses (frames by Rodenstock of Germany)
3) Perfume (by Dior of France)
4) Phone microphone x 2 with lead (of Sweden)
5) Black Sleeping Bag and Cover
6) Thermos
7) 500 rs (that somebody had given to the police for my use)  

When he (the PI) dropped us off in Arja (after intervention from some lawyers who helped us avoid being deported to Pakistan without legal reference), there was no means of obtaining a copy of the list of our possessions. 

It wasn't until our fourth hearing in court on the 29th (of November) - when I walked barefooted from my hotel room to the courts and then onto the police station - that the Qazi ordered a response from the police on my missing items. Upon arrival at the City police station barefooted, it took just about 10 minutes for the police to return my sandals. However, they did not mention them in their written response to the court and gave a statement that they had returned 27 items to me and that they had nothing else to return to me.

We then approached the court yet again armed with an affidavit in reference to our possessions on the 30th. We were acquitted on the 4th of December and our missing items issue remained suspended. It wasn't until the 11th of December (today) that we approached the learned Qazi yet again and he - in turn - instructed us to pursue SSP Muzaffarabad.

This is where we stand: A fresh application has been given to the SSP via his reader Mr. Anwar Khan and we have received a written acknowledgement of receipt.

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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....