
Friday, 30 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 273 of 2022


Day 117 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has increased to 56 minutes. Late yet again!

Punctuality percentage: 66 days on time or early of 117 = 56% punctual.


Day 18 on Twitter takes us to the Kashmir Valley!

Associated reference:

The following article may provide a different insight into where we have gone wrong as a State. It received a robust review from the late great Dr Agha Ashraf Ali. Over the years, the misery experienced by the people of the Kashmir Valley has only intensified:

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 71 (updated at 1850hrs on 08/10/2022) 

Average space count (18 days so far): 141


Colonialism = Invasion & subjugation 

"Going into other people's countries, taking their resources, subjugating them, often de-humanising them and very often killing them."

Nicky Campbell - BBC 


Thursday, 29 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 272 of 2022


Day 116 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has decreased to 42 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 66 days on time or early of 116 = 57% punctual.


Day 17 on Twitter takes us to Gilgit Baltistan!

Associated reference:

Jammu Kashmir & Allied (areas) (JKA) is offering Gilgit Baltistan what no other country can possibly offer: 

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 90 (updated at 1829hrs on 08/10/2022) 

Average space count (17 days so far): 145

For some unknown reason, we are unable to access the space recording from my Twitter handle (unlike all the others) and hence we're embedding the tweet by JKTV itself:


In the past few days we have noticed Pakistan's clandestine agencies trying to 'turn the screw' on those inhabitants of AJK who openly defy their presence and interference in this territory. We witnessed a lull in their illegal activities here hitherto - for at least a few months - while most of AJK was in public uproar against their country's attempt to integrate us into their federation viz. 'proposed' 15th amendment. They've emerged from the woodwork once again to try and rebuild their damaged constituency here and re-impose the mono narrative that has damaged their country beyond repair, using all those underhand tactics that we've become familiar with over the years.

Here's an example described by Adeel Magray, spokesman for Jammu Kashmir National Equality Party (JKNEP) operating in Jammu Kashmir Gilgit Baltistan Ladakh (JKGBL) while addressing the press at Neelam Press Club in Athmaqam, where some of his colleagues have been harassed by the aforementioned agencies to try and prevent them from political mobilisation:

You may watch the complete press conference here:


Wednesday, 28 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 271 of 2022


Day 115 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has increased to 45 minutes. This is sickening!

Punctuality percentage: 65 days on time or early of 115 = 57% punctual.


Day 16 on Twitter Spaces delivers our 3rd public policy review:

Associated reference:

Reclaiming Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) For Her People and the Evolution of AJK Public Agency:

Do we expend further energy on reforming our Governance within the prevailing structure or do we rebel like they did in 1947? 

Or is there a middle path? 


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 73 (updated at 1807hrs on 08/10/2022) 

Average space count (16 days so far): 148


Tuesday, 27 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 270 of 2022


Day 114 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has decreased to 39 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 65 days on time or early of 114 = 57% punctual.


Day 15 of our regular evening Twitter Space slot between 2100hrs and 2200hrs. Today we discuss why we need to re-learn to live together, irrespective of our religious affiliations:

Associated reference:

The following post will give u a good summary of the progress we have made so far in reviving the religious heritage of other co-citizens of JKA whose places of worship have been forcibly abandoned since 1947:


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 82 (updated at 1743hrs on 08/10/2022) 

Average space count (15 days so far): 153



Monday, 26 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 269 of 2022


Day 113 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has decreased to 42 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 64 days on time or early of 113 = 57% punctual.


Day 14 of our evening commitment. Taxation without (political) representation is what we've suffered from since 1947:

Associated reference:

Let's introduce ourselves to the annual budget that Pakistan designs 4 AJK. We consider it to be a fraction of what Pakistan takes from here - or otherwise deprives us of - in both tax for the public sector and income/profit generation for the private sector: 


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 984 (updated at 1710hrs on 08/10/2022) 

Average space count (14 days so far): 158


Sunday, 25 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 268 of 2022


Day 112 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has increased to 45 minutes. I'm late yet again! A serious re-think is needed over my daily routine. There is obviously something missing somewhere.

Punctuality percentage: 63 days on time or early of 112 = 56% punctual.


Day 13 on JKTV's Twitter Space delivers the topic of 'Population Census', which comes under the rubric of 'Governance' as a priority:

Associated reference:

We did say that the Pakistani State and most of its people are either uncomfortable or sceptical with the concept of 'research'. Here's an example from former Guardian correspondent Riazat Butt, whose family originates from Kotli, I am led to understand:

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 83 (updated at 0117hrs on 30/09/2022) 

Average space count (13 days so far): 92


Some notes in reference to where Pakistan stands in comparison to the rest of the world are in order, courtesy instant information provided by Chacha Google:

Despite being the:
5th largest country in terms of population
35th in land mass and possessing the
6th largest military

Pakistan is:
138th in overall prosperity index rankings
153rd in economic freedom
160th in per capita rank (nominal) and 140th (PPP)
154th in quality & accessibility of healthcare and
99th in education expenditure

I've always maintained that Pakistan is more an enemy unto itself than any other country can be to it. It is also not a coincidence that Pakistan cries 'foul' over conspiracy theories by others over it, possibly or rather probably more than any other country. 


Saturday, 24 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 267 of 2022


Day 111 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has decreased to 19 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 63 days on time or early of 111 = 57% punctual.


Day 12 presents episode 12 of our evening slot on Twitter. We are already into our 3rd phase of 4 topics on public policy in JKA. We are now delving deeper in search of practical solutions and as 'security' is priority number 1, hence discussing demilitarisation is in order:

Associated reference:

I have written various notes/proposals/suggestions on demilitarisation since 2012 in particular. Here is one such example:

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 83 (updated at 0028hrs on 30/09/2022) 
Average space count (12 days so far): 92



Friday, 23 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 266 of 2022


Day 110 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality deficit has decreased to 22 minutes. Hopefully I'm back on track once again.

Punctuality percentage: 62 days on time or early of 110 = 56% punctual.


Day 11 of our daily evening virtual engagement with the public brings us our second review already:

Associated reference:

Case Study: The Story of Singapore

While we in AJK grapple with the best strategy to bring much needed change in our society, we can seek inspiration from elsewhere:  


What has become clear so far (in 11 episodes from listeners and participants) is that:

Do we try and get the existing system to deliver with all its structural defects or do we create an alternative grassroots democratic framework for change?

Our people are undecided and unsure. In fact, they will veer towards the former for safety at this stage.

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 55 (updated at 1813hrs on 24/09/2022) 

Average space count (11 days so far): 91


Thursday, 22 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 265 of 2022


Day 109 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality surplus has transformed into a deficit once again. It corresponds exactly to the amount of minutes that I was late today viz. 25 minutes.

For some peculiar reason, my eyes opened at the same time as yesterday viz. at 0809hrs. Except that I was fresher today than yesterday morning, when I had barely 3 hours of sleep. 

Punctuality percentage: 61 days on time or early of 109 = 56% punctual.


Day 10 of our evening commitment to public interest brings us to the topic of public opinion and how that fares with the other 3 influencers of public policy:

 Associated reference:

We can authoritatively claim that the following survey was the most representative of public opinion ever collected in any part of the erstwhile princely State, since 1947:

Link (English)

Link (Urdu)

Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 62 (updated at 1733hrs on 24/09/2022) 

Average space count (10 days so far): 94


Does anyone remember Chacha Cricket? Well, it appears that he was in Bhimber yesterday, trying to rally the locals behind Pakistan's State narrative! Needless to say, he experienced a rude awakening:


The following case is what I describe as the alleged murder of prime AJK human capital in Pakistan's capital Islamabad in March, earlier this year. The case of Imperial College London postgraduate Farooq Ali, a descendent of Plaak, Mirpur AJK; who was born and brought up in Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom:

Here's a concise well documented summary of Farooq Ali's case so far, written by his Cambridge graduate neurologist sister Dr. Rehiana Ali:


Farooq was a graduate of Imperial College London (2:1 in Biochemistry with a A* from British Biotech during year in Industry) and had Masters in Biochemistry - also from Imperial College London. 

He was from Bradford – he had studied at Bradford Grammar School securing 3 As at A level in Maths, Biology and Geography.

Farooq – strongly believed in education. Helped younger brother Yusuf and paid private school fees even whilst studying at Imperial. Helped his sister Rehiana get into Cambridge University – she’s now a Consultant Neurologist.

Why in Pakistan?

He was currently playing tennis - he hoped to go shortly on the seniors’ tour.

He loved Pakistan and knew much of the history of Pakistan and Kashmir. He wanted to play for Pakistan.

He was also currently writing a fiction book and it was nearing completion.


Farooq recognised he needed a “platform” to do anything for Pakistan, Kashmir and indeed, Palestine… this was where the tennis and book came in. He had written articles – not huge numbers but they were ideas/intellectual in content not a weekly/monthly output (he wrote under a pen name called Omar Khorharudin). He had contributed to Kashmir Media Services (KMS) and the article called ‘the second green revolution in Indian occupied Kashmir’ was syndicated to Pakistan Observer. He had previously set up and it was hacked a lot…here Farooq would put articles, content on culture, history etc. He also realised that Pakistanis and Kashmiris were more “visual” so tried to start cartoons…again focussing on the occupation.

He was of firm belief that Pakistan needed to do more for Kashmir on the international stage, that Kashmiris should lead from within Pakistan and that Hindustan had to be contained. He recognised that Pakistan was going to be key in the Muslim world and therefore would be targeted – directly and indirectly – by West and Israeli allies.

Why hotel?

Family home is in Azad Kashmir.

He was staying in hotel in Islamabad as it was close to the Pakistan Tennis Federation (which had clay and hard courts).

He did look for a flat but preferred the convenience of a hotel - with room service, laundry and housekeeping.

He was in Ramada by Wyndham hotel Islamabad. This is 1 of the top 3 hotels in Islamabad and reportedly "safe". He moved there in May 2021.

We believe he was murdered on 11th or early hours of 12th March 2022. His body was "discovered" on 16th March 2022 i.e. 5 days later.

Brief chronology of events:

Farooq was - by August 2021 - paying hotel monthly. He would pay 8 - 10th of every month and kept a record. He never paid later than 10th of every month.

Rehiana, his sister, paid a visit in June 2021 staying for 4 weeks so knew their systems. 

No concerns were raised when we spoke to our brother. He was only 44 years old and completely well and very upbeat. If he had any health concerns, he would have almost certainly shared them with his sister, who is a doctor. He had no medical conditions at all.

Rehiana and Farooq shared a credit card – she noticed no payment to the hotel had been made. His phone was unanswered – she assumed due to connection issues (this happened repeatedly before).

She called the hotel on 16th March 2022 to check that he was still at that hotel – and was assured he was. As it was still early in Pakistan, she did not ask to speak to him saying she would try him later. No reference was made that they had not seen him for 5 days.

She was called 7 hours later saying that her brother was dead. 

She said she did not want her brother moved and that they were coming straight to Pakistan. She was very clear that forensic samples should be sent.

She asked if food samples had been sent and was told they were. She was told photographs and forensics had been taken and they would await her before moving the body.  

The sisters and parents caught a flight the same day from Manchester, UK. 

What happened with post-mortem?

Although Rehiana took my brother’s body to the hospital (she was told PIMS but found out later it was the federal polyclinic), she subsequently declined the post mortem because of the doctors involved and a feeling she was being “set-up”. The doctors - one of whom (Dr Niaz) works as on-call for Ramada Hotel. Rehiana was told they thought it was a stroke - this was without examining our brother's body and in advance of the post-mortem. As a Neurologist, she did not believe they could come to that conclusion as yet. After confirming with the police they had taken all forensic samples including blood and foam, she said she was prepared to forgo the post-mortem given the distrust of the doctors - including conduct of a Dr Javaria (the pathologist).

She met the Assistant Commissioner and wrote in English (Rehiana does not read or understand Urdu) that despite the lack of post-mortem there would be an investigation into his death. She later found that the Police also ignored an order from the magistrate - this ordered them to at minimum perform a superficial post-mortem. They did not do this.

My brother’s body was then taken to Kashmir and buried on Friday 18th March 2022. 

Main lies by hotel:

Suspicious activity on CCTV of 3 – 4 hotel people monitoring Farooq’s room between 4 – 5am on 12th March. 

Other lies included: 

That they did not chase billing as he was a long-term guest (in contrast to their behaviour evidenced) - which hotel allows a guest to stay free for 6 days?

The Manager stating “Farooq only ordered food twice a week” and when Rehiana replied “really?” he said “yes, that has been his habit for a long time”. This was a lie as proven by itemised billing. 

- Lies about the ‘Do not disturb’ sign – again lies according to CCTV coverage

There are other lies too.

This 4* international hotel opened door without police and disturbed the crime scene. They allowed 14 people into the room. 

Police corruption:

No finger printing of crime scene.

Never sent blood and foam for toxicology. For some reason police only sent for DNA - which is usually when you are unable to identify the body.

Police did not send all food for forensics – in fact they did not send the last food eaten (milk and cereal) from 11th March 2022.

They kept food samples from 10th March in a cupboard – only sending to Lahore on 25th March.

Despite Rehiana asking them to investigate, they refused to give an FIR (First Investigation report) – she had to go to court to get this.

The Police made false statements claiming they were from family

The Police tried to say it was natural, then suicide and now natural.

Exhumation and post-mortem: 

- Performed on 9th May 2022

Final exhumation report stated that they cannot ascertain the cause of death

Family have met all officials in police force – repeatedly promised an investigation which they then stop. We met the SHO 3 times, the SSP, the DIG, the first IG (Ahsan Younas) and now twice with IG Akbar. 

All the family have asked for is a fair, thorough and transparent investigation. But the Police won’t do it. Even when hotel staff and management lie, Police will not act.

Our family had to even petition the court to get the Police to investigate - not much has happened despite latest meeting with Islamabad Police Inspector General Akbar on 4th July in presence of Deputy High Commissioner of the United Kingdom (first meeting the British High Commission attended with the family he promised a thorough investigation within 2 weeks.

- The court had ordered police to complete investigation by 20th July.

Still no police report – and now Police are pressurising independent medical board (from Kashmir) to change their report to say death was natural. It seems that the junior members of board had also been contacted by Police.

End of Farooq Ali case summary to date (25/09/2022)

Update (25/10/2022):

Since we did the interview with JKTV on 10th September, we received the report by the Medical Board (issued 12th September 2022). They – despite pressure from Islamabad Police – stood their ground and with their original findings. They refused to state death was natural.

Despite this response, the British High Commission (BHC) have consistently refused to condemn actions of Islamabad Police. In fact, they have legitimised them. So, I had no issues if police wanted to ask the medical board about another test etc but the request to state if the death was natural or not is not standard practice.  It was not right of BHC to try and pretend it was. 

Since this second report on 12th September, the Police have still refused to submit a final report. They issued an – undated – “progress report” on 15th October 2022 via the BHC. This is not a police report under section 173 of Cr. PC and appears to satisfy no-one but the BHC. Now, in this report, the Police re-refer to possible negligence – something already “explored” in August. There is no information – and BHC never requested any – as to what exactly the Police are doing.

On 19th July 2022, when we met Dr Christian Turner, British High Commissioner he stated that it was “unacceptable” if the “investigation” dragged into September.

Despite it being 24th October and with no final report being issued, BHC still appear unconcerned. I stated to BHC that if their supposed “daily calls” were not working, a change in approach was needed.

I asked for a meeting with the PM yet nothing has been forthcoming. I do not believe a meeting would be denied if BHC support was truly behind us. This Shehbaz Sharif signed a book of condolences twice for Elizabeth….
So I then asked the BHC to themselves request a meeting with the PM (rather than forward a letter) – as my meeting was not forthcoming. They have not done so despite the logic of the request.

I also asked the BHC to liaise with the IG directly – there is no point asking the IO (Investigating Officer) as it is clear he is under orders and has no independence in this investigation. 

We have tried other avenues:

On 1st September, we left letters for PM Sharif in PM offices and in Cabinet offices – the latter with Shahid Ahmed Sandhu, Joint Secretary and with Zakib Ullah, Assistant Deputy Secretary.


We protested outside PM House and outside Supreme Court on 15th September 2022. 

Outside Supreme Court, I was assaulted by Misbah Shahbaz, SHO Women’s Station and yet the BHC failed to help. In fact, they advised me to follow what the police said – in Iran and Afghanistan, they support democracy but in Pakistan, they refuse to uphold the democratic right to protest….

I was then told – subtly – that they may have to withdraw support from me because of the NICOP card (Pakistani identity card indicating dual citizenship). The Deputy High Commissioner, Andrew Dalgleish, refused to answer any questions sent on email.

I had a call on 23rd September from Najeeb Mandowill (?) who was in charge of the PM grievance wing…I told them a meeting with the PM had been requested not by grievance officials so he said he would send it to PM House.

On 22nd September, we protested in Dadyal – to raise the voice within AJK.

We were promised help by various people including Javaid Zaffar (PMLN politician in Dadyal) – nothing. 

On 26th September we went to Dadyal…the IG of AJK didn’t turn up at the PWD where we were told to go. Met some other commissioners who said they would raise it. Nothing.

On 27th September, we went to Ramada by Wyndham to protest. 

AJK media:

On 29th September, we went to Mirpur press club – again only 1 person put it on Facebook and Shuja (journalist) took 10,000 rupees but then said he couldn’t get it on the channels…and refuses to look at messages.

On 1st October, we did a press conference in Muzaffarabad – despite the number of mikes, no national media has taken it as yet.

AJK politicians:

On that same day, we went to PM House in AJK – apparently PM was asleep but the request for a meeting would be forwarded. Nothing yet.

We went to the President of AJK’s House and left him a letter. Nothing yet.

I spoke to Ch Yaseen (MLA Kotli) who promised help…nothing.

I spoke to MLA Qasim Majeed (MLA for Chakswari, Palak etc) on 10th October – he told me to “make an application” then agreed to speak to SSP and act….nothing and has ignored messages on 20th October and 22nd October 2022. 


Richard Burgon, MP Leeds East for myself – last spoke in July and agreed to meet via zoom on 14th October. Refused to help with media, social media or even raise it in HoC (parliament)…he only agreed to re-write to BHC to ask more specifically about actions of ICT (Islamabad Capital Territory) police.

Judith Cummins MP for my parents – Bradford South – to date, hardly responding. Not one single meeting offered despite nature of case – this has now been requested again.

Naz Shah MP for Bradford West met my younger brother on 1st October 2022 (he first spoke to her in August) but the first press conference was cancelled. I spoke to her on 13th and 14th October. She says she will help. We need to see. She agreed to write to BHC and foreign secretary, share on her social media to raise awareness and raise it at foreign minister’s questions. Nothing has happened as yet. Her visit to Pakistan was cancelled because we were going to use that for media given the blackout so far.

Other Kashmiri MPs have so far stayed silent e.g. Imran Hussain though they most definitely know about it.

Medical issues:

More lately, the GP (local doctor in the UK) surgery had refused to supply medications to my parents according to a NHS “rule” however we are not resident here nor here out of choice. My father is 84 with multiple medical problems – type 2 diabetes, a previous heart bypass, a heart attack last year, angina, mild COPD, high blood pressure (very difficult to control over last 2 weeks with values 160 – 180 representing a stroke risk), chronic renal impairment so no other doctor has all the medical background. The weather is also changing and we don’t have the luxury of central heating in Palak yet cannot get Judith Cummins, his MP, to help.

End of update (25/10/2022)....

The public of AJK and its diaspora (particularly in the UK) can follow developments on this murder mystery till its conclusion, by following the hashtags: 

Other social media accounts may be accessed by using the link below. Do share with family and friends to raise awareness and help Farooq and his family get justice, elusive as it may seem in a country with a track record as that of Pakistan.

Remember, this could have happened to any of us and indeed may happen in the future. Thus, solidarity is in every sane person's interest. 


Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 264 of 2022


Day 108 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality is at an equilibrium today. Another first! Neither a surplus or a deficit. 

Not only was I late today but by a significant amount! I haven't been so late in arriving since Day 86 at MBS Square when I was 28 minutes late, 22 days ago. In this period, I had only been late once and that by 38 seconds!

I don't factor in excuses at this mature stage of my struggle but I did sleep at c. 0500hrs this morning after completing work on a significant human rights issue.

Punctuality percentage: 61 days on time or early of 108 = 57% punctual (just about!)


Day 9 on JKTV's daily Twitter Space at 9pm takes us to the 3rd major influencer of public policy - certainly in the context of AJK - namely 'Special Interest Groups':

Associated reference:

To understand the concept of 'Special Interest Groups' in AJK we can even cite the role of Pakistan in cultivating such groups here. They themselves are a domineering 'SIG' & this conversation with Raja Zafar ul Haq confirms that:  


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 56 (updated at 1645hrs on 24/09/2022) 

Average space count (9 days so far): 98

Thieves caught red-handed in the darkness of night, or we can call it the early hours of the morning:


Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 263 of 2022


Day 107 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality surplus has increased to 31 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 61 days on time or early of 107 = 57% punctual.


Episode 8 and also Day 8 of our Twitter Space on the JKTV platform is presented below. Thus far, we have a 100% attendance for both daily public activities viz. 107 days for MBS Square and 8 days here, whose beginning coincided with Day 100 at MBS Square.

Associated reference:

The basis of the current AJK government finds its origins in the 24 October 1947 provisional government declaration. It is reproduced here directly from its founding president Sardar Ibrahim Khan's book, 'Kashmir Saga':


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 114 (updated at 2022hrs on 21/09/2022)

Average space count (8 days so far): 100


Monday, 19 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 262 of 2022


Day 106 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality surplus has increased to 29 minutes.

Punctuality percentage: 60 days on time or early of 106 = 57% punctual.


We are almost into our second week already on JKTV Twitter Space. Today is episode 7:

Today is the 1st of 4 programmes on the agents, activators or influencers of public policy; namely politicians and political parties:

Associated reference:

Possibly the furthest our political parties have reached to highlight our stand to a global audience, by being published in the most widely read newspaper in the world: 


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 68 (updated at 1701hrs on 20/09/2022)

Average space count (7 days so far): 97


United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP) held a ground-breaking conference in Pakistan's capital Islamabad today. The coverage of it here on this weblog is merited as they attempted to invite as many political parties as possible (including myself but as I don't travel to Pakistan since 2011, I had to apologise) to deliberate on our national question.

Chief guests were Manzoor Pashteen of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) and our very own Baba Jaan Hunzai of Gilgit Baltistan. Other parties that participated included; PNP (Pakistan National Party), JKNAP (Jammu Kashmir National Awami Party), KNP Karakorum National Party in GB, Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM), Kashmir Crises Management, Kashmir Awami Worker's Party (KWAM), JKLF (Toqeer Group), Awami Itahad Party, JKLF (Rauf Group), Kashmir Plebiscite Front, Awami Worker's Party, Gilgit Baltistan People's Rights Movement, Gilgit Baltistan United Movement, Gilgit Baltistan Civil Society, Awami Action Committee Baltistan. Gilgit Bachao Tehreek, Liberation Front, JKLF (Nazriyati) and others.  

Pakistan's clandestine agencies didn't like this get together at all and they tried their best to derail it. However, as has become apparent since 2020 in particular, their grip on affairs has ebbed away. If this conference had taken place a few years ago, they may have been succeeded in their default nefarious designs.

UKPNP issued an 'Islamabad Declaration' at the end of this conference. Here's the press release written by the head of their diplomatic affairs Dr Shabir Choudhary: 


Sunday, 18 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 261 of 2022


Day 105 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality surplus has decreased to 26 minutes. 

Being 38 seconds late is still late and has to be recorded as such. There is nothing more powerful and eternal than truth. The last time I was late was on Day 242 of 2022 or Day 86 at the Square or 19 days ago. The bright side is that this has been our most punctual consecutive run to date. 

Punctuality percentage: 59 days on time or early of 105 = 56% punctual.


Onwards and upwards towards Day 6 of our evening interaction, despite the marginal punctuality lapse this morning.

We have decided to review our performance and interaction over the preceding 4 days, on every 5th day. This will - amongst other features - give our listeners breathing space to digest the various aspects of public policy:

 Associated reference:

The concept of OBMs or Ownership-Building-Measures was introduced by myself in Rising Kashmir on 19 April 2011. This article was referenced by the late Professor Richard Bonney at a Kashmir Conference in a UK parliamentary room a month later, then critiqued.


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 63 (updated at 1559hrs on 19/09/2022) 

Average space count (6 days so far): 94


Saturday, 17 September 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 260 of 2022


Day 104 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My punctuality surplus remains constant at 27 minutes. For the second day in a row!

Punctuality percentage: 59 days on time or early of 104 = 57% punctual.


Moving on to Day 5 of the evening chore:

Associated reference:

One of the references cited in today's programme and in previous programmes was related to resource extraction during the British Indian colonial era. Here's the lecture given by ShashiTharoor at Edinburgh University in 2017:


Space Count (That is: How many people have engaged so far): 83 (updated at 1533hrs on 19/09/2022) 

Average space count (5 days so far): 101


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....