
Sunday 24 March 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 84 of 2024


Working through the night is disturbingly becoming a feature this Ramadhan. I didn't sleep until just after 0900hrs in the morning and got up at 1600hrs. 7 hours in total is not bad but the timing in the day is atrociously unhealthy.


Some of our friends made the news today on Google via Daily Parliament Times, one of the few - and perhaps only - English language newspaper in Muzaffarabad:

Raja Muzaffar of Uri has touched on a raw nerve:

Both gentlemen of the Kashmir Valley live in exile, the former in Muzaffarabad and sometimes in Pakistan while the latter lives in Texas, USA.


Our daily financial statement:


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024

0653hrs: Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli....