I'm inputting today's diary almost 14 hours later than intended. My routine is haywire, despite which I'm still fulfilling all my daily duties, just not in the right time frame in a daily routine context.
Dr Nazir Gilani continues with his documentation activism and gives his prescription on demilitarisation:
Demilitarizing Kashmir: A Call for Peace, Dialogue, and Self-Determination
The recent remarks made by the Indian Army Chief during the 77th Army Day celebrations, where he accused Pakistan of orchestrating violence in Kashmir and emphasized the induction of 15,000 additional troops in 2024, have sparked significant reactions, particularly from Pakistan. While the situation in Kashmir is undeniably complex, it is important to address the issue within the broader historical context, international commitments, and the necessity for a peaceful resolution that prioritizes the rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
1. Historical Context and UN Supervised Vote:
The Kashmir dispute is not merely a military issue but a deeply political and human rights issue rooted in the promises made at the time of India’s partition and the subsequent accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India. The Government of India (GOI) has committed itself to a UN-supervised plebiscite in Kashmir, as outlined in United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 47. The resolution calls for a fair and free process where the Kashmiri people can determine their future. This commitment was reaffirmed at the 230th meeting of the UNSC in 1948, which outlined the role of Indian forces in the region as supplementary and temporary, tasked only with ensuring law and order.
However, the ongoing militarization of the region—especially the recent induction of an additional 15,000 troops in 2024—directly undermines the spirit of these original agreements and international resolutions. The heavy military presence today stands in stark contrast to the intent of UNSC Resolution 47, which sought restraint in the appearance, number, and stationing of forces in the region to avoid exacerbating tensions and to promote a peaceful resolution.
2. Britain’s Acknowledgment of the Insurgency and Diverse Stakeholders:
During the 251st meeting of the UNSC, Britain acknowledged the continuation of the insurgency in Kashmir and pointed out that the conflict involves not just India and Pakistan but also six distinct interest groups within Kashmir itself. These groups—representing various political, social, and ethnic constituencies—have long been anchored in the belief that the UN-supervised plebiscite is the ultimate solution. Their expectations, based on international commitments, have shaped the political discourse surrounding the Kashmir issue for decades.
Thus, when India’s Army Chief labels Pakistan as the “epicentre of terrorism” it oversimplifies the situation and diverts attention from the core issue: the right of the Kashmiri people to determine their own future. While external actors may play a role, the primary concern is the political status of Kashmir and the aspirations of its people. The ongoing insurgency is rooted in both local grievances and the unresolved political status of the region, and framing the issue as a purely external one fails to address these complexities. The focus should be on resolving the issue through political means, respecting the wishes of the Kashmiri people, and honouring international commitments.
3. The Need for Demilitarization:
Demilitarization of Jammu and Kashmir is essential to creating an environment conducive to peace, dialogue, and reconciliation. The continuing induction of military forces, such as the 15,000 additional troops in 2024, only serves to escalate tensions, perpetuate human rights violations, and further alienate the Kashmiri people. The commitment to reducing the military footprint in the region is a crucial step toward restoring trust and creating conditions for a peaceful resolution.
India has made a specific commitment to reduce its military presence in the region. At the 608th meeting of the UNSC, India stated that the minimum necessary force to maintain order in Kashmir was 28,000. However, the Indian government also offered, in a significant gesture, that “on complete disbandment and disarmament of the Azad Kashmir forces, and as a further contribution towards a settlement, the GOI is prepared to effect a further reduction of 7,000 to a figure of 21,000, which is the absolute and irreducible minimum.” This force would be without any supporting arms, such as armour or artillery, as India emphasized the need to avoid further militarization of the region.
This offer of reduction should be seen as a positive step towards demilitarization, but it remains inadequate if the overall approach to Kashmir continues to prioritize military means over political solutions. There is no room for militarizing Kashmir further. The region cannot be resolved by force; it is the consent of the Kashmiri people and the promise of a UN-supervised plebiscite that must prevail. The military presence cannot replace the democratic rights of the Kashmiri people, and the way forward must involve reducing the military presence while promoting dialogue, self-determination, and peace.
4. The Role of the Kashmiri People and the UN Template:
The ultimate resolution of the Kashmir issue must centre around the will of the Kashmiri people, as guaranteed by the United Nations and the commitments made by both India and Pakistan at the UNSC in 1948. The heavy militarization of the region is at odds with the political and democratic aspirations of the Kashmiri people. The UN-supervised plebiscite remains the most legitimate path forward, one that respects the rights of Kashmiris to choose their future.
As highlighted in the State Autonomy Committee Report of June 2000, Jammu and Kashmir’s provisional accession was limited to three areas—defence, communications, and foreign affairs. These restrictions must guide the future governance of the region. Any solution that involves continued militarization and repression will only deepen the divide. The focus must shift to fulfilling international promises, especially the commitment to a UN-supervised plebiscite, and to ensuring that the political rights of the Kashmiri people are fully respected.
5. A Call for Peace and Political Dialogue:
India and Pakistan, along with the international community, must move beyond military posturing and engage in genuine dialogue aimed at achieving a political resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people. The Kashmir issue cannot be solved by military means; it requires a political settlement that recognizes the legitimacy of the Kashmiri people's demand for self-determination. India’s continued military presence in Kashmir must be reconsidered in light of international commitments, and the focus should be on reducing military forces while promoting a peace process that includes all stakeholders.
The path to peace in Kashmir lies in honouring the principles of self-determination and democratic governance. The UN-supervised plebiscite remains the only legitimate solution, and India must reaffirm its commitment to this process, ensuring that the military does not stand in the way of the political aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
In conclusion, JKCHR advocates for the immediate demilitarization of Jammu and Kashmir, in line with the United Nations’ framework and the promises made by both India and Pakistan. India’s offer to reduce its military presence to 21,000 troops without supporting arms should be viewed as a step towards peace, but it is essential that this reduction be part of a broader political resolution that respects the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. The solution lies not in military control but in political dialogue and the implementation of a UN-supervised plebiscite, ensuring that the people of Kashmir are the ones who determine their future.
Dr. Syed Nazir Gilani
President JKCHR
Dr Nazir Gilani's Facebook post above may be commented on here
I have made the following comment there:
You are probably the only person qualified to anchor such a discussion. Demilitarisation involves creating alternative security arrangements as much as an environment of 'freedom of expression'. These are all matters of internal dynamics within the State, which - the #People of the territory of #AJK - can be credited for creating such amicable conditions, through peaceful & thoughtful mass activism.
Later in the evening, we continue with our daily live vlog on Facebook:
Who qualifies to work in public interest in AJK?
1) Any individual?
2) Any party?
3) Any forum?
4) Any alliance?
5) Any committee?
6) Any government?
7) Any tribe?
8) Any religious sect or other special interest group?
Your answers please.
As short or as long as possible?
JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Questionnaire: #EQ1201516012025
Additional Question:
Do you want to buy conflict stock or peace stock to earn a 10,000% gain (on 10 year fixed deposit) as individuals in the most coveted State in the world?
Follow this daily vlog here on this page (FB) Tanveer Ahmed (sahaafi) or on our dedicated TikTok account - opened on the first day of this year (2025) - @jkapublicagency1
JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Note: #E232016012025
(names remain anonymous at this stage but the relevant district of the respondents is mentioned:
1) Mirpur
نمبر ون (Number 1) viz. any individual
2) Bagh
ایک مشترکہ کمیٹی اور الائنس میں کوئی خاص فرق نہیں ۔ مختصر جواب یہی ہے کے کمیٹی ہو یا الائنس جانداز منشور کے ساتھ اگر جدوجہد کرے تو بہتر ہوگا
(English translation)
There isn't much difference between a collective committee and an alliance. In short, whether it is a committee or an alliance, if it struggles with a strong manifesto, that is best.
3) Muzaffarabad
#4 viz. any alliance
4) Muzaffarabad
2 viz. any party
5) Kotli
Aphc. (All Parties Hurriyat Conference)
6) Neelam
I don't think,.... that the agencies mentioned above are in the position to do something for the welfare of the people of AAJK.....all types of caretaker system are being introduced here to continue the on going situation..... because many people of the globe including India, Pakistan and China, have to earn their bread and butter from this issue that is known as Kashmir problem.
7) Poonch
Jammu Kashmir joint Awami Action Committee
8) Mirpur
To work for the welfare of humanity in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the approach should be divided into two distinct phases:
i)The Pre-Independence Era of the Entire State:
Before the full independence of the state, it is unrealistic to rely on laws and constitutions for serving the people, as the region is currently under the administration of multiple countries. Instead of ensuring public welfare, these laws and systems have become tools for exploitation and deceit.
In this phase, a strong public alliance will be essential. People must come together, beyond all divisions, to work selflessly for the betterment of humanity.
Efforts should focus on providing basic necessities, facilitating lives, and solving immediate problems through collective action and mutual cooperation.
ii) The Post-Independence Era of the Entire State:
Once the state achieves full independence, a robust and transparent constitution must be established, ensuring equal rights and welfare for all its citizens.
This constitution should include mechanisms for real enforcement, not just theoretical provisions.
It must empower a leader who is a true well-wisher of the entire state, someone who prioritizes humanity, justice, and progress over personal or regional biases.
9) Poonch
1 🙏🏻 viz. any individual
10) UK (Guest response)
Any AJK citizen
11) Poonch
Forums and government.
Also individuals but individual efforts are often fragmented and subjective.
My Response:
Individuals also have a better chance of remaining non-partisan in public affairs. Just a thought.
Their Response (in turn):
Yes, I am the same individual. Doing my work on my own but for the people of AJK.
12) Muzaffarabad
Hopefully you are done well, profound gratitude that you considered my opinion also means something.
That part of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir region which we call Azad Kashmir, We have always been in a state of confusion as to whether we are free or whether we are slaves. Because the rulers who impose their rule on us sometimes say that "we are free "Azad Kashmir", sometimes they say that we will take the Freedom "Hum Ly ka Rahen Gy Azadi".
A small region with resources three times its size has been so degraded that the majority of its population cannot live there. In the last few years, we have seen that most of the youth of Pakistan have left the country after the COVID-19 pandemic & they went and started looking for jobs in other countries. Even now, thinkers, planners, strategists and other patriots sitting in Pakistan are in shock over this... It is being repeatedly discussed that the future of Pakistan is in great danger because the youth here have left. I ask all my friends in Azad Kashmir, out of a population of 4.2 million, 2.6 million Kashmiris have almost said goodbye to their state and gone to other countries for employment. Has any ruler of Azad Kashmir, or our lawyer Pakistan, ever said anything about this? I have not met any famous person, leader, party, forum, alliance, committee, government, opposition, community, tribe, religion or sect I have never seen anyone discuss or work in a progressive manner on this important issue, or any other issue that is relevant to the people of this state.
Our hearts also ache when these situations arise before us and we are unable to do anything special even if we want to. If we talk about hope, then surely one person can come along who can change the situation in the entire state. Such a person can come in the form of a party, a forum, an alliance committee, a government or any other group, But this is just a matter of hope, and the world of dreams is built on hope. It takes hard work to create a world of real reality.
I would absolutely say that unless our education system is modernized, we will continue to face difficulties. If today we have achieved our rights through our unity, awareness and protest, tomorrow they will bring out a new agenda and put us in harm's way. We have to move forward in our education system along with awareness. I am very impressed with the role played by the Jammu and Kashmir Joint Public Action Committee in the last two years. The entire state was united and brought awareness, and Kashmiris all over the world proudly said, "Yes, I am a Kashmiri." This is a great thing. I would like to thank all 30 members of the committee for this, But my demand is from all the youth of the Kashmiri nation that they should start working for their rights and welfare themselves.
Allah Pak only helps those who help themselves, We, the people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, may be few in number, but we are enough to unite our entire country of Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, which has been divided into pieces, and bring it back into one state. Though this determination must include the spirit that we practically play a full role in the welfare of our region. We ourselves must be capable enough to face our oppressors with equality. The day we become capable, That will be the first day of our prosperity and our enemy will die his own death.
Therefore I believe, none of any organization is qualified enough to work truly in a public interest but the Educated Youth and People Themselves.
13) Sudhnoti
Anyone and everyone can work in public interest as long as they know what is the public interest concerning subject matters of public interest, how to mobilise tangible and intangible resources, how to develop and sustain partnerships and manage stakeholders and risks.
14) Neelam
عوامی مفاد کے لیے اب تک کام کرنے والی جموں کشمیر جوائنٹ عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی ہے جو عوامی مفاد کے لیے کام کر رہی ہے مخلص ہو کر
(English translation)
Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee has to date worked for public interest in a sincere manner.
15) Poonch
Option 1) Any Individual
Reasoning for my answer: state must treat all her statesmen equal.
16) Sudhnoti
4 viz. any alliance
17) Mirpur
"I firmly believe that only loyal and dedicated residents of Jammu and Kashmir, who genuinely prioritize the welfare and development of the region, should be considered for leadership or decision-making roles. It shouldn't matter which political party, sect, or community (bradri) they belong to, as long as their intentions are true and they are committed to serving the people, rather than acting as mere puppets for external influences."
18) Mirpur
Anyone who has the collective interest at heart and is motivated solely in public interest and not personal interest
19) Kotli
Any government
20) Jhelum Valley (Hattian)
In AJK, any individual, party, forum, alliance, committee, government, tribe, or group can work in the public interest; provided their efforts are inclusive, transparent, and focused on collective welfare.
The key is to prioritize public needs over personal or partisan agendas. The Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee is a notable example of such effective and consistent advocacy, addressing fundamental public issues with integrity and commitment.
21) Neelam
Whatever little is being done, is being done by the Joint Awami Action Committee. Apart from that; there is no movement, party, committee or other (organisational) formation doing anything in public interest. This is the truth. Even if someone wants to do something in public interest, they do not have the support of the public. Whatever you are doing, I am with you unconditionally. Whenever you need my support, you will find me standing with you.
22) Sudhnoti
Some individuals only.
23) Muzaffarabad
1 viz. any individual
24) Bagh
"Any individual" who is a citizen of AJK.
25) Muzaffarabad
ایکشن کمیٹی
جموں کشمیر جوائنٹ عوامی ایکشن
(English translation)
Action Committee
Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action
26) Haveli
Action committee
27) Kotli
Every individual should be selected through a computer-based, tamper-proof system that combines psychometric tests to ensure recruitment is based solely on merit. The entire process must be made as transparent as possible. Those serving our nation should receive top-tier salaries to attract the most qualified candidates. This approach will ensure they feel rewarded, reducing the likelihood of them leaving the job or engaging in risky behaviour.
28) Kotli
JKGB Awami Action Committee
29) Sudhnoti
عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی جوائنٹ عوامی ایکشن کمیٹی ریاست جم کشمیر کے حقوق کے لیے جس طرح کام کر رہی ہے میرے اندازے میں اگر اسی طرح ہم سب متفق ہو کر کام کریں تو ریاست جموں کشمیر کی ازادی خود مختاری یا لوگوں کے حقوق ان کو مل سکتے ہیں
(English translation)
The manner in which Joint Awami Action Committee is working for the collective rights of the people of Kashmir, it is my estimation that if we all agree to work together then the freedom, independence of the State of Jammu Kashmir or the rights of the people can be obtained.
30) Kotli
عوام کی حکومت ہونی چاہیے
(English translation)
The public should have their own government
31) Bagh
1 viz. any individual
5 viz. any committee
32) Bagh
1 viz. any individual
33) Neelam
The movement in Azad Kashmir has only just begun to gain momentum, particularly with the emergence of the Awami Action Committee. To truly bring about change, we must start at the individual level. Our occupiers, trained in the British tradition of 'divide and rule,' have long exploited our divisions. It's essential that we educate ourselves and the masses about the realities of our occupation and its impact on our lives.
We must recognize that our struggles are not just about economic survival but also about reclaiming our rights and autonomy.
34) Mirpur
(1) Any individual
Impressive !!