
Friday, 17 January 2025

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 17 of 2025


On the dot for the first time this calendar year. 


Our vlog for today is possibly the most significant of the year:

Public Alert for the people of AJK:

#Conflict2Peace Financial Strategy in Journey from #AJK to #JKA

Aim - for the public of AJK (& its diaspora) to directly fund the formation of a genuine people's government in AJK; using strictly peaceful, ethical, democratic and legal means.

This financial strategy has emerged after almost 20 years of a struggle - in general since April 2005 and focussed since September 2009 - which gradually created the following:

JKA PUBLIC AGENCY is a unique public institution in that it is exclusively owned by the public of AJK, while it has absolutely no affiliation or commitment to or with any country or other public institution, anywhere in the world.

From its origins of almost 2 decades, it has always upheld 4 non-negotiables with all its own people (the public of AJK & its diaspora), with all its co-citizens in the rest of JKA, with all its neighbouring countries and with the rest of the world - all powers large and small. 

1) Geopolitical neutrality
2) The 'Riyasati' (People's) Reference
3) Ideological harmony & co-existence (of whatever nature: religious, political, philosophical etc.) 
4) Ecological concerns of the territory of JKA 

These have been the poles that have evolved and matured as our compass since the outset of this un-anticipated journey in April 2005. This forms the roots of a contemporary Citizen-State contract from AJK to JKA.

In recognition of all sacrifices made by our co-citizens before this era and that have been made since, this is a new dynamic era which heavily relies on economy, technology, research, law and creating the necessary people's power behind that law.
We have a choice to either resign ourselves to continue investing in a #ConflictEconomy and pay the price for coming generations, or we can begin investing in a #PeaceEconomy .

At JKA PUBLIC AGENCY we have created an elaborate financial strategy which should deliver gains of 10,000% on a 10 year fixed deposit, equivalent to 1,000 (one thousand) UK pounds (or c. 3.5 lakhs in local currency), payable over a year. Of the approximately 2,200 of our co-citizens who have financially contributed since 2012 (when we began direct public funding), they can subtract what they have accumulatively paid so far from this amount of £1,000 and pay the balance (in installments over a year if they wish).

The gains we envisage are 100 x, which means 1,000 UK pounds invested today should be worth 100,000 UK pounds in 10 year's time. These gains are estimated in line with the projected growth of the AJK economy over the next decade as we move towards a genuinely free government, whereby the current 'government' is operating in minus and when economic levers are restored here, we would convert from an economy worth less than a billion (US dollars) today, to one that is worth at least 10 billion (US dollars) in 10 year's time. During this period, JKA PUBLIC AGENCY would also be investing in the economy and thus, making better use of the growth envisaged, compared to the economy as a whole.

Those of our co-citizens who consider their financial capacity to be less than the amount requested (viz. the equivalent of £1,000 payable over a year) they can partner with other co-citizens to create shares within 1 share, according to their individual capacities. For example, if someone is capable of investing £100 they can find 9 other co-citizens who can contribute an equal share within this 1 particular share.

Every co-citizen can only buy 1 share over this 10 year period, so that every other co-citizen has an equal opportunity in becoming a shareholder.

I will be sending this note directly and individually to as many of my co-citizens as possible (beginning Fri 17 January 2025), while keeping a public statistical record of how many people have responded and in what manner at and AJK Public Treasury's Facebook page at:

If I - Tanveer Ahmed - operating on behalf of JKA PUBLIC AGENCY am not able to convince at least 1,000 of my co-citizens to part with the equivalent of £1,000 in the year 2025, then I will have to resign from working in the public interest of AJK > JKA.
I will then resort to resume living a private life for private interests where I will no longer be able to advocate or protect the national interest of JKA, as I have been doing, particularly since September 2009. I will of course, return all the money that has been provided to me by the public since 2012.

This journey which started as 'subject' to 'citizen' in April 2005 has been a uniquely testing experience for me as an individual and of course for all my well-wishers (including my family & friends). I do know that such a social experiment has never been attempted before (to be at the mercy of the public's benevolence, especially since 2012) and I don't know if such an experiment can be attempted by anybody in the future. Indeed, I'm not even sure that our people's reference (which provides us - aspiring - citizens overwhelming legal authority over the territory of JKA) will account for anything, if a genuine people's government is not restored/created in AJK in the very near future. Such have the efforts of our neighbours and global powers matured with respect to this territory that AJK is the last remaining bastion of the people's reference. This has been my compass from the outset and I have maintained its direction thus far.

Please do not hesitate to question me on this matter, which has affected us all for generations and will continue to do so unless 'we - the people' choreograph the future. 

The latter words were put forward in a discussion on global media in 2017 

JKA PUBLIC AGENCY Note: #E191317012025


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 68 of 2025

1623hrs: Much of a rest day today before the inevitable storm. ....