
Monday, 13 December 2021

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 347 of 2021


So, a change of routine and the circumstances require it to be. Our next task in the long queue ahead is filing a report on 14 year old Asmaad Aslam of Tithrinote, who wandered off in the evening of the 25th of November towards the Indian controlled side and was soon picked up by the Indian army patrolling nearby. As you can see from this following video; I just fortuitously happened to visit the area around his home 9 days earlier and made this video to document my experience, as I am prone to do wherever I go:


Asmaad Aslam has already had a turbulent childhood and has been living with his maternal grandparents here in Tithrinote - literally on the LOC - since early childhood. He's a student of the 9th grade and for whatever inquisitive or adventurous reason crossed over into the Indian controlled territory of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas (JKA). 

A video of him being escorted to Poonch police station (on the other side - remember that there is a Poonch police station in Rawalakot on this - the Pakistani controlled side too) is presented here. Asmaad wondered across on the 25th of November and was soon picked up by the Indian army and this video was published 3 days later on the 28th by Gulistan News Channel:

I've left the following comment on the above channel's website:

"So, Asmaad Aslam (not Usman and to clarify his name on his official B form is Abdul Samad and Asmaad is a derivation of that) wandered across. He's an innocent child and his family is getting increasingly worried about him. I've compiled a report on this incident and would now request the Indian controlled authorities to kindly return him to his family via the Tithrinote crossing point." 

Note 1: Aslam is Asmaad's maternal grandfather's name who brought him up. Banaras is the name of his father and Akhter has also been used as his surname. Thus, in other reports or footage the names Asmaad Aslam, Asmaad Banaras and Asmaad Akhter may have been used.

Note 2: Chakkan da Bagh is the name given to the area across the LOC while on this side is Tithrinote (much like Pakistanis use the name Wagha while the Indians use Attari for their border in the Punjab).

Now, the incident was first reported by JKTV within hours of Asmaad disappearing across the Line of Control and according to its report, Indian media had confirmed that he was in the custody of Indian security forces:

14 year old Asmaad Aslam has now been in Indian armed forces custody for 18 days and all attempts by Asmaad's family to retrieve their child - via the local administration on this side - have effectively fallen on deaf ears. Furthermore, the Pakistani armed forces and their clandestine agencies have 'ordered' the family to remain silent. They have been expressly told to not publicly protest Asmaad's capture and detention across the LOC. To not engage the media or anybody else in this matter. Whoever visits their home is monitored by Pakistan's clandestine agencies and when the visitors leave, the agencies - as per habit and routine - pounce on the family to 'enquire' as to what was discussed. 

The family is in a state of both paralysis and fear, on top of the distress that is mounting with each passing day. 

As routine and in principal on my part, whenever local civil society anywhere in AJK reports such incidents to me, it is always followed by a request to engage in resolving such matters.

Thus, having compiled this preliminary report, it is now for me to engage contacts across the divide and also engage the local administration here, while keeping the family abreast of all developments. 

Cross LOC civil society intervention is also a viable avenue to pursue but if this 'cut and dry' issue can be resolved through communication with the local administration on the other side, that would ease the distress on Asmaad Aslam's family and him too.

Local civil society in the region on this side is also getting increasingly agitated and is keen on beginning a series of protests for Asmaad's safe return.  

Yesterday evening, after much cajoling and explanation of the importance of speaking in public, the maternal grandmother and maternal uncle of Asmaad agreed to take part in the following interview this evening:

Meanwhile, I have been in touch with some instrumental people across the LOC and have shared this report with them. I am hopeful and confident that this matter will be resolved very soon.

Update 14/12/2021:

Children of the area including Asmaad's classmates have protested in Tithrinote today. Here is some footage:

Read as (Roman Urdu):

Zulm ke zaabtey Tuliba nahi maantey
Hum taalib ilmo ka mutaaliba hay ke:
Aala hukaam aur insaani huqooq ki tanzeemey naujawan ki 
baahifaazat waapsi ke liye apna kirdaar ada karey
Waapas karo...Waapas karo.......Asmaad Banaras ko waapas karo

(English translation):
Students do not accept the code of oppression
We students demand that:
Higher authorities and human rights organisations should 
play their role for the safe return of (this) youth
Return him....Return him......Return Asmaad Banaras

Read as (Roman Urdu):

Ehtejaj Ehtejaj Ehtejaj
Hamaarey Taalibilm saathi
Asmaad Banaras ko jald az jald
Waapas kiya jaye
Jo ghalti se khooni lakeer paar kar gaya
Minjaanib: Tulba tanzeem Tithrinote

Protest Protest Protest
Asmaad Banaras should be returned 
as soon as possible
Who has mistakenly crossed the bloody line 
Courtesy: Students' organisation Tithrinote

End of update....

Update 23/12/2021:

A larger protest for Asmaad Aslam's return took place today at Tithrinote:

End of update...

Update 26/12/2021:

Students in nearby Abbaspur have also come out to protest Asmaad Aslam's prolonged detention in Poonch city:

End of update...

Update 27/01/2022:

There are important points to draw from this following video which shows a strong turnout of civil society; conducting a symbolic 8 kilometre walk from Ser Kakuta to the gates of the LOC at Tithrinote. We think both India and Pakistan are taking liberties in the handling of this matter:

End of Update....

Update 02/02/2022:

Wahid Kashar gives us an update of his efforts in conjunction with others to secure Asmaad's release:

Wahid has engaged/corresponded on this issue with:
1) Amnesty International - London
2) International Human Rights Council - Geneva
3) Jammu Kashmir Council for Human Rights - London
4) Deputy Commissioner - Poonch (Indian-controlled J & K)
5) Senior Superintendent Police - Poonch (Indian-controlled J & K) 

He describes that discussions are ongoing with all the above and a breakthrough is imminent. Wahid also intends to submit a letter to the Indian High Commission in London too, seeking Asmaad's release.

End of Update.....

Update 08/02/2022:

End of Update...

Update 16/03/2022:


Some notes for our children, as prompted by this reminder of a photo from 10 years ago. The children in this photo would of course be 10 years older too:

For the reader's convenience, I'll post the text that I wrote here too:

Our children may have little idea of the world they are growing up in. 

As the most fiercely contested territory in the world, how do we peacefully, ethically, legally and democratically engage with the world? 

What is the price of our distinct identity? 

Do we understand how bias towards any other country, power or ideology will erode that identity and prolong the intensity of this contest?

Do we think for others or do we think for our self?

Is self part of national identity or is national identity part of self?


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....