
Saturday, 12 February 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 43 of 2022


Day 24 at Martyr's Square Kotli

I haven't slept all night ( I had company too from a co-citizen of Rawalakot who's been with me since yesterday morning. I have much to put myself, our local administration and our public into a spin. It is 'do or die' for a number of reasons and they've all piled themselves up on top of each other.


Just beyond 11 February 2022 and just past midnight I received my first visit from the administration, after 24 days of a continuous 'Public Policy Workshop' at Shaheed Chowk Kotli. 

This came in the shape of DSP Khwaja Quayyum and SHO City Sohail Yusuf. Both are familiar with my work and appreciate it wholeheartedly but do not understand the demands of 21st century activism, in the most hotly contested territory in the world and how/why exactly we are connecting Shaheed Chowk Kotli with a parliamentary debate in London, aiming to influence UK foreign policy by majority vote, via a parallel 'Public Policy Workshop' in Luton and engaging the FCDO and 100 MPs via their constituents simultaneously in effect.

The merits of 'public reference' via the 24th of October 1947 declaration - on which this current AJK government operates - quoted the 'people' as their reason for revolting against the Maharajah.

This at the very least means that it is the 'people' (Public) who must be consulted for all matters of administration. However, in practice that has never been the case and hence our unusual, novel and creative approach.

What we are doing is multi-fold in execution and objectives. 

Main objectives:

1) Averting the permanent division of JKA between 2 neighbouring countries, another neighbouring country with increasing physical presence and 2 large powers with critical influence in the region, namely the UK and USA. We are doing this using peaceful, ethical, democratic and legal means. 

2) We are also intent on restoring the 'Right to Rule' of the people (Public) here, so that we can develop a world-class system of governance that the prolonged contestation of our neighbours is preventing. We are going about this in a sequential manner improvised - according to the capacity of our Public - within a gradually evolving 'internal political process' in AJK.

The pursuit of the original 'land' record of 1947 and the 'people' record of 1941 is a crucial step to fulfill the above objectives.

The police were under the impression that I was merely committed to raising our voice for the people and thought that could be better done in Muzaffarabad or even better in Islamabad. "Protesting in Kotli would not achieve anything", they reasoned.

I responded by saying that I'm directly and almost instantly connected to London from Shaheed Chowk Kotli and all our objectives have progressed faster in the past 24 days than they have at any time since I came here in 2005. It is a momentum that cannot be broken. 

Further, that I'm not merely looking to raise our voice in the UK. That is a vague aim without a material change in sight. Our people have practiced that policy for decades without traction.

My work is based on the 'people' (Public) reference with evidence and that is the most ignored aspect of our struggle and public policy since 1947. The powers that control our territory also conveniently ignored or manipulated this reference and unfortunately so did we the 'people'. Shooting ourselves in the foot so often that we are unable to stand at the moment.

I am using that public reference to pursue a democratic process to gain a democratic result, not merely raise our voice which will end up in a false sense of contentment that we are progressing. Progress has to be measurable and definitive. That is, it must culminate in legislation. 

It has taken me 16 years, 10 months and counting to develop this strategy and I am most able and connected with the public, at home and in the diaspora - on the ground as well as via communications technology at Shaheed Chowk Kotli, a modern day city in a region where my family has lived and mostly ruled for the past 700 years. 

It is where history, the present and the future intersect.

The police have been 'instructed' to remove my presence from this Chowk immediately and indefinitely but they have handled this dilemma with the utmost care, broad-mindedness, constructive engagement and flexibility; uncharacteristic of police in our territory.

In order to prevent my ego from exploiting me I did say that I can retire into a room for the night and resume tomorrow at noon. However, they were clearly 'instructed' to inform me that I cannot sit in Shaheed Chowk (FULL STOP).

Initially I asked for 20 minutes to think about this - mutual dilemma - in isolation, without consulting anybody. They said you can have half an hour. They arrived after about 32 minutes and our conversation could not come to a mutually agreeable solution. Thus, I explained that I would now have to consult the public and explain our discussion. They agreed and asked how much time do I need? I said we can reconvene here in the Chowk at midday. Meanwhile, I clarified that I would stay put at the Chowk, which is where I am writing this to you all.

Your suggestions and timely advice would be appreciated and would contribute to crossing another hurdle in front of our very thorny path to freedom.

Thank you all for your attention. It will have to intensify if we are to succeed as a 'land' and 'people'.

Once again, I thank the DSP and SHO for their professionalism and transparency in engagement. We can all build on this because we have all inherited this problem for many generations. 

We are all equal stakeholders irrespective of our religious identity or political ideology.


As the night got colder and deeper I continued making notes for communication. I also made some notes for the UK government which I obviously communicated to the concerned quarters but won't publish. Meanwhile:

The most important things in life cannot be done before time or after time. They have to be done on time.

There can be no retreat from Shaheed Chowk Kotli....I will not engage the AJK judiciary on this matter on this occasion because of the undue influence used in the 'Dadyaal Janda' case. 

The authorities have very politely asked me to leave the Chowk. This is the last bit of free space in the whole of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas (JKA)...If we lose this, we lose everything.

Our discussion with the police will reconvene at midday at Shaheed Chowk Kotli..... meanwhile, I am working away on my 'kat' in the Chowk. Public space.....for the the public...of the public = ownership = sovereignty

Our discussion with the police will reconvene at midday at Shaheed Chowk Kotli..... meanwhile, I am working away on my 'kat' in the Chowk. Public space.....for the the public...of the public = ownership = sovereignty

Public ki jeet ke liye Public ki azmaish zaroori hay....

Hosla bhi zaroori hay...reverse ne hamesha hujoom ko reverse me rakha...

Baar baar shuru karney se us chalti rel ghaari par sawaar hona chahiye jo sab riyasati baashindo ki malkiyat hay....kal subha se Rawalakot ke aik humwatan shehri mere saath hi hain...


Regular Urdu notes and updates on Malik Waseem and his plight will emerge on a daily basis, from the AJK journalist community. Here's an example:



Connecting Kotli with Luton real time  ...12 noon to 2pm everyday:


On the other side of the camera in a sense. I'm being interviewed by JKTV and specifically by the dearest of humans in our territory. Namely, Zahid Sultani of Khuiratta:


We have also written a pamphlet for the public here and the diaspora. Here it is:

Land & People's Record 20/01/2022

What? When? Who? Why? How?

All successful countries have an authentic land and people's record - as these are the basic references for governance - from ancient history to the modern age. The more correct and up to date it is, the greater likelihood of efficient service delivery.

Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) and Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas (JKA) context from 1947 to 2022

There are 2 things which still give us an advantage over our neighbours and the rest of the world:

1) Land - We - the inhabitants (State subjects) - still hold exclusive title to the territory of JKA. This territory still does not legally belong to any other country.

Thus, we have to identify the land in question, its contents and distribution.

2) People - We - the inhabitants (State subjects) - are still the majority throughout the State.

Thus, we have to identify who has State subject origins (SSR 20/04/1927) and who doesn't.

- We cannot utilise these advantages if we don't have an authentic record of the land and people. 

- Neither can we meaningfully engage with the world on issues of mutual interest or concern, including the concept of referendum and other conflict resolution needs.

Bear in mind....The most accurate version of the 'Land & People's Record' is not with AJK or Pakistan. It is with India but they won't give it to us. It is only the United Kingdom that can help us obtain it. onto the Urdu Version...

لینڈ یعنی آراضی یا زمین کہہ لیں اور لوگونکا ریکارڈ 20 جنوری 2022..
کیا۔۔۔ ؟ 
۔۔ کب۔۔۔۔؟
۔۔ کون۔۔۔؟
۔۔ کیوں۔۔۔؟

دنیا کے تمام کامیاب ممالک کے پاس لینڈ/ آراضی اور شہریوں یعنی ملک کے لوگوں یا عوام کا مستند ریکارڈ ھوتا ھے اور یہی ان ممالک کے لیے بنیادی حوالہ بنتا ھے حکومت کے حق کا ایک زیادہ قدیم تاریخ میں جائیں اور  جدید دور میں بھی یہ دستور چلا آتا ھے یہ ریکارڈ جتنا درست  اور وقت کے مطابق جدید ھوگا اتنا بہتر یہ بات سامنے آئے گی کہ آپ لوگوں تک انکے لیے سروسیز باھم پہنچانے میں بہتر طور پر کامیاب رھے ھیں۔۔اور آپ کا سسٹم بہت بہتر ھے۔۔

آزاد جموں کشمیر اور متحدہ جموں کشمیر کے علاقہ جات کا 1947 سے سال 2022 تک کے تناظر میں ھمارے پاس دو چیزیں ھیں جو ھمیں باقی دنیا سے ممتاز کرتی اور ھمیں ھمسایوں پر بھی برتری دیتی ھیں۔۔

اور وہ ریکارڈ ھماری ریاست کا جو برطانیہ کی مدد سے ھمیں انڈیا سے مل سکتا ھے۔۔ اور یہ ھماری ریاست کے لوگوں اور آراضیوں کا بہترین ریکارڈ ھے۔۔

ھم جو یہاں کے ریاستی باشندے ھیں ابھی تک زمین کی مالکیت کا جو ٹائیٹل وہ ابھی بھی صرف متحدہ جموں
 وکشمیر کے رھنے اور یہاں بسنے والوں کے پاس ھے۔۔

یہ زمین اور یہ خطہ یہ دھرتی ابھی تک قانونی طور پر کسی اور ملک کا حصہ نہیں ھے۔۔

لہذا ھمیں شناخت کرنی پڑے گی کہ وہ زمین کونسی ھے جس کے متعلق بات ھو رھی ھے۔۔؟

اس زمین میں کیا کیا ھے اور اسکی تقسیم کس طرح سے تقسیم ھوتی ھے یا ھونی ھے۔۔

دوسرے نمبر پر جو  ھم ریاستی باشندے ھیں وہ  پوری ریاست میں اکثریت میں ھیں۔

اب ھمیں یہ کلیر کرنا ھو گا اور ھمیں یہ شناخت کرنا ھوگا کہ حقیقی ریاستی باشندے کون ھیں۔۔؟

ریاستی باشندہ قانون 20 اپریل 1927 کے مطابق ھی یہ طے ھونا ھے کہ کون حقیقی باشندہ ریاست ھے کون نہیں ھیں۔۔

ھمیں انڈیا اور پاکستان پر جموں وکشمیر کے باشندوں کو یہ برتری حاصل ھے اس کا اس وقت تک ھم جموں کشمیری فائدہ نہیں لے سکتے جب تک ھمارے پاس حقیقی زمین اور لوگوں کا ریکارڈ( مرد شماری) نہ ھو۔۔

نہ ھی ھم دنیا کے ساتھ بامقصد مذاکرات یا گفتگو کر سکتے ھیں  تا آنکہ ھمارے پاس یہ ریکارڈ نہ ھو۔۔

دنیا کے لیے ساتھ روابط اور باھمی اتفاق اور دلچسپی پر اور تشویش پر بات کر سکتے ھیں ۔۔

رائے شماری ھو یا دیگر امور ان سبکے لیے برطانیہ کے تعاون سے انڈیا سے ھمیں ھماری ریاست کا متعلقہ ریکارڈ دلوایا جائے۔۔ 

تاکہ پون صدی سے جاری اس پورے ریجن میں اور خاص طور پر ریاست کے ٹکڑوں کے باشندوں کے مسائل و مصائب اور مشکلات کا حل یہی ریکارڈ ھے۔۔ 

اس کے لیے برطانیہ ھی واحد ملک ھے جو حل نکال سکتا ھے۔۔

Various co-citizens have also posted the above on their respective social media platforms. Here's an example:



Update 2138hrs:

(Urdu) Malik sab ki saht bohat khrb ha jail ma bukhar ha or jidr un ka opration hoa ha wahn bi dard ha...

Malik Waseem's health is rapidly deteriorating in jail. He has high fever and also has pain in the area where he had an operation (some years ago).

(Urdu) Un ko akela rakha huwa hay.

We understand Malik Waseem is in solitary confinement in jail. 


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