
Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 46 of 2022


Day 27 at Martyr's Square Kotli

Another visit just after midnight....this time by a notable local political leader of the PPP (Pakistan People's Party) Farhat Abbas Kazmi. He was accompanied by some notable local journalists and followers of Kazmi Sahaab. 

Thanks also to Shehzad Rathore journalist and Siddiq Rathore of the JKLF, in particular. The media coverage was provided by TNN (Taiz News Network) based locally in Kotli.


I'm really heartened to know that the public of AJK is protecting me. That is enough for our collective success.


What happened to our students (both male and female) at AJK University Muzaffarabad in reaction to protesting their right to have online examinations is shameful and despicable behaviour, on the part of the administration:


Meanwhile, at around midday we had the following spectacle to witness passing by our 'Public Policy Workshop':



Others in the diaspora - particularly in Luton - are doing their bit to mobilise the masses. Many thanks to Aqeel Butt of Kotli and Luton:


Here's an example of democratic behaviour emerging in AJK:

Translation of text in photo above:

An example of democratic behaviour capable of being emulated.

Mirpur: Tuesday 15/02/2022

Presidential candidate for the lawyers' district bar association Sidra Latif Advocate was contesting against the freshly elected president of the district bar association Imtiaz Hussain Raja.

She is seen here presenting a bouquet of flowers as a congratulatory gesture to her adversary.

End of translation....


The following is what happens to journalists in Pakistan who engage in anti-corruption drives, for the love of their country:


In a similar vein, here's proof that Pakistan does not have any legal, democratic, peaceful or ethical stand on JKA.

Here's a statement from the victim first off:

"Today was the hearing of my petition at Islamabad High Court.  Instead of looking into the legal course of the suspension of my passport, whether the concerned and relavent departments or the state institutions took the due legal course or not? Or whether they act with impunity to deprive a person who isn’t a natural citizen of Pakistan. Or who didn’t commit any such crime against Pakistan or didn’t instigated or take part in activities or threat to the sovereignty of Pakistan. 

The honorable court has asked my counsel Syed Nisar Shah Advicate to submit an oath or affidavit of loyalty to Pakistan from his client and that’s it. 

Where are the rules and law? 

Justice delayed is justice denied."

End of statement

Do I need to elaborate any more after watching this video?

I don't think so. In short, trying to force an aspiring citizen of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas - namely Jamil Maqsood of Rawalakot and residing in Belgium to pledge loyalty to Pakistan in order to obtain a Pakistani passport (an enforced practical compulsion as it is) without providing any opportunity to the defendant in a court of law is bizarre, to say the least.


Some not so random clicks from today:

Early morning at Shaheed Chowk

Morning at Shaheed Chowk

My late namesake who was an advanced pilot in the Pakistani airforce

Kicking off the People's attendance register in the evening

Just before that last photo, we had another interesting interview to give. Many thanks to Z A Aftab for his initiative:


Latest Update on Malik Waseem (Land & People of JKA saga) - 
Tue Feb 15 2022 at 1700hrs

Family statement:

The Muzaffarabad administration is hell bent on closing all legal/civil avenues for us to challenge our eviction and right to tenancy (not ownership) on Ratan Singh and Sardar Singh's land. 

Note: We wish to remain caretakers until the return of this Sikh family's descendants.

The administration has begun threatening to abduct the women of the household once again and to trap Malik Waseem's elder brother Malik Naeem in (an)other charge(s).

Malik Waseem is still in jail and not being released because - amongst other compulsions - the DC Nadeem Janjua is using personal enmity against Waseem, to ensure he fulfills the duties he's been given by his superiors, included the British taxpayer funded (viz. his higher education) Commissioner Muzaffarabad Masood ur Rehman.

They are forcing us to refrain from using social media to highlight our plight. Meanwhile, they are intent on getting a 'deal' out of us (to forego our claim of living on the land we have been living on since 1949).

Not even a single member of JKNSF is standing with us today. Not a single public demonstration or strike has taken place.

This is truly worrying.

Our strife is mounting. It is likely that Malik Naeem (Waseem's elder brother) will also be trapped in 16 MPO (like Waseem) as a convenient silencing tool by the administration.

The latter are hell bent and have strict orders to 'bury' this case.

Legally, as we were already in possession of a 'stay of execution' on the land and property (technically even before we were violently evicted on the 17th of January); we re-entered on February the 7th. All monitors will recall that the area was swarming with police all evening and beyond into the next day (Feb 8), when the police pounced on Malik Waseem and violently thrashed him in public, while he was en route to the court.

Now, the administration is once again ordering us to vacate the property, despite a 'stay of execution'. In other words, they are openly flouting the law!

Furthermore, the administration is repeatedly urging us to make a 'deal' and leave the property voluntarily. That is the only way Malik Waseem can be released, they insist.

They also repeatedly tell us that if you don't leave voluntarily we will violently evict you again and at any time, without notice.

It seems as if the whole administration is hounding us.

Our lawyer Sardar Shaukat has also not been able to withstand the pressure. We understand that action is being taken to revoke his legal practice licence.

We are now well and truly at the mercy of the land mafia/capital administration.

End of family statement....

My notes:

The penultimate sentence is most crucial I think. Being deprived of legal counsel is just one step too far in a tragic comedy of errors, made by Masood ur Rehman and Co.

This opens up all the space we need to rectify the land revenue department of AJK.

We have solicited legal assistance from a number of international human rights organisations, in light of these inhumane developments - and will soon make public - who will be representing Malik Waseem and his family.

I did warn the administration that the more desperate they will get, the more errors they will make. Essentially, they are hard at work, digging their own grave!

End of report...

An Urdu rendition of the above update:

رتن سنگھ،سردار سنگھ نلوچی مظفرآبادزیرقبضہ پاکستان

کی جائیداد متروکہ قابض ملک وسیم بیدخلی مروجہ سسٹم آزاد جموں کشمیر

از سے نو حکم امتناعی جاری ملک وسیم کی فیملی کا از سر نو حکم امتناعی ملنے کے بعد قبضہ کی بجالی کی اطلاعات تاھم نوعیت اور تفصیلات ملنا باقی ھیں۔۔

ملک وسیم بدستور بند حوالات ھے شنید ھے کہ 16 ایم پی او کے تحت یہ حراست یا گرفتاری ھے۔۔ 

ملک وسیم اسکی فیملی و برادر کو رضاکارانہ طور پر دستبرداری کے لیے حربے استعمال ھو رھے ھیں انکے بھائی نعیم ملک کو بھی 16 MPO  کے تحت گرفتار کرنے اور یوں دستبردار ھونے کے اسکے علاؤہ بھی حربے آزمائے جا رھے ھیں یا نہیں۔۔

یہ سب قابل تحقیق تو ضرور ھے  اور رتن سنگھ سردار سنگھ کی متروکہ املاک یا آراضی و جائیداد ملکیتی حثیت کی تنسیخ تو کسی صورت ممکن نہیں۔۔ ریاست کا فیصلہ ھونا ابھی تک باقی ھے۔۔ عدالتیں تو مروجہ نظام اور سسٹم کے مطابق فیصلے دیتی ھیں لیکن اس بظاہر جاری و ساری نظام کی نوعیت تو حتمی و قطعی قرار دینے کی پوزیشن تو ابھی کلیر نہیں۔۔ 

یہ بھی شنید ھے کہ سوشل میڈیا پر اس ایشو کے ہائی لائٹ نہ ھونے دیا جاسکے ایسی خواہشات کا مظفرآباد انتظامیہ کی طرف سے ظاہر ھونا اور محسوس ھونا یا محسوس نہ ھونے دینے اگرچہ اس کی تردید یا تصدیق باقی ھے لیکن ایسا ھونا عجب بھی نہیں۔۔

 انتظامیہ کا اس معاملہ کو آنا کا مسلہ بنا لینے کے عوام الناس کی جانب سے تذکرے اھمیت کے حامل ھو سکتے ھیں۔۔

اگر عدالتی حکم امتناعی کے باجود ملک وسیم کو جیل میں رکھنا اسکی فیملی کو پھر بیدخلی کے لیے حربے آزمانے کو اس تناظر میں بھی دیکھا جا سکتا ھے کہ ایسا توھین عدالت کے زمرے میں آتا ھے۔۔

اس کیس کے وکیل سردار شوکت ایڈووکیٹ کے متعلق بھی یہ تذکرہ ھے کہ وہ لینڈ مافیا کے مؤثر اور طاقتور حربوں و ھتکنڈوں کا سامنا کرنے میں دقت محسوس کر رھے ھیں۔۔انکے پریکٹس کرنے کے لائسنس کا بھی شاید معاملہ بن سکتا ھے۔۔

ایسی صورت ملک وسیم پارٹی کے پاس آپشنز ختم ھونے کے آثار نمایاں ھونے لگے ھیں۔۔

مسعود الرحمن کا موقف تو سامنے نہیں آسکا۔۔ 

لیکن اس معاملہ میں عالمی اداروں کو بھی مطلع کیا گیا ھے اور معروف ترین وطن پرست مدبر و سکالر ادیب و صحافی راجہ تنویر احمد خان آف سنسہہ اس وقت کوٹلیPOK کے شہید چوک میں 27/28روز سے بلا تعطل 

دھرنے دئیے شعوری جمہوری انسانی و قانونی اور آئینی و عالمی اصولوں کے مطابق برسر پیکار ھیں انہوں نے اس تمام پیچیدگی کے زمہ دار ملک برطانیہ کے بڑی تعداد میں ایم پیز سے رابطہ رکھا ھوا ھے ۔۔

یہ معاملہ میڈیا کے انتہائی چوکس و زیرک اور بولڈ صحافیوں اور اداروں کے پاس بھی ھے جو کسی بھی ھے 
اور انسانی حقوق کے دنیا کی کئی تنظیمیں بھی اس پر اب مصروف عمل ھیں۔۔ 

ایسے میں جب جموں کشمیر کی ریاست کا یہ خطہ جس غاصب قابض ملک پاکستان کے قبضہ و کنٹرول میں ھے
 وہاں ایسے واقعات پر پورے ملک کو گرے لسٹ کا سامنا ھے۔۔ 
گویا مظفرآباد انتظامیہ اس واقعہ سے صورت حال کو مزید بگاڑنے کا بھی خدا نخواستہ رویہ اپنا کر نہ صرف جموں کشمیر بلکہ پاکستان پر پہلے سے جاری پابندیوں کو مزید سخت کرانے کی جانب پیش رفت کر رھی ھے۔۔۔

رتن سنگھ سردار سنگھ نلوچی مظفرآباد کی اس متروکہ جائیداد ھی نہیں دیگر متروکہ جائیدادوں کے تحفظ کے لیے عنقریب جموں کشمیر کے دونوں جانب جموں کشمیریوں کے پلیٹ فارم کی تشکیل بھی کی جا رھی ھے۔۔

End of Urdu rendition....


Taking fundamental steps to securitise AJK, beginning from Shaheed Chowk Kotli:

Update 2200hrs on 15/02/2022:

2 Chowkidaars needed for rotating 24 hour security duty

1 young (less than 45) 1 old (older than 45)

Single (no dependents) salary: 15K per month

1 dependent salary: 20K per month

2 dependent's salary: 25K per month 

3 dependent's salary: 30K per month

5K for each further dependent, subject to conditions*

1) Open to all aspiring citizens of AJK
2) At least 1 of the 2 has to be literate
3) Has to conform to public interest
4) Will accept penalty or punishment if not

* AJK Public Agency - Martyr's Square Kotli


Prompt Urdu translation:


A summary of the latest update on Malik Waseem:


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....