
Sunday, 10 May 2020

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 131 of 2020


The People's Assembly 2.0

Coinciding almost neatly with today's version of our weekly programme: 'In Search of the Internal Narrative 4.0 - Dadyaal AJK':


The following programme on JKTV may begin the much awaited unravelling of a very clever plot:

As the programme link is not directly embedded in the tweet above. Here are my comments in real time and in response to what Afzal Khan MP of Manchester Gorton constituency (and originating from Bhimber in AJK) had to say on behalf of Labour's new leader Keir Starmer:

The timelines quoted below coincide as responses to each particular statement/viewpoint submitted by Afzal Khan MP:

At 12:05 
British State policy is effectively flawed, self serving in the sense that it makes Britain immune from any responsibility of creating the J & K conflict in the first place in 1947. It is also amazingly circular because if you explain to any British political party that India and Pakistan are not capable or inclined to work with the people of Kashmir - except on their own terms with no regard for the local/people's/narrative - for the sake of the Lord just yesterday both armies exchanged fire on the LOC and killed an innocent mother in Polas, Abbaspur, Poonch Sector! 

So, when you explain that to a British political party they then alter their tone slightly and talk of UN resolutions which again have no local input from J & K and are essentially bilateral in nature. They are also only advisory and have no executive/legal/political significance except to replay the status quo which Britain designed in 1947. A strategy based on nurturing hatred between Hindus and Muslims. So, the United Kingdom has it carefully worked out whereby it circles the argument from London to Delhi and Islamabad, occasionally referring to New York as an alibi when need be before returning to Delhi and Islamabad. 

Whatever happens London remains intact and the people of Jammu Kashmir & Allied remain disenfranchised and tormented throughout each circle and cycle. This is dishonest on the part of the United Kingdom and they have to give way to a democratic, ethical, legal and peaceful outcome designed by the ultimate affectees of this British postcolonial design: The various inhabitants of Jammu Kashmir & Allied in an unconditional and inviolable manner.

At 13:30
The Labour Party has a very poor record of speaking about human rights in AJK and GB. Perhaps, it could improve in that sense. It seems to view the pro Pakistani voter as a hornet's nest, not to be touched if possible.

At 14:18 
The work being carried out that he refers to is not likely to be result orientated as it conflicts with British State policy. It could even spell the end of the Labour party if this work was carried to its stated end!

At 16:14 
The people can only decide if they design the process. When they are not on the design table that means that they are only part of the menu. Afzal Khan and others need to understand that.

At 18:23 
See....this is the crux! Debbie Abrahams and Co came to AJK (GB not included of course) but their short stay was under a very controlled environment with no access to civil society. 

This Is Machiavellian!

At 18:59 
Afzal is misinformed. Both UN OHCHR reports are available at

At 19:27 
UN OHCHR Report - 14 June 2018

At 1927
UN OHCHR Report - 8 July 2019

At 20:11 
So, you wish to keep the United Kingdom immune from this human tragedy that Britain created here in 1947. That is a bit selfish.

At 22:36 
They do not respect them and the United Kingdom is still not fussed enough about it. That is Indian and Pakistani human rights violations in Jammu Kashmir & Allied.

At 24:34 
That's what hurts the Pakistani narrative so interestingly this whole issue boiling has some motives that suit Pakistan. 

However, we must remember that the India Pakistan relationship designed by Britain operates like a railway track. It has a habit of pushing parity and has clear parallels in it. It allows the United Kingdom to continue churning the cycle of hatred based on religious identities administratively designed during the British Indian era. I am very hopeful though. The United Kingdom is full of sensible people with centuries of thorough research at hand and a most wonderful mixture of communities from all over the world residing within it. It's their collective soul we are searching for.

At 26:20 
He has plenty of time and we as civil society wish to invite him to AJK at the soonest. Thank you.

(Other notable comments followed by my response):

Fiaz Rashid 
It’s shame on the Labour Party representatives to argue that the 72 years Kashmir issue hasn’t found on the Labour Party agenda!!! That There there is a policy vacuum on Kashmir!!!

Tanveer Ahmed 
I think that reveals a lot!

Fiaz Rashid 
Labour Party is taking Kashmiris for a ride

Reply - Tanveer Ahmed
A 73 year old ride!

Fiaz Rashid
......there has been no change in policy......however there is no policy on Kashmir.

Reply - Tanveer Ahmed
There is but it has been hidden from view to date..

Fiaz Rashid
Starmer is giving different messages to different groups 😃

Reply - Tanveer Ahmed
Like a good politician!


We can in fact deliver an actual embed of the programme on JKTV's page:

Note: My comments are not in this version of the programme. They are in the anchor's own page viz. Shams Rehman


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 18 of 2025

0459hrs: Even a minute earlier than scheduled.