
Thursday, 30 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 181 of 2022


Day 25 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Being late is frustrating but it also indicates weakness(es) of some kind.


I'm just breezing through an academic collection of work on our territory: 'Society and Politics of Jammu and Kashmir' edited by Serena Hussain and published by Palgrave Macmillan 2021 at Cham, Switzerland. 

I find it refreshing that some academic measurement is being made of what the people here - on the ground in particular and those striving in some manner in the diaspora - go through to get their voice heard or written about, when the structure of statecraft is so heavily stacked in favour of India and Pakistan, crafted with such dexterity that only the British could possibly conjure up.

At first glance, it also makes me feel that I'm missing out on something somewhere.

Whatever it is, it is what I need to address as part of my daily routine.


Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 180 of 2022


Day 24 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



The heat is a stiff challenge. 

Now that we haven't seen rain for a few days, the electricity is playing up again and we are witnessing about 12 hours of load-shedding, just like we were before the few days of rain.

We are essentially suffering because of a greedy and myopic neighbour, who wants to use the hydro powered electricity of this territory (which is expensive to build but whose running costs are minimal) and what it produces in its own territory (Tarbela is its major source), to try and fulfill the electricity needs of its own country, while always trying to give us as least supply as it thinks we can tolerate.

If Pakistan were to try and supply electricity to everybody it would have to buy oil or gas based electricity, which it would have to use foreign currency to do so, which it doesn't have in sufficient supply. It has already borrowed way beyond its ability to repay, from the rest of the world.

Thus, despite Pakistan producing at least 10 times more than our own need for electricity - from our territory - it still strives to deprive us of our need, for over 12 hours a day.

When it rains, the immediate short term effect is that the electricity goes because the transmission infrastructure is weak. However, once the rain subsides there is more water to power the hydro power projects built in our territory. This increases the supply of electricity in the short term but only until the water levels recede.

This is the pattern we have witnessed over the past few weeks.

These large hydro projects, involved uprooting many people (our people, not the people of Pakistan) and they have had a disastrous effect on the environment too. Boring long tunnels to divert rivers is one such example. Given the natural altitude decline from our territory to the plains of India and Pakistan and given the abundant sources of water flowing down from here; many relatively smaller - run of the river - electricity generating projects could have been created.  

They would have been environmentally friendly and people wouldn't have been uprooted on the scale we have witnessed. 

However, our neighbour being greedy and myopic - as declared at the outset of today's weblog - has made us sacrifice ourselves for its behaviour. Mega projects enable mega corruption (not so easily possible on smaller projects) and so what if our people have to pay the price? A few religious anecdotes about big brother in Islam etc. is usually sufficient to appease our people, or what usually transpires is that our people also get corrupted to emulate their Pakistani brothers in Islam. 

The relatively strong exploit the weak. The Pakistanis exploit AJK and GB. The Pakistani sponsored power elites in our territory then exploit the weaker amongst us.

Our own resources are used to exploit and subjugate us.

This vicious cycle repeats itself from generation to generation.

Our motivation is to break this cycle and make our people productive enough to genuinely compete with the rest of the world, based on what should be our competitive advantages bestowed by nature upon us. 

To not be unproductive rent/commission seekers, a haven for black money and terrorism or a destination for bad loans.

AJK and the rest of JKA - including GB - would do well to stop emulating Pakistan. 



Tuesday, 28 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 179 of 2022


Day 23 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Plugging away....


What happened yesterday evening in Muzaffarabad should be an eye opener for the remaining few people whose eyes have remained shut over Pakistan's crimes in reference to Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas.


Monday, 27 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 178 of 2022


Day 22 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Back on track almost....


Sunday, 26 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 177 of 2022


Day 21 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Playing the fool with time....


Yet another example of gross human rights violations in AJK:


Saturday, 25 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 176 of 2022


Day 20 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Consistency is being maintained - like never before in my 17 year career here - in search of that compound effect.


The following story is gory but it does happen in our territory:

English translation of the Urdu text above:

27 year old lady Haseena Bibi and her 18 month old innocent flower (child) were killed by 4 people, assisted by 4 others.

End of translation....

I'll translate the report too, which can be read in Urdu at the link above.

We understand that this is an actual photo of Haseena's hand after her body was found in the Neelam river at Nagdar

Paalri in Diwaarian, which is in the Neelam Valley is where this gory incident happened.

The 4 alleged killers:

1) Sudhir - deywar i.e. younger brother of husband

2) Taaj un Nissa aka 'Taaju' - jethaani i.e. wife of husband's older brother

3) Sumera - nand i.e. husband's sister

4) Irfan - deywar i.e. younger brother of husband

The 4 alleged accomplices:

1) Vakeel Chisti son of Zulfiqar - peon or clerk in judiciary

2) Qazi Khursheed - local (power/public issue) broker

3) Guard Muhammad Hussain - retired employee of the department of forestry

4) Fazal Hussain Diwani - a political lackey of PMLN (Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz) and local (power/public issue) broker

All the above (8) are alleged to have been involved in the murder of:

1) Haseena Bibi - 27 years old

2) Anas - her son of 18 months (age) who is still missing.

On the 3rd of June at 3pm, it is alleged that Haseena Bibi's in-laws killed her and threw her into the Neelam river. At 7pm (in the evening) her in laws phoned Haseena's mother and informed her that her daughter is missing. As soon as she received this shocking news her mother - along with other villagers - went out in search of her but - oblivious of her daughter's fate - could not find a clue as to her daughter's whereabouts.

After 2 days the missing woman's mother and maternal uncle visited the relevant police station at Lawaat Pine to lodge an FIR (First Information Report) but the police displayed neglect and did not lodge an FIR, leaving them at the mercy of a local jirga (supposedly a meeting of a group of tribal men that has the authority to settle a dispute in a way acceptable to both sides), which in this particular case has been referred to as a 'jirga mafia'.

After the lapse of 7 days the missing woman's mobile and her identity card were recovered from her in laws. When the police of Lawaat station were contacted with this important information they exercised neglect once again. Thus, no action was taken and neither was an FIR lodged. As previously, the matter was handed over to a local 'jirga mafia' once again. In that jirga was Vakeel Chisti s/o Zulfiqar on whose instructions the women's mother was offered money - that you take this money and forget about the issue - that if you follow this instruction it would be most convenient for you. Otherwise, I (Vakeel Chisti) will not let your application (for justice) be considered in any part of the district (of Neelam).

Vakeel Chisti of Dhakan Kot in Diwaarian is a clerk with the district Qazi (separate judge exercising Islamic law as part of the dual judicial structure in AJK) was also citing the reputation of his job (to exude his power/status) but the missing woman's parents were not calmed by this strategy (to bury the issue). Haseena's parents went to the SP (superintendent of police) Neelam's office once again and briefed him on the whole issue, which the SP in turn marked their application and sent it to Lawaat police station for appropriate investifation. Despite this order from their superior, the police station at Lawaat still refrained from taking action or even writing an FIR.

After the lapse of 18 days it was intimated at the police station in Lawaat that the missing woman was alive and in Rawalpindi (Pakistan). On that very day people from her parents side as well as her in-laws with 2 policemen in tow went to Rawalpindi in search of Haseena Bibi. When they reached Rawalpindi they learned that the woman's dead body had been found in the river Neelam downstream at Nagdar and had been transferred to DHQ (district headquarter hospital) in Neelam Valley. At this juncture, it transpired that the Lawaat police had lied and therefore it was now their responsibility that they publicly disclose those who said that the missing Haseena Bibi was alive and in Rawalpindi.

It was on Wednesday 22/06/2022 at 11am that the woman's dead body had been found by rescue personnel at Nagdar by the river Neelam and transferred to DHQ, 19 days after she was 'assumed' to be missing. When Haseena Bibi's in-laws learned of this development they reached the hospital before the parents of the allegedly murdered woman and declared to the hospital staff that this dead body was not that of Haseena Bibi. The dead woman's mother reached the hospital at 4pm and when she noticed a ring on the corpse's finger, she recognised it to be that of her supposedly missing daughter. However, the hospital staff refused to hand over the body to her and said that her 2 sisters should also be called to the hospital, so that they may confirm with assurity that indeed this was the body of Haseena Bibi. In the meantime, all the rest of the household had reached the hospital, whereupon it was established and confirmed that this was indeed the dead body of the missing woman. 

Furthermore, around the neck of the dead woman were 3 keys. When the police reached the house of Haseena Bibi's in-laws, they checked the keys with the metal boxes (trunks) in her room which confirmed that the 3 keys corresponded to the 3 locks on the 3 boxes. This further clarified that the dead body was indeed that of Haseena Bibi. At 9pm the DHQ administration - once a post mortem had been conducted - handed over Haseena's corpse to her parents. In the post mortem report it can be clarified that murder - and not suicide - was suspected. The woman's dead body was taken to her ancestral village Paalri in Diwaarian and buried.

Missing with the woman was her infant child of 18 months Anas, who has not been found to date. The poor victimised family of Haseena Bibi are repeatedly making vociferous appeals to 'higher authorities' that they be delivered justice and the killers of their 27 year old daughter be delivered appropriate punishment for their crimes. It is their responsibility and the bereaved family have complete faith in these 'higher authorities' that they will definitely fulfill their duty.

The motive of why she was killed is still unclear.

End of translation from above cited Urdu report....


This is an important development in the story of Asmaad Aslam, the young boy who accidentally crossed over the LOC from Tithrinote, Hajeera in November last year: 



In the evening I was invited to 2 Twitter spaces. Both at different spectrums of the internal narrative of JKA. As both events coincided with each other I had to comply with the first request first. Here are the links (although the second programme wasn't recorded unfortunately):

1) Growing Jihadi Politics in Pakistan-controlled-Kashmir/GilgitBaltistan

2) #UK should apologise for selling & dividing #Jammu #Kashmir



Friday, 24 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 175 of 2022


Day 19 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



The fight continues, with relish....


Here's the much anticipated comprehensive video interview of Malik Waseem Kashmiri, conducted by myself a few days ago:

Title and description was as follows:

Malik Waseem Kashmiri vs The State of AJK 

The land and people of Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas (JKA)

If we tolerate the strong occupying the weak inside our territory, then how do we reason with external occupiers?

Large or small, occupiers are occupiers.  

A comprehensive video interview of Malik Waseem Kashmiri by Tanveer Ahmed, in reference to the land of Sardar Singh and Ratan Singh in Naluchi, Muzaffarabad.

A comprehensive written report on this 'test case' will also be published very soon.


Meanwhile, DC Muzaffarabad is trying his best to trace Malik Waseem and get him illegally arrested once again, to prevent him from agitating for his rights.


We are reminding both our public as well as the institutions built courtesy of that public that cleaning our environment is a basic requirement for civilisation:

Here's the text describing the embedded video above:

Waste management, soil management, water management and human/data management at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal

If it succeeds in this square it will succeed throughout the c.85K square miles of JKA.

Slavery is a curse and freedom doesn't come without getting your hands dirty.


Thursday, 23 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 174 of 2022


Day 18 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Bringing regular - and hopefully - increasingly positive changes in one's daily routine at the age of 50 brings much change in one's body. It feels as if a whole circuit board is being changed. 

Long may this continue.


I know - we Muslims - get very emotional and furious when it appears that somebody has insulted our holy prophet (peace be upon him). We do it by instinct because of our love and devotion but we must take heed of the following examples from our beloved prophet's own life:


There was always likely to be a sharp turn in matters related to Malik Waseem Kashmiri versus the State of AJK. I've been studying this 'test case' since the middle of December last year. In fact, I dedicated a folder for this issue and began collecting evidence on all matters related to it, on the 13th of December 2021.

There was a twist yesterday and it is just ballooning as an issue, with more thrust than at any point since Malik Waseem and his family were evicted on January the 17th 2022, from Sardar Singh and Ratan Singh's land in Naluchi, Muzaffarabad; that they had occupied as refugees from the other side of JKA (Kupwara) in 1949. after migrating in 1947.

The man on the ground representing the 'strong arm of the law' was Deputy Commissioner (DC hereon) Muzaffarabad Nadeem Janjua, who used all available tools in the British colonial manual to allegedly detain, intimidate, harass, torture, beat and blackmail Malik Waseem and his family.

He was following orders from the Supreme Court of AJK, claimed he and almost every other asset of the 'governance system' in Muzaffarabad. 

Yesterday morning, news reached most parts of AJK that a stolen car (from Lahore last year) with government of AJK number plates, was in the 'custody' or 'use' of DC Muzaffarabad.

According to the following video report by a Pakistani news channel, namely City 41:

From 05:46 in the video....
DC Muzaffarabad is clearly implicated as 'custodian' of this stolen vehicle. The presenter also mentions that DC (Muzaffarabad) implored the owner to not publicly disclose this information; that the stolen vehicle with government of AJK number plates, was found in the DC's 'custody'.

On the contrary, DC Muzaffarabad Nadeem Janjua issued the following press note, yesterday too:

In this press note, DC Muzaffarabad Nadeem Janjua claims to have nothing to do with this stolen vehicle and considers it to be a cunning conspiracy against him and the 'honourable' office that he holds. He finishes by declaring that he is in the process of taking stern 'penal' action against all these 'conspirators'. 

I wonder what action he should anticipate, if he is found guilty in a responsible court of law? 

Will the endemically corrupt governance system in the State of AJK - even as much as investigate - his alleged 'misuse of authority' on an increasing list of alleged crimes? 

Or in the words of a learned co-citizen: Will anybody investigate the Pakistani TV channel City 41?

Remaining with yesterday, DC Muzaffarabad summoned Malik Waseem's elder brother Malik Naeem to his office - on the pretext that he wanted to show him some shelters (fabricated building structures) -  for the alternative land that the government of AJK had arranged, as compensation for Malik Waseem and his family (which incidentally is already disputed by two other parties). 

DC Muzaffarabad Nadeem Janjua

Leaving aside for now the legal basis for this contrived agreement (blackmail according to Malik Waseem), DC Muzaffarabad is alleged to have kept Malik Naeem restricted to the former's office all day and ended with open threats to the latter. Ranging from, "Bring your brother Malik Waseem here or else I will make all hell break loose on your family once again," to "This time I detain your brother, I promise you that you will never ever see him again," to "Go get lost, you will not get any land" and "Go to Modi, where you belong!" etc.

Meanwhile, this is how Malik Waseem may have felt on January the 17th 2022:


Meanwhile,  the following was a protest outside national press club Islamabad today, by students in response to Punjabi students conducting a lethal attack on Kashmiri students at Qaid e Azam University a few days ago. They demanded that the attackers be immediately arrested:


Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 173 of 2022


Day 17 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


My latest time of arrival at the Square. Obviously, I need to brush up my time-keeping.


Some positive developments today at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.

The local municipality (Baldiya) has begun taking serious steps to clean the square and keep it clean. I've been picking up rubbish for the past 17 days and today municipality workers have positively changed their approach too by also coming to pick up the remaining rubbish, rather than simply sweeping the rubbish under foliage once a week, as they used to do. 

I'm told that the fixed bin that I requested a few days ago is also arriving soon.


Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 172 of 2022


Day 16 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



The weather has transformed over the past few days, which has had a positive impact on our electricity supply. It now rains every day compared to the very hot and dry weather we witnessed in the preceding days and weeks beforehand.

Meanwhile, today is Day 16 of our daily 2 hour workshop at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal. We are trying hard to get the local municipality (Baldiya) to fulfill its cleaning duties of the public square.


Students from AJK are a minority in Pakistan's universities where they have a 1% quota (despite our relatively larger input into Pakistan's economy)  and where they are denied most of what other communities are given. For example, it is reported that no 4 students from AJK can converge together on a university campus, they cannot create their own union, society or club and they cannot promote their own ideas or culture. It is believed that the following violence which left many of our students seriously injured - one in a critical condition - and led to their possessions being looted from their hostel accommodation, erupted due to a disagreement over entitlement to hostel accommodation:


Monday, 20 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 171 of 2022


Day 15 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



When one sits to write, some themes automatically come to mind. Yet, it is more important to ensure that all aspects of public life in AJK are given due attention. They can broadly be divided into 4 categories, in my opinion:

1) Security
2) Governance
3) Economy
4) Culture


The following is a reminder of what the basic requirements of civilisation are:

Here is what is written in the intro to this video embed:

Taraqi aur taaqat ka raaz:

Safai, safai aur safai se aghaaz!

Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal

A translation of the first two sentences is in order:

The secret of power and development:

Begins with cleanliness, cleanliness and cleanliness!


Sunday, 19 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 170 of 2022


Day 14 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Very engaged on a matter for the past few days......all such matters require one to be fully absorbed to dig out clarity. 

Clarity is what opens up space for justice. Ambiguity is the most potent weapon of the corrupt, certainly in this 'neck of the woods'.


Saturday, 18 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 169 of 2022


Day 13 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



Thankfully, we have achieved some respite over power outages since yesterday!

I can now begin concentrating on other immediate needs and concerns, all related to governance of course.


We decided to monitor the electricity supply again today (for the 4th day in a row) when we recognised it dropping again!

1205hrs: Electricity goes

1416hrs: Electricity returns

1641hrs: It departs again

1701hrs: It returns again

1801hrs: It goes again

1901hrs: It returns 

2342hrs: It departs once again

0000hrs: Monitoring ends....


- Thus, in 12 hours of monitoring between (1200hrs to 0000hrs/midnight) we received 491 minutes of 720 minutes possible. 

- That is, 8 hours and 11 minutes received out of 12 hours. 

Percentage of electricity received today: 68.2% (0% low voltage)

Percentage of electricity received yesterday: 80.9% (0 low voltage)

Day Before Yesterday: 20.1% of which 4% was low voltage

Day Before The Day Before Yesterday: 51.7% of which 11.5% was low voltage

Thus, we can bring the current electricity monitoring process to a close for now. At least, until the next such crisis re-emerges. We can give a (mean) average to the last 4 days of monitoring thus: 55.3%

It can be safely assumed that when we are hit with such crises in AJK, we are unlikely to receive much more than 12 hours of electricity in 24 hours a day. This is an example from Dadyaal, the richest subdivision (tehsil) in AJK and amongst the most affected by the building of the Mangla Reservoir in the 1960s. The situation in other parts of AJK becomes much bleaker, the poorer that subdivision is. 

It should also be remembered that the territory of AJK produces more than 10 times its own need, in terms of hydro powered electricity. This is but one prime example of how and why we are occupied by our Muslim neighbours to the west viz. Pakistan.


Friday, 17 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 168 of 2022


Day 12 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.



As anticipated, our electricity supply is dwindling by the day....

By midnight this morning, it had been absent since 1934hrs yesterday evening (4 hours and 26 minutes).

As I tried to sleep regardless - at around midnight - I remembered the following before I woke at 0600hrs this morning.

0007hrs: The electricity flickered on for a split second before disappearing again (It has now been gone for 4 hours and 33 minutes at a stretch!)

0011hrs: It flickered for a split second once again.

I do vaguely recall the electricity coming at around 0200hrs (after more than 6 hours). I also remember it coming and going before I woke at 0600hrs.

0604hrs: Electricity returned

0610hrs: Electricity disappeared again.

0632hrs: It returned

0643hrs: It went again

It is now 0718hrs at the time of writing and we are without electricity. Of course this affects our whole way of life, not least the water supply which relies on being pumped in by an electric motor.

0745hrs: I left home and it hadn't returned yet.

1020hrs: I returned home after my 2 hour daily stint at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square and the electricity was running.

1101hrs: The electricity departs

1109hrs: It returns

1151hrs: It goes

1156hrs: It returns

1910hrs: It goes (this the longest period of electricity supply received in many a day! 7 hours and 14 minutes uninterrupted)

1913hrs: The electricity returns

1929hrs: It goes again

1938hrs: It returns

2103hrs: It goes

2200hrs: It returns

2353hrs: It leaves us once again.

At midnight, I had to close monitoring for the day, in order to obtain some much needed rest.

Overall, a marked improvement in electricity supply was noticed today. Here's the stats:


- Thus, in 15 hours and 25 minutes of monitoring between (0600hrs to 0745hrs) and (1020hrs to midnight) we received 748 minutes of 925 minutes possible. 

- That is, 12 hours and 28 minutes received out of 15 hours and 25 minutes. 

Percentage of electricity received today: 80.9% (0 low voltage)
Yesterday: 20.1% of which 4% was low voltage
Day Before Yesterday: 51.7% of which 11.5% was low voltage

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 167 of 2022


Day 11 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Today, we were also able to hand over the application for a waste disposal bin (with a lid) back to the Municipality (Baldiya), to be placed in Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square. Yesterday, it was marked by the Assistant Commissioner (AC) for directions/suggestions (I went myself to get it marked) while a day before I had sent a co-citizen to the Municipality for implementation. 

They had advised him to get it marked from the AC. Of course, this is something they could have done themselves but such is the nature of bureaucracy in our territory. Of course, it is much similar if not even more tedious in India and Pakistan. 

Here's the application:

The application was addressed to the Administrator of the Municipality - a position which doesn't exist at the moment - and thus its duties are being performed by the Assistant Commissioner (AC), also described as the Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM).

In countries or governance systems where the public and the government are in sync is where tremendous achievements take place. We've not had such luck in AJK since 1947 but there's a first time for everything.


Continuing our monitoring of electricity supply in Dadyaal:

0001hrs: Electricity disappeared

Soon after I feel asleep and woke at 0600hrs to find that there was no electricity but it was raining thankfully. No doubt during the night it came and went a few times but I obviously was unable to monitor it.

0704hrs: It returned.

0711hrs: The electricity disappeared again.

As I leave home around 0745hrs and remain out in the field till 1000hrs I couldn't monitor the electricity during this period; not until I returned home at 1020hrs and found there to be no electricity.

1030hrs: It came but at a low voltage

1036hrs: The voltage normalises

1044hrs: Electricity disappears

1050hrs: It returned for just 3 seconds

1059hrs: Electricity returns

1130hrs: It leaves us again

1134hrs: It returns

1159hrs: It goes again

1259hrs: It came again

1303hrs: It went

1307hrs: Electricity returned

1314hrs: It left again

1323hrs: It returned

I then retired for my afternoon c. 1330hrs

I got up again at between no doubt it came and went a few times

1648hrs: It disappears again

1857hrs: It returned after more than 2 hours

1934hrs: It went again and didn't return until over 6 hours later the next morning.

A dark evening!


- Thus, in 12 hours and 25 minutes of monitoring between (0600hrs to 0745hrs), (1020hrs to 1330hrs) and (1630hrs to midnight) we received 150 minutes and 3 seconds of 745 minutes possible. 

- That is, 2 hours 30 minutes and 3 seconds received (of which 6 minutes were of low voltage) out of 12 hours and 25 minutes. 

Percentage of electricity received today: 20.1% of which 4% was low voltage. 
Yesterday: 51.7% of which 11.5% was low voltage


Wednesday, 15 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 166 of 2022


Day 10 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


We've initiated communication with the local administration today and suggested that they provide an appropriately modern and functional waste disposal bin. Here's the application:


It is without a doubt that the governance system around us - AJK son of Pakistan son of Imperial Britain - is rapidly disintegrating. The electricity we are receiving in the highest revenue generating tehsil (subdivision) of AJK (namely Dadyaal) is dwindling by the day. It is now easily less than 12 hours a day and the voltage is also rapidly deteriorating. There is no longer sufficient current to run a fridge and the ceiling fan also turns at a speed barely enough to generate a superficial breeze.

Not a day passes when we see multiple examples of our forests being burned out. All other aspects of governance have a similar gory tale to tell.


It was somewhat refreshing to read the following document:

Here's the comment that I made after reading it:

Thank you Jonathan. I found that quite insightful in some respects. I would just say among other important criteria for successful mediation in conflict resolution; the two that are most important in my opinion (and experience of over 17 years of uninterrupted on the ground action-oriented research in Jammu Kashmir & Allied areas) are genuine & representative inclusion of the affectees of conflict in any process and for that process to not be bound in time, it should be for the long haul, until resolution.

Meanwhile, I hope you are keeping well? We met quite a long time ago, one evening at a coffee shop in Islamabad, Pakistan.

End of comment....

The document above can be accessed on LinkedIn here.


Today I'll provide you a real-time insight into our electricity woes in AJK and specifically in Dadyaal, as I sit literally sweating on my keyboard:

1500hrs: Electricity arrived

1532hrs: Electricity departed

1646hrs: Electricity arrived (albeit at a very low voltage, not enough to make the ceiling fan spin at any reasonable speed!)

1718hrs: The voltage perked up to its regular voltage!

1753hrs: Electricity departed once again

1922hrs: Arrived

2034hrs: Gone

2044hrs: Returns

2111hrs: Gone....and its raining

2132hrs: Returns as rain recedes

2144hrs: Gone again

2153hrs: Back again

2202hrs: Gone yet again

2300hrs: The electricity returns once again and remained until midnight.


- Thus, in 9 hours of monitoring between 1500hrs and midnight we received 279 minutes of 540 possible. 

- That is, 4 hours 39 minutes received (of which 32 minutes were of low voltage) out of 9 hours. 

- Barely half, which would average out to be around 12 hours out of 24.   

Percentage of electricity received: 51.7% of which 11.5% was low voltage. 


Earlier in the evening in Dadyaal, there appeared to be the first real protest against the power shortages meted out to this territory, despite producing more than ten times its need. There was a protest a couple of weeks ago but that was mild and brief. This was fiery, reports tell me.


Yes, the following is as absurd as it is true in the 'water kingdom' of Asia:


Meanwhile, I fired the following shot on Facebook, which I can't embed here - except as an image - but anyone can reach the link here


Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....