
Thursday, 16 June 2022

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 167 of 2022


Day 11 at Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square - Dadyaal.


Today, we were also able to hand over the application for a waste disposal bin (with a lid) back to the Municipality (Baldiya), to be placed in Maqbool Bhat Shaheed Square. Yesterday, it was marked by the Assistant Commissioner (AC) for directions/suggestions (I went myself to get it marked) while a day before I had sent a co-citizen to the Municipality for implementation. 

They had advised him to get it marked from the AC. Of course, this is something they could have done themselves but such is the nature of bureaucracy in our territory. Of course, it is much similar if not even more tedious in India and Pakistan. 

Here's the application:

The application was addressed to the Administrator of the Municipality - a position which doesn't exist at the moment - and thus its duties are being performed by the Assistant Commissioner (AC), also described as the Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM).

In countries or governance systems where the public and the government are in sync is where tremendous achievements take place. We've not had such luck in AJK since 1947 but there's a first time for everything.


Continuing our monitoring of electricity supply in Dadyaal:

0001hrs: Electricity disappeared

Soon after I feel asleep and woke at 0600hrs to find that there was no electricity but it was raining thankfully. No doubt during the night it came and went a few times but I obviously was unable to monitor it.

0704hrs: It returned.

0711hrs: The electricity disappeared again.

As I leave home around 0745hrs and remain out in the field till 1000hrs I couldn't monitor the electricity during this period; not until I returned home at 1020hrs and found there to be no electricity.

1030hrs: It came but at a low voltage

1036hrs: The voltage normalises

1044hrs: Electricity disappears

1050hrs: It returned for just 3 seconds

1059hrs: Electricity returns

1130hrs: It leaves us again

1134hrs: It returns

1159hrs: It goes again

1259hrs: It came again

1303hrs: It went

1307hrs: Electricity returned

1314hrs: It left again

1323hrs: It returned

I then retired for my afternoon c. 1330hrs

I got up again at between no doubt it came and went a few times

1648hrs: It disappears again

1857hrs: It returned after more than 2 hours

1934hrs: It went again and didn't return until over 6 hours later the next morning.

A dark evening!


- Thus, in 12 hours and 25 minutes of monitoring between (0600hrs to 0745hrs), (1020hrs to 1330hrs) and (1630hrs to midnight) we received 150 minutes and 3 seconds of 745 minutes possible. 

- That is, 2 hours 30 minutes and 3 seconds received (of which 6 minutes were of low voltage) out of 12 hours and 25 minutes. 

Percentage of electricity received today: 20.1% of which 4% was low voltage. 
Yesterday: 51.7% of which 11.5% was low voltage


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 52 of 2025

1900hrs: Resuming life as normal once again. One usually comes back stronger after a break.  This break lasted almost a week.  ....