
Sunday 4 February 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 35 of 2024


Slipped somewhat today. A lot of events emerged over the evening and took me deep into the early hours of this morning. Slept at c. 0500hrs and managed to get up at midday. Of course, this upset the rhythm developed over the past few days. 

A lot of helter skelter today but composure comes from experience.


A strong message was needed to be displayed in public before what could be a testing day tomorrow for both the 'Government' of AJK and the public of AJK. We are particularly disturbed by reported news that Pakistan's tout in chief could be visiting the territory tomorrow to stoke further ideas of conflict in our people:


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024

0653hrs: Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli....