
Friday 9 February 2024

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 40 of 2024


I made a deliberate effort to get to sleep at midnight. However, I couldn't sleep and eventually at 0300hrs I got up and spent a couple of hours monitoring what's happening in our Western neighbourhood. Despite refraining from paying attention to matters in our neighbourhood overall, one couldn't help prying into how election day turned out in Pakistan.

So much that always remained deliberately grey for 77 years has now become black and white.

From 0500hrs I did sleep till 1030hrs despite waking up at intervals from 0800hrs.


Our 5th weekly 'Awaami Adaalat' (Court of the Public) in a row:


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 208 of 2024

0653hrs: Preparing to leave my home for that long, engaging and most definitely intriguing walk to Sharda via Sehrmandi, Braali & Kotli....