
Friday, 30 August 2019

Daily Diary (DD) - Day 242 of 2019


The Jammu Narrative:

The road to Kashmir's deliverance from centuries of conquest has to pass through an intersection between the divided parts of Jammu.

Tanveer Ahmed

Cover of 'An Examined Life'

We have lived a dream for 14 years, that has had many nightmares in between. 

We learned to float with nature and mankind on our side. Humanity became our measuring tool for all activity. If we faltered as individuals, our mission for Azaadi (freedom) would have faltered too.

Power without responsibility is what we acutely suffer from in the State of Jammu & Kashmir. A country and nation State with structure, institutions, measurable history & geography and a free people, even a defined political entity according to the constitutions of India and Pakistan. 

That is on paper. In theory. Academic. De jure.

In reality, our land is a fierce contest between two armies over water and geography. They have both used religious identity in a calculated way. This de facto status has over-ruled any possibility of humanity flourishing here. 

Nevertheless we persisted in peacefully, legally and creatively contesting this inhumane structure by digging deep.  

A series of minor victories in public interest accumulated over the years and with time various levers of the internal power structure in AJK obliged to consolidate our stance. Our momentum has brought us to a moment where all the world's governments seem to be on one side and Iran on the other - standing in solidarity with us unlike Pakistan who does so with the purpose of claiming the territory for itself - the Iranians reminding the world of our right to self determination, in a resolution tabled in their parliament 9 days ago (22nd of August). 

Yes, Iran has its own fair share of relationship issues with many other nation States but our neutral aspirations a la Switzerland ensure that we do not favour Iran over Saudi Arabia, China over the USA or even Pakistan over India. Or vice versa or any other combination thereof.

With that scenario at one end of the spectrum (international order and regional order), the other end is global civil society; whose currency is human rights, democracy, constitutionalism, minority rights and anti-majoritarianism, civilisation-culture-health-education-tourism, water management, climate change and many other human endeavours. None of which have been given due consideration to since 1947. 

The economy of war in the past 72 years froze much of the public's conscience in its stride and thus, developing an internal political process in such circumstances was a difficult task, to say the least.

In such an environment, the odds are heavily stacked in favour of personal interest at the cost of public interest.

It almost seems as if the whole world is ready to buy us out!

Transparency assisted by communications technology can turn the tide in our favour though, regardless.

We need to maintain a relationship with global civil society based on activism that is universal in appeal, democratic in approach and constitutional in structure. 

It is difficult to speculate about the future. The internal or independent narrative in AJK has been strong for decades but we have suffered and struggled because it is almost impossible to sell peace in a war economy. Now that the floor is wide open after the BJP's seemingly unilateral move on August the 5th...anything is possible. If the Indian State genuinely wishes for no trouble from Pakistan in J & K, it has to assess the merit of J & K's own internal narrative to transform from a war economy to one dictated by peace.

As long as we endure an India vs Pakistan narrative, we cannot break this vicious cycle. That is essentially a war narrative. A peace narrative is something else all together.

We should feel the pain of the Kashmiri Pandit, the Jammu Dogra, the Buddhist in Ladakh, the Ismaili and Noorbakshi in GB as much as we feel the pain of Sunni Muslims in the Kashmir Valley. If we don't want Indians to take advantage of Pandit pain then we cannot possibly open the floor to Pakistan's demagoguery.

A lot of our population in AJK today is incensed at Pakistan's fresh attempt to 'own' Kashmir. A half hour midday vigil on a Friday afternoon was less solidarity with the Kashmir Valley and more business as usual; "Kashmir Banega Pakistan" (Kashmir will become Pakistan); in other words we're the benign ones, the Muslims of Pakistan standing against the oppression of a Hindu India. The latter is oppressing Muslims and thus a Hindu wrong makes two Muslims right and thus the majority of the world - which is non-Muslim -should heed our claim for Kashmir to become Pakistan.  

How logical is that?

Our internal narrative has to rise above narrating pain according to one's religious, regional. linguistic, tribal or sectarian identity. Indeed, we need to be candid about our own shortcomings, which in some aspects tower above the violations of our basic rights by India, Pakistan and the rest of the world.

This internal narrative must be inclusive, respect the right of any part of the erstwhile State of J & K to opt out from re-unification at any stage. The structure of the process envisaged must be representative of the population and the regional and international order should allow this process to take shape without external interference. Whether any part of the divided State wishes to rejoin or break away must be the unfettered choice of its people. Not dictated by the outside world.

This in short would be the parameters of a peace narrative as opposed to a war narrative. 

Indo-Pak bilateralism has failed beyond repair. It is characterised by external manipulation of the local citizenry, non democratic and unconstitutional procedure and an ever burgeoning war economy.

A peace narrative needs no bigger incentive to succeed than the fear of sinking further into a war economy. This also requires us to find solutions to water management and climate change, which should convince global civil society that we have a viable alternative that could provide utility to the world. 

Indo-Pak bilateralism would be replaced by meaningful discussion between those parts of the State with the respective controller of their territory. That is, GB and AJK with Pakistan and the Valley, Jammu and Ladakh with India. This could also entail AJK communicating with the Indian government on matters where we feel they are hindering an internal political process and likewise it could also entail Jammu communicating with Pakistan over any hindrance of the latter affecting them. Having said that, in the main such deliberations would be subject to the internal political process maturing to be increasingly practical. External manipulation would be replaced by internal consensus using local resources. The process would by definition be democratic and constitutional. Then we could seriously begin thinking about the dividends of a peace economy. 

The above paragraph in essence has even been discussed with our diaspora, many of whom are keen to open new channels of discussion to move away from the bilateralism that feeds the economy of war. If the Hurriyat Conference can speak to both countries over the decades and almost at will, there is no reason why both sides of Jammu cannot speak to both countries.

Essential Background: The Internal Political Process AJK > J & K

This whole procedure would be gradual according to the practicality of each step and the capacity of the local population to deliver it. Solutions are never difficult, having the political will to carry them out is far more significant.

The alternatives are quite bleak and the onus is on the aspiring citizens of Jammu & Kashmir to make this internal political process work.       

What is the Jammu narrative?

While pursuing the above, the peace as opposed to war narrative entails that we also shift our focus from a Valley centric solution towards a Jammu centric solution. If the divided parts of Jammu which have suffered the bulk of enforced migration since 1947 and consequent communal casualties can bind themselves back together piece by piece, that would give a geographic cushion to the Kashmir Valley from further Indo-Pak confrontation over them. 

It is ironic that Indian controlled Jammu has suffered from regionalism in favour of the Kashmir Valley by the Indian centre and likewise Pakistan has desired that we - AJK -merely exist for the sake of bolstering their claim for the Kashmir Valley. It is also ironic that since 2005, internal routes within the divided State have opened (with limitations albeit) in the Valley and in Poonch but not in any part of divided Jammu.

Despite what we've gone through - genocide of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs wherever each were a minority - and the lack of attention over our plight, our interfaith bonds and composite culture remain intact across the divide in Jammu. So much so that in the past couple of years Pakistan's intelligence agencies have had to work very hard to try and stem the flow of information between us, generated via social media. They haven't been successful though. At times, Pakistan's intelligence agencies have gone to the extent of threatening individuals here in AJK for engaging in conversations with our non Muslim brethren residing in Jammu.

Now, more to the point......given that J & K is not a bilateral issue and given that each country needs to be engaged with; according to whatever the local population perceives to be a restriction on the very internal political process needed to navigate away from this war economy. We have been trying for the past couple of years to facilitate the visit of Dr. Karan Singh to AJK. However, it appears that the Indian State has never been fond of such an idea. 

Essential background: Reconciliation for divided Jammu & Kashmir; working towards peace

His mere arrival here aged 88 would usher in a new era of peace.

As mentioned on the subject of Sharda earlier this summer, we did try and have a formal on the record (transparent) conversation with the Pakistanis. However, they weren't keen on transparency whatsoever and we as public policy activists - dependent on public funding to uphold public interest - cannot drag ourselves into ambiguity.

We feel that this is an opportune time as civil society in AJK to engage with the Indian State, on the subject of them not putting any obstacles in the way of Dr Karan Singh coming to AJK, if he so desires.

We aim to facilitate his entry into AJK via Khuiratta and indeed wish to discuss this matter with representatives of the Indian State at Tain. Specifically at the pre 1947 intersection where North would take you to Rajouri and South would take you to Jammu. This point is very close to the LOC. 

We have spent over two years (Between 2012 and 2014) on 'softening up' the LOC in Khuiratta and this initiative will merely be a continuation from where we left off.

Essential Background: Cracking the LOC at Tain - Khuiratta AJK 03/04/13   

There is much more to write on this seemingly dreamy subject but so much time, effort, intellect and resources have gone into pursuing what are essentially our basic, fundamental rights; enjoyed by a significant amount of the world's population.

Given that this initiative is essentially a public interest issue and has been derived from lengthy and multiple sources of internal public opinion, we wish to proceed - as always -with the strength of the collective wisdom of our society.

Hence, before we formally put this invitation of a proposed meeting with representatives of the Indian State at Tain - Khuiratta - on the matter of Dr Karan Singh's visit to AJK - to the Indian government, we wish to obtain agreement from the following 3 entities in AJK:

1) All operating factions of the JKLF in AJK

2) PNA - People's National Alliance
3) The AJK Government
Note: copies of this letter will be sent out to to all 3 entities tomorrow morning (the 31st of August) and we hope to receive the response of all 3 by the 7th of August.

For ease of communication and minimum ambiguity the following Urdu audio of the English text above will be sent out too:


I have been singing a similar song for years......


We are relentlessly pursuing the (belated) enactment of Britain's unfulfilled responsibilities in the avoidable dispute over Jammu & Kashmir:


I'm feeling compelled to quote and translate some Urdu poetry, despite not being an avid fan of poetry's role in the modern age:


Sach bata do qaum ko ab barmalla
Maar aye kaun sa teer tum
Ab wakaalat kya karogey tum meri
Bech aye ho mera Kashmir tum

Written by Akram Sohail in Urdu


Inform the nation of the truth absolutely
What targets have your arrows achieved?
How will you advocate on my behalf?
Now that you've gone and sold my Kashmir


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Daily Diary (DD) - Day 18 of 2025

0459hrs: Even a minute earlier than scheduled.